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Пространственные гиперзвуковые течения вязкого газа - Башкин В.А.

Башкин В.А., Дудин Г.Н. Пространственные гиперзвуковые течения вязкого газа — М.: Наука. Физматлит, 2000. — 288 c.
ISBN 5-02-015563-2
Скачать (прямая ссылка): prostranstvenzvuktechgaza2000.djvu
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Rao D. M., Whitehead A. H., Jr. Leeside vortices on delta wings at hypersonic speeds//AIAA Journal. 1972. V. 10, N 11. P. 1458-1465.
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Whitehead A. H.t Jr., Hefner J. N.t Rao D. M. Lee surface vortex effects over configurations in hypersonic flow//AIAA Pap. 1972. N 72—77.
Научное издание
БАШКИН Вячеслав Антонович ДУДИН Георгий Николаевич
Редактор Л. А. Панюшкина Компьютерная графика М. В. Ивановского Компьютерная верстка Н. В. Дзюбы
ЛР № 020297 от 23.06.1997
Подписано в печать 23.06.2000. Формат 60x 90/16
Бумага офсетная № 1. Печать офсетная.
Усл. печ. л. 18. Уч.-изд. л. 19,8. Тираж 1000 экз.
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Тел.: 254-97-27, 254-99-58, 584-16-23.
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Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Prof. N. E. Zhukovsky
BASHKIN VyacheslavA. DUDIN Georgy N.
3-Dimensional Hypersonic Viscous Flow. — Moscow: Nauka. Fizmatlit, 2000. - 288 p. - ISBN 5-02-015563-2
The hypersonic flow of viscous perfect heat-conductive gas over thin bodies for various viscous-inviscid interaction regimes is considered on the base of two-layer model. Within the classic problem the flow over thin elliptical cones is investigated for wide problem parameters and their influence of flow structure and the behavior of local and total aerodynamic coefficients are illustrated. The flow over thin triangular wings at zero and small angles of attack is considered for the presence of viscous-inviscid interaction. The flow field structure within 3-dimensional boundary layer and the behavior of aerodynamic characteristics of triangular wings in the dependence of problem parameters investigated. Features of 3-D separated flows and without viscous-inviscid interaction are briefly presented.
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