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Гравитация и космология. Принципы и приложения общей теории относительности - Вейнберг С.

Вейнберг С. Гравитация и космология. Принципы и приложения общей теории относительности — М.: Мир, 1975. — 695 c.
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*Penzias A. A.. Cosmology and Microwave Astronomy, в книге Cosmology, Fusion and OtherMatters, George GamowMemorial Volume, Adam Hilger Ltd., London, 1972, p. 29.

Ранняя Вселенная

Harrison E. R., Comments on the Big-bang, Nature, 228, 258 (1970). Novikov I. D., Zeldovich Ya. B., Cosmology, в книге Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 5, Annual Reviews, Inc., 1967, p. 627.

Zeldovich Ya. B., The Universe as a Hot Laboratory for the Nuclear and Particle

Physicist, Comments Astrophys. and Space Phys., 2, 12 (1970). Зельдович Я. Б., Горячая модель Вселенной, УФН, 89, 647 (1966).

Происхождение и содержание элементов

Aller L. H., Abundance of the Elements, Interscience Publishers, 1961. Aller L. H., The Abundance of Elements in the Solar Atmosphere, в книге Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 3, Academic Press, 1965, p. 1.

Burbidge G. R., Cosmic Helium, Comments Astrophys. and Space Phys., 1, 101 (1969).

Cameron A. G., Processes of Nucleosynthesis, Comments Astrophys. and Space Phys., 2, 153 (1970). Цитированная литература


Clayton D. D., Principles ot Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis, McGraw-Hill, 1968.

Danziger I. J., The Cosmic Abundance of Helium, в книге Annual Review of Astronomyand Astrophysics, Vol. 8, Annual Reviews, Inc., 1970, p. 161.

Fowler W. A., How Now, No Cosmological Helium?, Comments Astrophys. and Space Phys., 2, 134 (1970).

Fowler W. A., Stephens W- E., Resource Letter OE-I on Origin of Elements, Am. J. Phys., 36, 1 (1968).

Tayler R. J., The Origin of the Elements, перепечатано в книге Astrophysics, W.A. Benjamin, 1969.

*Fowler W. A., «New Observations and Old Nucleocosmochronologies», в книге Cosmology, Fusion and Other Matters. George Gamow Memorial Volume, Adam Hilger Ltd., 1972, p. 67.

Флуктуации и образование галактик

Field G. В., The Formation and Early Dynamical History of Galaxies, в книге Stars and Stellar Systems, Vol. IX: Galaxies and the Universe, ed. A. and M. Sandage, в печати.

Harrison E. R., Normal Modes of Vibration of the Universe, Rev. Mod. Phys., 39, 862 (1967).

Layzer D., Cosmogonic Processes, в книге Astrophysicsand General Relativity (1968 Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics), Vol. 2, ed. M. Chretion, S. Deser, J. Goldstein, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1969.

Layzer D., A Unified Approach to Cosmology, в книге Relativity Theory and Astrophysics. 1. Relativityand Cosmology, ed. J. Ehlers, American Mathematical Society, 1967, p. 237.

Oort J. H., Galaxies and the Universe, Science, 170, 1363 (1970).

Rees M. J., Seiama D. W-, The Evolution of Density Fluctuations in the Universe, Comments Astrophys. and Space Phys., 1, 140, 153 (1969).


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