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Гравитация Том 3 - Мизнер Ч.

Мизнер Ч., Торн К., Уилер Дж. Гравитация Том 3 — М.: Мир, 1977. — 512 c.
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440. Tomonaga S., Progr. Theor. Phys., I, 27 (1946). [Упр. 43.5.]

441. Einstein А. введение к книге Schilpp P.A., ed., Albert Einstein: Philo-sopher-Scientist, Evanston, 111., 1949. [Эпиграф к гл. 44.]

442. Tolman R.C., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. US, 20. 169 (1934). [§ 44.1.]

443. Avez A., Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, 250, 3583 (1960). [§ 44.1.]

444. Geroch R.P., Singularities in the Spacetime of General Relativity: Their Definition, Existence, and Local Characterization, doctoral dissertation, Princeton University (1967). [§ 44.1.]

445. Bailey J., Bartl W., von Bochmann G., Brown R.C.A., Farley F.J.M., Jostlein H., Picasso E., Williams R.W., Phys. Lett. 28B, 287 (1968). [§ 44.2.]

446. Farley F.J.M., Nuovo Cimento, I, Numero Speciale, 59 (1969). [§ 44.2,]

447. Brodsky S. J., Drell S.D., Ann. Rev. Nuclear Sci., 20, 147 (1970). [§ 44.2.]

448. Wigner E.P., Commun. Pure and Appl. Math., 13, I (1960). [§ 44.2.]

449. Clifford W.K., Lectures and Essays, Stephen L., Pollock F., eds., Macmillan, London, 1879. [§ 44.3.]

450. Clifford W.K., Mathematical Papers, R. Tucker, ed., Macmillan, London, 1882. [§ 44.3.]

451. Wheeler J.A., Superspace and the nature of quantum geometrodynamics в книге Battelle Rencontres, 1967, Lectures in Mathematics and Physics, eds. DeWitt C., Wheeler J.A., Benjamin, New York, 1968. [Доп. 44.3, фиг. 44.1.]

452. Lichnerowicz A., Compt. Rend., Acad. Sci., Paris, 252, 3742 (1961). [Доп.


453. Lichnerowicz A., Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, 253, 940 (1961). [Доп.


454. Lichnerowicz A., Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, 253, 983 (1961). [Доп.


455. Milnor J., Enseignement Math., 8, 16 (1962). [Доп. 44.3.]

456. Milnor J., Enseignement Math.. 9, 198 (1963). [Доп. 44.3.]

457. Milnor J., Topology, 3, 223 (1965). [Доп. 44.3.]

458. Milnor J. в книге Cairns S.S., ed., Differential and Combinatorial Topology, Princeton, N.J., 1965, p. 55 [Доп. 44.3.]

459. Hsiang W.-C., Sanderson B. J., Illinois Journ. Math., 9, 651 (1965). [Доп.


400. Anderson D.W., Brown E.H., Peterson F.P., Bull. Am. Math. Soc., 72, 256 (1966). [Доп. 44.3.]

461. Anderson D.W., Brown E.H., Peterson F.P., Ann. Math., 83, 54 (1966). [Доп. 44.3.]

462. Lichnerowicz A., Propagateurs, commutateurs, et anticommutateurs en
Литература 503

relativite generate, в книге Relativity, Groups and Topology, des. De-Witt C., DeWitt B.S., Gordon and Breach, New York, 1964. [Доп. 44.3.]

463. Pauli W., Exclusion Principle and Quantum Mechanics; Нобелевская лекция 1945 г., Editions Grisson, Neuchatel Switzerland, 1947. [Доп.


464. Misner С. W., Wheeler J.A., Ann. Phys. USA, 2. 525 (1957). [Фиг. 44.1.]

465. Сахаров А.Д., ДАН СССР, 177, 70 (1967). [§ 44-4.]

466. Anderson С.D., Phys. Rev., 43, 491 (1933). [§ 44.4.]

467. Mann Т., Freud. Goethe, Wagner, Knopf., New York, Essay, on Freud published originally as Freud und die Zukunft (Vortrag Gehalten in Wien am 8 Mai 1936 zur Feier von Sigmund Freuds 80 Geburtstag). Bormann-Fischer, Wien, 1937. [§ 44.5.]

468. Werner F.G., remark to J.A. Wheeler on June 3 at the Cincinnati, Ohio,

Relativity Conference in the Midwest, 1969. [§ 44.5.]

469. Kilmister C.W., Gen. Relativity and Gravitation, 2, 35 (1971). [Фиг. 44.3.]

470. Kneebone G.T., Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics: An Introductory Survey, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1963. [Доп.


471. Shannon C., Trans. Am. Inst. Elect. Eng., 57, 713 (1938). [§ 44.5.]

472. Hohn F.E., Applied Boolean Algebra: An Elementary Introduction, 2d ed., Macmillan, New York, 1966. [§ 44.5.]

473. Bernoulli D., Hydrodynamica, chapter 10 (1733), Archives of Academy of Science, Leningrad; summarized in C.C. Gillispie, ed., Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Scribners, New York, vol. 2, 1970. [Доп. 44.5.]

474. Jauch J., Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1968. [Доп. 44.5.]

475. Gddel K., Monatsh. Math. Phys., 38, 173 (1931). [Доп. 44.5.]

476. Cohen P., Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis, Benjamin, New York, 1966. [Доп. 44.5.]

477. Kac М., Ulam S., Mathematics and Logic: Retrospect and Prospects, Praeger, New York, 1968; abridged edition by Pelican Books, Harmond-sworth, Middlesex, 1971. [Доп. 44.5.]

478. Leibniz G.W., La Monadologie, 1714; parts included in P.P. Wiener, ed., Leibniz Selections, Scibners, New York, 1951. [§ 44.6.]

479. Eddington A.S., Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 27, 15 (1931). [§ 44.6.]

480. Eddington A.S., Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, Eng., 1936. [§ 44.6.]

481. Eddington A.S., Fundamental Theory, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, Eng., 1946. [§ 44.6.]

482. Carter B., preprint, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, Cambridge, England, 1968. [§ 44.6.]

483. Lecat M., Bibliographie de la relativite, Lamertine, Bruxelles, 1924.

484. Boni N., Russ M., Laurence D-H., A Bibliographical Check List and Index to the Published Writings of Albert Einstein, Pageant Books, Paterson, New York, 1960.
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