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Общая теория относительности - Синг Дж.Л.

Синг Дж.Л. Общая теория относительности — М.: ИЛ, 1963. — 432 c.
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The Riemann tensor in a completely harmonic P4.
1029. Ruse H. S., Quart. Journ. Math. Oxford Ser., 17, 1 (1946) [MR 7,
The five-dimensional geometry of the curvature tensor in a Rieman-nian
1030. Ruse H. S., Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 7, 144 (1946) [MR 7, 395].
A. G. D. Watson's principal directions for a Riemannian P4.
1031. Ruse H. S., Journ. London Math. Soc., 31, 243 (1946) [MR 9, 102].
On simply harmonic spaces.
1032. Ruse H. S., Phil. Mag., 38, 408 (1947) [MR 9, 249].
Multivectors and catalytic tensors.
1033. Ruse H. S., Proc. London Math. Soc., 50, 75 (1948) [MR 10, 66].
The self-polar Riemann complex for a P4.
1034. Ruse H. S., Proc. London Math. Soc., 50, 317 (1948) [MR 10, 266].
On simply harmonic'kappa-spaces' of four dimensions.
1035. Ruse H. S., Quart. Journ. Math., Oxford Ser., 20, 218 (1949) [MR
11, 461)-
On parallel fields of planes in a Riemannian space.
1036. Ruse H. S., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburg, A63, 78 (1950) [MR 12, 358].
Parallel planes in a Riemannian V4.
1037. Ruse H. S., Proc. London Math. Soc., 53, 13 (1951) [MR 13, 280].
The Riemann complex in a four-dimensional space of recurrent curvature.
1038. Ruse H. S., Proc. London Math. Soc., 53, 212 (1951) [MR 13, 280].
A classification of /C*-spaces.
1039. Russell B., Proc. Cambr. Phil, Soc., 32, 216 (1936) [Z 14, 195].
On order in time.
1040. S а к u m а К., S i b a t а Т., Journ. Sci. Hirosima Univ., All,
273 (1942)
[MR 9, 627].
Generalized geodesic lines and equations of motion in wave geometry.
1041. Salzman G., T a u b A. H., Phys. Rev., 95, 1659 (1954) [MR 16,
Born-type rigid motion in relativity.
1042. Sato I., Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 33, 30 (1949) [MR 12, 149].
An attempt to unite the quantum theory of wave field with the theory of
general relativity.
1043. Scheidegger A. E., Proc. Second Canadian Math. Congress, Vancouver,
(1949), Toronto [MR 13, 170].
On gravitational radiation.
1044. Scheidegger A. E., Phys. Rev., 82, 883 (1951) [MR 13, 170].
Gravitational transverse-transverse waves.
1045. Scheidegger A. E., Rev. Mod. Phys., 25, 451 (1953) [MR 15, 656].
Gravitational motion.
1046. Scheidegger A. E., Phys. Rev., 99, 1883 (1955) [MR 17, 545].
Gravitational radiation.
1047. Scheidegger A. E., Krotkov R. V., Phys. Rev., 89, 1096 (1953)
[MR 15, 85].
Relativistic statistical mechanics.
1048. S с h e г г e г W., Comm. Math. Helv., 26, 184 (1952); 27, 157
(1953) [MR 14,
417; 15, 170].
Metrische Feld und vektorielles Materiefeld.
1049. S с h e r r e r W., Zs. f. Phys., 138, 16 (1954) [MR 16, 79].
Grundlagen zu einer linearen Feldtheorie.
1050. S с h e r r e r W., Zs. f. Phys., 139, 44 (1954); 140, 164,
374 (1955); 144, 373
(1956) [MR 16, 635; 17, 305, 909].
Zur linearen Feldtheorie. I. Ein Wirkungsprinzip und seine Anwendung in
der Kosmologie. II. Schwache Felder. III. Die Gravitationsgleichungen.
IV. Stati-sche Felder.
1051. S с h i f f e r J. P., Marschall W., Phys. Rev. Lett., 3,
556 (1959).
Recoilles resonance absorption of gamma rays in Fe67.
1052. S с h i 1 d A., Phys., Rev., 66, 340 (1944) [MR 6, 241].
On Milne's theory of gravitation.
1053. S с h i 1 d A., Proc. Roy. Soc., A235, 202 (1956) [MR 17, 1245].
On gravitational theories of the Whitehead type.
1054. Schmutzer E., Zs. f. Phys., 143, 479 (1955) [MR 17, 1015].
Bemerkungen zum einheitlichen yariationsprinzip fiir die mechanischen
elek-trodynamischen und Gravitations-Grundgesetze.
1055. Schouten J. A., Der Ricci-Kalkul. Eine Einfiihrung in den naueren
den und Probleme der mehrdimensionalen Differentialgeometrie, Berlin,
1924 [JF 50, 588].
1056. Schouten J. A., Journ. Math. Phys., 10, 239, 272 (1931) [Z 4, 230].
Dirac equations in general relativity.
1057. Schouten J. A., Zs. f. Phys., 81, 129 (1933) [Z 6, 230].
Zur generallen Feldtheorie, Ableitung des lmpulsenergiestromprojektors
aus einem Variationsprinzip.
1058. Schouten J. A., Zs. f. Phys., 81, 405 (1933) [Z 6, 376].
Zur generallen Feldtheorie. Raumzeit und Spinraum. (G. F. V-).
1059. Schouten J. A., Ann. Inst. H. Poincard, 5, 51 (1935) [Z 11, 137].
La theorie projective de la relativite.
1060. Schouten J. A., Tensor analysis for physicists, Oxford, 1951, [MR
1061. Schouten J. A., Ricci-Calculus. An introduction to tensor analysis
its geometrical applications, 2nd ed., Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg,
1954 [MR 16, 521].
1062. Schouten J. A., van Dantzig D., Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam Proc.,
35, 642 (1932) [Z 5, 90].
Zum Univizierungsproblem der Physik. Skizze einer generellen Feldtheorie.
1063. Schouten J. A., van D a n t z i g D., Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam
35, 843 (1932) [Z 5, 271].
Zur generellen Feldtheorie. Diracsche Gleichungen und Hamiltonsche Funk-
1064. S с h о u t e n J. A., v a n D a n t z i g D., Zs. f. Phys., 78,
639 (1932) [Z 6, 230].
Generelle Feldtheorie.
1065. Schouten J. A., H a a n t j e s J., Zs. f. Phys., 89, 357
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