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Особенности дифференцируемых отображений Том 2 - Аввакумова Н.И.

Аввакумова Н.И. , Варченко А.Н., Гусейн-заде С.М. Особенности дифференцируемых отображений Том 2 — М.: Наука, 1984. — 334 c.
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333. Saito K. The zeroes of characteristic function %f for the exponents of a hypersurface isolated singular point.— Advanced Studies in Pure Math., 1982, v. 1, p. 193—215. 334 литература

334. S а і t о К. Period mapping associated to a Primitive form.— Preprint, 1983.

335. S а і t о M. Exponents of a reduced and irreducible plane curve singularity.— Preprint, 1982.

336. S а і t о M. Exponents and the geometric genus of an isolated hypersurface singularity.— Proc. of Symp. in Pure Math., 1983, v. 40, part 2, p. 465—472.

337. S а і t о M. Exponents and Newton polyhedra of isolated hypersurface singularities.— Inst. Fourier, Grenoble, 1983, p. 1 —10.

338. S а і t о M. On the structure of Brieskorn lattices.— Inst. Fourier, Grenoble, 1983, p. 1—28.

339. Scherk J. A propos d'une theoreme de Mather et Yau.— С. r. Acad. Sei., 1983, v. 296, № 12, p. 513—515.

340. Siersma D. Isolated line singularities.— Proc. of Symp. in Pure Math., 1983, v. 40, part 2, p. 485—496.

341. Singularities.—Proc. of Symp. in Pure Math., 1983, v. 40, parts 1—2.

342. Slodowy P. Simple singularities and simple algebraic groups.— Lect. Notes in Math., 1980, № 815, p. 1—175.

343. Steenbrink J. Semicontinuity of the singularity spectrum.— Preprint 23, Math. Inst., Univ. of Leiden, 1983, p. 1—9.

344. Y a u St. S.-T. Solvable Lie algebras and Кас-Moody algebras arising from isolated singularities.— Univ. of Illinois, 1983, p. 1—94.

345. Yau St. S.-T.— Milnor algebras and equivalence relations among holo-morphic functions.— Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 1983, v. 9, № 2, p. 235—239.

346. Yoshinaga E., Suzuki M. Normal forms of non-degenerated quasi homogeneous functions with inner modality <4.— Invent. Math., 1979, v. 55, p. 185—206.
Предыдущая << 1 .. 154 155 156 157 158 159 < 160 >



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