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Гравитация Том 3 - Мизнер Ч.

Мизнер Ч., Торн К., Уилер Дж. Гравитация Том 3 — М.: Мир, 1977. — 512 c.
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394. Schwinger J., Phys. Rev., 130, 800 (1963). [Упр. 40.8.]

395. Schwinger J., Phys. Rev., 130, 1253 (1963). [Упр. 40.8.]
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396. Heisenberg W., Euler H., Zs. Phys., 98, 714 (1936). [Упр. 40.8.]

397. Cavendish H., Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, Part II, p. 469, 1798. [§ 40.8.]

398. Rose R.D., Parker H.M., Lowry R.A., Kuhlthau A.R., Beams J.W., Phys. Rev. Lett., 23, 655 (1969). [§ 40.8.]

399. Dicke R.H., Peebles P.J.E., Space Sci. Rev., 4, 419 (1965). [§ 40.8.]

400. Shapiro 1.1., Smith W.B., Ash M-E., Ingalls R.P., Pettengill G.H., Phys. Rev. Lett., 26, 27 (1971). [§ 40.8.]

401. Beams J.W., Phys. Today, 24, 35 (1971). [§ 40.8.]

402. Paparetrou A., Math. Nachr., 12, 129 (1954). [§ 40.8.]

403. Papapetrou A., Math. Nachr., 12, 143 (1954). [§ 40.8.]

404. Papapetrou A., Zs. Phys., 139, 518 (1954). [§ 40.8.]

405. Kreuzer L.B., Phys. Rev., 169, 1007 (1968). [§ 40.8.]

406. Taub A.H., Equations of motion of test particles, London, 1965. [§ 40.9.]

407. Dicke R.H., Remarks on the observational basis of general relativity в книге Chiu and Hoffman, eds., Gravitation and Relativity, Benjamin, New York, 1964, p. I, 1964. [§ 40.9.]

408. Nordtvedt K., Phys. Rev., 169, 1014 (1968). [§ 40.9.]

409. Bender P.L., Dieke R.H., Wilkinson D.T., Alley C.O., Currie D.G., Fal-Ier J.E., Mulholland J.D., Silverberg E.C., Plotkin !I.E., Kaulla W.M., McDonald G.J.F., The lunar laser-ranging experiment в книге Davies, ed., Proceedings of the Conference on Experimental Tests of Gravitational Theories, 1970, California Inst, of Technology, 1971. [§ 40.9.]

410. Aharonov Y., Susskind L., Phys. Rev., 158, 1237 (1967). [§ 41.5.]

411. Pirani F.A.E. в книге Trautman A., Pirani F.A.E., Bondi H., Lectures on General Relativity, Brandeis 1964 Summer Institute on Theoretical Physics, vol I, Prentice-Hill, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1965, p. 249, 1965. [§ 41.7, 41.11.]

412. Penrose R., Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 55, 137 (1959). [§ 41.10.]

413. Wheeler J.A., Transcending the law of conservation of leptons в книге Atti del Convegno Internazionale sul Tema: The Astrophysical Aspects of the Weak Interactions, Quaderno N. 157. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 1971, p. 133. [§ 41.11, 44.6.]

414. Brill D.R., Wheeler J.A., Rev. Mod. Phys., 29, 465 (1957). [§ 41.11.]

415. Faekerell E.D., Ipser J.R., Phys. Rev., D5, 2455 (1972). [§ 41.11.]

416. Cartan E., Theory of Spinors, M.I.T. Press. Cambridge. Mass., 1966. [§ 41.11.]

417. Regge T., Nuovo Cimento. 19, 558 (1961). [§ 42.1, 42.2, 42.4, 42.6.]

418. Coxeter H.S.M., Regular Polytopes, Macmillan, New York, 2d ed., 1963. [§ 42.5.]

419. Wong C.-Y., Journ. Math. Phys., 12, 70 (1971). [§ 42.6, 42.7.]

420. Machado A., Proverbios у cantares XXIX in his Obras, Editorial Seneca, Mexico, pp. 235-236, 1940. [Эпиграф к гл. 43.]

421. Einstein A., Essays in Science, Philosophical Library, New York, 1934. Translated from Mein Weltbilde, Querido Verlag, Amsterdam, 1933. [§ 43.1, 44,6.]

422. Wheeler J.A., Mach’s Principle as Boundary Condition for Einstein’s Equations в книге Chiu H.-Y., Hoffman W.F., eds., Gravitation and Relativity, Benjamin, New York, 1964. [§ 43.1.]

423. Wheeler J.A., View that the distribution of mass and energy determines the metric в книге Onzieme Conseil de Physique Solvay: La Structure et revolution de l’univers, Edition Stoops, Brussels, Belgium, 1959. [§ 43.1.]

424. Honl H., Allgemeine Relativitatstheorie und Machsches Prinzip в книге Physikertagung Wien, Physik Verlag, Mosbach, Baden, Germany, 1962. [§ 43.1.]

425. DeWitt B.S., Phys. Rev., 160, 1113 (1967). [§ 43.1, 43.3.]

426. DeWitt B.S., Phys. Rev., 162, 1195 (1967). [§ 43.1, 43.3.]

427. Wheeler J.A., Superspace в книге Gilbert R.P., Newton R., Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics, p. 335, Gordon and Breach, New York,

1970. [§ 43.1.]
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428. Fischer A.E., The theory of superspace в книге Carmeli M., Fickler S.I., Witten L., Relativity, Plenum, New York, 1970. [§ 43.1.]

429. Baierlein R.F., Sharp D.H., Wheeler J.A., Phys. Rev., 126, 1864 (1962). [§ 43.2.]

430. Bohr N., Rosenfeld L., Kgl. Danske Videnskab Sels. Mat.-fys. Medd. 12, no. 8 (1933). [§ 43.2.]

431. Боголюбов H.H., Жирков Д.В., Введение в теорию квантованных полей, М., 1959. [§ 43.3.]

432. Peres A., Nuovo Cimento, 26, 53 (1962). [§ 43.3.]

433. Gerlach, U., Phys. Rev. 177, 1929 (1969). [§ 43.3.]

434. DeWitt B.S., Phys. Rev., 160, 1113 (1967). [§ 43.3.]

435. Leutwyler Н. в книге DeWitt С., Wheeler J.A., eds., Battelle Rencontres: 1967 Lectures in Mathematics and Physics, Benjamin, New York,

1968. p. 309. [§ 43.3.]

436. Misner C.W., Minisuperspace в книге Klauder J., ed., Magic Without Magic: John Archibald Wheeler, Freeman, San Francisco, 1972. [§ 43.3.]

437. Misner C. W., Phys. Rev., 8D, 3271 (1973). [§ 43.3.]

438. Kuchaf K., Journ. Math. Phys., 11, 3322 (1970). [§ 43.4.]

439. Planck M., Sitzungsber. Deut. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Kl. Math.-Phys. Tech., 440, 1899. [§ 43.4, 44.6.]
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