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Конечные поля. Том 1 - Лидл Р.

Лидл Р., Нидеррайтер Г. Конечные поля. Том 1 — М.: Мир, 1988. — 430 c.
ISBN 5-03-000065-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): konechniepolya1988.djvu
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Some cyclotomic matrices, Acta Arith. 5 , 293-308 (1959). :
A note on exponential sums, Acta Sci. Math. Szeged 21, 135-143 (i960)
A theorem on permutations in a finite field, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. It*
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[83] Some theorems on permutation polynomials, Bull. Amer, Math. Soc.
120-122 (1962). ;if
[84] A theorem on "ordered" polynomials in a finite field, Acta Arith.
7(ti 167-172 (1962).
[85] Some identities over a finite field, Quart. J. Math. (2) 13, 299-303
[86] A note on permutation functions over a finite field, Duke Math. J.
325-332 (1962).
[87] Solvability of certain equations in a finite field, Acta Arith. 7,
[88] A note on finite fields, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 13, 546-549 (1962).
189] Note on a problem of Dickson, Proc.. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 , 98-100
[90] A note on permutations in an arbitrary field, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
14 101 (1963).
[91] A note on the Betti-Mafhieu group, Portugal. Math. 22, 121-125
(1963) ^
[92] Classes of pairs of commuting matrices over a finite field, Amer.
Math. Monthly 70, 192-195 (1963).
193] Permutations in finite fields, Acta Sci. Math. Szeged 24, 196-203
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[94] Simultaneous representations in quadratic and linear forms over GF
[#, #1*1 Duke Math. J. 30, 259-270 (1963). . f
[95] The distribution of irreducible polynomials in several
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[96] A property of irreducible polynomials related to Mersenne primes,
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s ¦ 4: < *•
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97j Functions and polynomials (mod p'*)> Acta Arith. 9, 67-78 (1964).
981 A note on multiple Kloosterman sums, J. Indian Math. Soc. 29, 197-200
/99j The distribution of irreducible polynomials in several
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1102] A note on quadrics over a finite field, Duke Math. J. 33, 453-458
1103] A note on irreducible cubics mod p, Norske Vid. Selsk. Forh.
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1104] Restricted product of the characteristic polynomials of matrices
over a finite field, Illinois J. Math. 11, 128-133 (1967).
[105] Some theorems on irreducible reciprocal polynomials over a finite
field, J. reine angew, Math. 227, 212-220 (1967).
[106] A note on Gauss's sum, Le Matematiche (Catania) 23, 147-150 (1968).
[107] Some formulas related to Gauss's sum, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova
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I'iOS] A note on exponential sums, Pacific J. Math. 30, 35-37 (1969).
109 Gauss sums over finite fields of order 2n, Acta Arith. 15, 247-265
: П0' A theorem on sets of polynomials over a finite field, Acta Arith.
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[Ill] Kloosterman sums and finite field extensions, Acta Arith. 16, 179-
fil2] Factorization of a special polynomial over a finite field, Pacific
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.113] Reduction formulas for certain multiple exponential sums,
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[114] The number of solutions of certain matrix equations over a finite
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[115] Correspondences in a finite field, f, Acta Arith. 27, 101 - 123
?H6] A note on sums of three squares in GF [q, x\t Math. Mag 48, 109- l Ю
M17J Correspondences in a finite field. 11, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 24,
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;H8j A theorem on lacunary polynomials in a finite field, Amer, Math.
83, 37 38 (1976).
[319] Some theorems on polynomials over a finite field, Amer. Math.
84, 29-32 (1977).
[!20] A theorem on linear exponential sums, Univ. Beograd. Publ.
Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. 577-598 , 55-56 (1977).
1321 ] Functions and correspondences in a finite field, Bull. Amer.
.Math. Soc. 83, 139-165 (1977).
|.3 22 j A note on exponential sums, Math; Scand. 42, 39-48 (1978).
1123} Polynomial characteristic functions for GF (p) and irregular
primes, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 8, 583-587 (1978).
U24j Explicit evaluation of certain exponential sums, Math. Scand. 44, 5-
16 П979).
1325] Evaluation of some exponential sums over a finite field, Math.
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CARLITZ L., COHEN E. [1] Divisor functions of polynomials in a Galois
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[2j Cauchy products of divisor functions in GF \pn, jt], Duke Math. J.
14, 707- 722 (1947).
39j The number of representations of a polynomial in certain special
quadratic forms, Duke Math. J. 15, 219-228 (1948).
GARLITZ L., CORSON I I. И. [1 ] Some special equations in a finite field,
Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 41, 752 -754 (1955),
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