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Общая теория относительности - Синг Дж.Л.

Синг Дж.Л. Общая теория относительности — М.: ИЛ, 1963. — 432 c.
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On groups of conformal transformations in spherically symmetric
1210. Takeno H., Tensor, 5, 71 (1955) [MR 17 , 908],
On solutions of the field equations in general relativity with an
1211. Takeno H., Tensor (N. S.), 6, 15 (1956) [MR 18, 704].
On the theory of gravitational waves.
1212. Takeno H., Tensor (N. S.), 7, 97 (1957); 8, 59 (1958) [MR 21, 475].
On plane wave solutions of field equations in general relativity.
1213. T а к e n о H., I к e d a М., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A17, 75
(1953) [MR 15,565].
Theory of the spherically symmetric space-time. VII.
1214. Takeno H., Ueno Y., Progr. Theor. Phys., 15, 322 (1956) [MR 19,
On the wave theory of light in general relativity. III. Electromagnetic
four-potential (части I и II, см. Ueno [1298]).
1215. Takeuchi Т., Proc. Phys.-Math. Soc. Japan, 15, 217 (1933) [Z 7,
Universe without curvature.
1216. T a u b A. H., Phys. Rev., 74, 328 (1948) [MR 10, 72].
Relativistic Rankine - Hugoniot equations.
1217. T a u b A. H., Ann. of Math., 53, 472 (1951) [MR 12, 865].
Empty space-times admitting a three parameter group of motions.
1218. T a u b A. H., Phys. Rev., 94, 1468 (1954) [MR 16, 185].
General relativistic variational principle for perfect fluids.
1219. T a u b A. H., Phys. Rev., 103, 454 (1956) [MR 18, 177].
Isentropic hydrodynamics in plane symmetric space-times.
1220. T a u b A. H., Illinois Journ. Math., 1, 370 (1957) [MR 19,
Singular hypersurfaces in general relativity.
1221. T aub A. H., Phys. Rev., 107, 884 (1957) [MR 19, 1139].
Approximate solutions of the Einstein equations for isentropic motions of
plane-symmetric distributions of perfect fluids.
1222. T a u b A. H., Arch. Rational Mech. Analysis, 3, 312 (1959) [MR 21,
On circulation in relativistic hydrodynamics.
1223. Tauber G. E., Canad. Journ. Phys., 33, 824 (1955) [MR 17, 675].
On equations of motion in general relativity.
1224. Tauber G. E., Canad. Journ. Phys., 35, 477 (1957) [MR 19, 103].
The gravitationsl fields of electric and magnetic dipoles.
1225. Taylor N. W., Australian Journ. Sci. Res., A5, 423 (1952) [MR 14,
A simplified form of the relativistic electromagnetic equations.
1226. Taylor N. W., Australian Journ. Phys., 6, 1 (1953) [MR 14, 915].
The relativistic electromagnetic equations in a material medium.
1227. Teisseyre R., Acta. Phys. Polon., 13, 45 (1954) [MR 15, 751].
Note on the problem of coordinate conditions and equations of motion in
general relativity theory.
1228. Temple G., Proc. Phys. Soc., 36, 176 (1923) [SA 27, 592].
Whitehead's theory of relativity.
1229. Temple G., Proc. Roy. Soc., A154, 354 (1936) [Z 13, 371].
Gauss's theorem in general relativity.
1230. Temple G., Proc. Roy. Soc., A168, 122 (1938) [Z 19, 380].
New systems of normal coordinates for relativistic optics.
1231. Temple G., Proc. Phys. Soc., 51, 465 (1939) [Z 21, 181].
Relativistic cosmology.
1232. Thackeray A. D., W e s s e 1 i n к A. J., Nature, 171, 693 (1953)
[SA 56, 684].
Distances Of the Magellanic clouds.
1233. T h i r r i n g H" Phys. Zs., 19, 33 (1918); 22, 29 (1921) [JF 46,
1316; 48, 1018).
Uber die Wirkung rotierender ferner- Massen in der Einsteinschen
1234. Т h i г г i n g W., Fortschr. Phys., 7, 79 (1959).
Lorentz-invariante Gravitationstheorien.
1235. Thiry Y" Journ. Math. Pures Appl., 30, 275, 317 (1951) [MR 13,
Iitude mathematique des equations d'une theorie unitaire a quinze
variables de champ.
1236. Thiry Y.,' Compt. Rend., 235, 1480 (1952) [MR 14, 591].
Sur une generalisation du probleme de Schwarzschild a une thdorie
1237. Thiry Y., Compt. Rend., 241, 691 (1955) [MR 17, 200].
Sur le caractere statique d'un modele d'univers stationaire en theorie
unitaire de Jordan - Thiry.
1238. Thomas L. H., Ann. of Math., 42, 113 (1941) [MR 2, 216].
On unitary representations of the group of de Sitter space.
1239. Thomas L. H., Rev. Mod. Phys., 17, 182 (1945) [MR 7, 397].
Relativistic invariance.
1240. Thomas T. Y., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 15, 906 (1929) [JF 55,
On the existence of integrals of Einstein's gravitational equations for
free space and their extension to n variables.
1241. Thomas T. Y" Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 16, 761, 830
(1930); 17, 48, 111,
199, 325 (1931) [Z 1, 243, 427].
1242. Thomas T. Y., The differential invariants of generalized
spaces, Cambridge,
1934 [Z 9, 85].
1243. Thomas T. Y., Rec. Math. Moscou (N. S.), 3, 331 (1938) [Z 19, 279].
New theorems on Reimann-Einstein spaces.
1244. Thomsen G., Atti R. Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat.
5, 778 (1927) [J. F 53, 819].?
Sopra la meccanica relativistica dei sistemi olonomi.
1245. Thomsen G., Atti R. Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat.
Nat., 5,
866 (1927) [JF 53, 819].
Sulla cinematica dei corpi rigidi nella relativita generale.
1246. Thomsen G., Atti R. Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., 5,
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