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Физика полупроводниковых приборов - Зи С.М.

Зи С.М. Физика полупроводниковых приборов — М.: Энергия, 1973. — 656 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): fizikapoluprovodnikovihpriborov1973.djvu
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Electron Devices, 12, 3-74 (1965).
41. Hauer W. В. "Definition and Determination of the Series Inductance of
Tunnel Diodes", IRE Trans, on Electron Devices, 8, 470 (1961).
42. Shurmer H. V. "Backward Diodes As Microwave Detectors", Proc. Inst.
Elec. Eng., London, 111, 1511 (1964).
43. Eng. S. T. "Low - Noise Properties of Microwave Backward Diodes", IRE
Trans, on MTT, 8, 419 (1961).
44. Hopkins J. B. "Alloyed InAs Microwave Backward Diodes", ШЕЕ
International Solid State Device Conference, Paper 13. 5, Washington, D.
C. (Nov. 1967).
45. Torrey H. C" Whitmer C. A. Crystal Rectifiers, Ch. 8, McGraw - Hill
Book Co. (1948).
46. Sze S. М., Ryder R. M. "The Nonlinearity of the Reverse Current-
Voltage Characteristics of a-p-n Junction Near Avalanche Breakdown", Bell
Syst. Tech. J., 46, 1135 (1967).
47. Karlovsky J. "The Curvature Coefficient of Germanium Tunnel and
Backward Diodes," Solid-State Electron, 10, 1109 (1967).
48. Hall R. N. "Tunnel Diobes," IRE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-7, 1
Дополнительная литература
1. Бонч-Бруевич В. JI.- "Физика твердого тела", 4, 2660 (1962).
2. Келдыш J1. В., Прошко Г. П.- "Физика твердого тела", 5, 3378 (1963).
3. Фистуль В. И. Сильно легированные полупроводники, М., "Наука", 1967.
4. Келдыш Л. В. ЖТФ, 33, 994 (1957).
5. Келдыш Л. В. ЖТФ, 34, 963 (1958).
6. Белова Н. А., Бонч-Бруевич В. Л. и др. "Туннельные диоды", М.,
"Советское радио", 1966.
1. Shockley W. "Negative Resistance Arising From Transit Time in
Semiconductor Diodes", Bell Syst. Tech. J., 33, 799 (1964).
2. Read W. Т. "А. Proposed Hugh-Frequency Negative Resistance Diode",
Bell Syst. Tech. J., 37, 401 (1958).
3. Johnston R. L., DeLoach В. C., Jr., Cohen B. G. "А Silicon Diode
Microwave Oscillator", Bell Syst. Tech. J., 47, 369 (1964).
4. Lee C. A., Batdorf R. L., Wiegman W., Kaminsky G. "The Read Diode an
Avalanche, Transit-Time, Negative-Resistance Oscillator", Appl. Phys.
Letters, 6, 89 (1965).
5. Misawa T. "Negative Resistance on p-n Junction Under Avalanche
Breakdown Conditions, pt I and II", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-13,
137-151 (1966).
6. Sze S. М., Gibbons G. "Avalanche Breakdown Voltages ol Abrupt and
Linearly Graded p-n Junctions in Ge, .Si, GaAs and GaR", Appl. Phys.
Letters, 8, 111 (1966).
7. lbbons G., ze S. M. "Avalanche Breakdown in Read and
p-i-n Diodes", Solid State Electron, 11, 225 (1968).
8. Crowell C. R., Sze S. M. "Temperature Dependence of Avalanche
Multiplication in Semiconductors", Appl. Phys. Letters, 9, 242
9. Sze S. М., Shockley W. "Unit-iOube Expression for 'Space Charge
Resistance", Bell Syst. Tech. J., 46, 837 (1967).
10. Gilden М., Hines M. F. "Electronic Tuning Effects in the
Read Microwave Avalanche Diode", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-13, 169
11. Misawa T. "Multiple Uniform Layer Approximation ill Analysis of
Negative Resistance in p-n Junction in Breakdown", IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices, ED-14, 795 (1967).
12. Gummel H. K., Scharfetter D. L. "Avalanche Region of IMPATT Diodes",
Bell Syst. Tech. J., 45, 1797 (1966).
13. DeLoach В. C., Jr. "Recent Advances in Solid State Microwave
Generators", a chapter in Advances in Microwaves, vol. 2, New
York, Academic Press, 1967, pp. 43-88.
14. Early J. M. "Maximum Rapidly Switchable Power Density in Junction
Triodes", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-6, 322 (1959).
15. Johnson E. O. "Physical Limitation on Frequency and Power Parameters
of Transistors", IEEE Intern. Conv. Record, pt. 5, p. 27
16. Scharfetter D. L., Gummel H. K. "Large-Signal Analysis of a Silicon
Read Diode Oscillator", Solid State Device Research Conference, Evanston,
June 1966.
16 a. Johnston R. L., Scharfetter D. L., Bartelink D. J. "High-Efficiency
Subtransit Time Oscillations in Germanium Avalance Diode", Proc. IEEE, 56
17. Hines M. F. "Noise Theory for Read Type Avalanche Diode", IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices, ED-13, 158 (1966).
18. Gummel H. K-, Blue J. L. "А. Small-Signal Theory of Avalanche Noise
on IMPATT Diodes", IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices, ED-14, 569 (1967).
19. Rulison R. L., Gibbons G., Josenhaus J. G. "Improved Performance of
IMPATT Diodes Fabricated From Ge", Proc. I-EEE, 55, 223
20. Swan С. B., Misawa Т., Bricker С. H. "Continuous Oscillations at
Millimeter Wavelengths With Silicon Avalanche Diodes", Proc. IEEE, 55,
1747 (1967).
21. DeLoach В. C., Johnston R. L. "Avalanche Transit-Time Microwave
Oscillators and Amplifiers", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-13, 18
22. Misawa Т., Marinaccio L. P. "А 1/4 Watt Si p-v-n X-Band IMPATT
Diode", Inter. Electron Device Meeting, Washington, D. C. (Oct. 1966).
23. Iglesias D. E. "Circuit for Testing High Efficiecy IMPATT Diodes",
Proc. IEEE, 55, 2065 (1967).
24. Josenhaus J. G., Misawa T. "Experimental Characterization of a
Negative-Resistance Avalanche Diode", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices. ED-
43., 206 (1966).
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