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Общая теория относительности - Синг Дж.Л.

Синг Дж.Л. Общая теория относительности — М.: ИЛ, 1963. — 432 c.
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91 (1936)
[Z 14, 283].
The field of a non-static spherical condensation.
767. M 0 1 1 e г C., The theory of relativity, Oxford, 1952 [MR 14,
768. Mailer C., Ann. of Phys., 4, 347 (1958) [MR 20, 116].
On the localization of energy of a physical system in the general theory
of relativity.
769. M oiler C., Ober die Energie nichtabgeschlossener Systeme in der
Relativitatstheorie, Max Planck Festschrift, Berlin, 1958.
770. Moon Р. В., Nature, 185, 427 (1960).
Developments in gamma-ray optics.
771. Mori nag a K., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A5, 151 (1935);
6, 103 (1936)
[Z 12, 232; 13, 228].
Wave geometry; Geometry in microscopic space.
772. M о r i n a g a K., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A7, 49 (1937) [Z
17, 237].
Wave geometry including Schwarzschild's and de Sitter's solution.
773. M о r i n a g a K., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A7,
169 (1937) [Z 17, 238].
On the general parallel displacement which makes ds ?=0 invariant.
774. M о r i n a g a K., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A7,
173 (1937) [Z 17, 238].
Geometrical interpretations of wave geometry.
775. M о r i n a g a K-, Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A7, 263 (1937) [Z
17, 238].
The hydrogen atom in terms of wave geometry.
776. M о r i n a g а К., T а к e п о H., Journ. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., A6,
191 (1936)
[Z 13, 368].
On some solutions of */2 V^A^sipqKloi 'pq = Ki
777. M о r 1 e у F., Amer. Journ. Math., 43, 29 (1921) [JF 48, 1040].
Note on Einstein's equation of an orbit.
778. Morris T. F., Phys. Rev., 69, 541 (1946) [MR 7, 532].
The two-body problem in Einstein's and Birkhoff's theories.
779. Morton W. B., Phil. Mag., 42, 511 (1921) [JF 48, 1329].
The forms of planetary orbits on the theory of relativity.
780. Mossbauer R. L., Zs. f. Phys., 151, 124 (1958) [SA 61, 834].
Kernresonanzfluoreszenz von Gammastrahlung in Ir191.
781. Mossbauer R. L., Naturwiss, 45, 538 (1958) [SA 62, 469].
Kernresonanzabsorption von Gammastrahlung in Ir191.
782. Mossbauer R. L., Zs. Naturforsch. 14a, 211 (1959).
Kernresonanzabsorption von ystrahlung in Ir191.
783. M u к e r j i В. C., Zs. f. Phys., 101, 270 (1936) [Z 14, 283].
Ober elektromagnetische Wellen im Friedmannschen Raum.
784. M u к e r j i B.C., Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc., 30, 95 (1938) [Z 20,
Two cases of exact gravitational fields with axial symmetry.
785. M u к e r j i В. C., Zs. Astrophys., 15, 1 (1938).
On the possibility of expansion of a slowly rotating mass of incoherent
particles under gravitational forces.
786. Mu kerj i В. C., Phil. Mag., 26, 1068 (1938) [Z 20, 92].
On gravitational waves in linearized fields.
787. Murnaghan F. D., Vector analysis and the theory of relativity,
1922 [JF 48, 1064].
788. Murnaghan F. D., Phil. Mag., 43, 580 (1922) [JF 48, 1330].
The deflexion of a ray of light in the solar gravitational field.
789. Nagy K., Bull. Acad. Polon., Cl. III, 4, 683 (1956) [MR 18, 856].
Uber die Bewegungsgleichungen des Pol-Dipol-Teilchens.
790. N ar i a i H., Sci. Rept. Tohoku Univ., Ser. I, 34, 160 (1950) [MR
14, 1133].
On some static solutions of Einstein's gravitational field equations in a
spherically symmetric case.
791. N a r i a i H., Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., Ser. I, 35, 62 (1951) [MR
14, 1133].
On a new cosmological solution of Einstein's field equations of
792. Nariai H.,Ueno Y., Progr. Theor. Phys., 20, 703 (1958) [MR 20, 938].
On the tests of gravitational theories in terms of an artificial
793. Narlikar V. V., Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 96, 263 (1936) [Z 13,
The stability of a particle in a gravitational field.
794. Narlikar V. V., Phil. Mag., 22, 767 (1936) [Z 15, 278].
A generalization of Schwarzschild's interior solution.
795. N а г 1 i к а г V- V., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., A14, 187 (1941) [MR
3, 212].
The gravitational equations of motion in relativity.
796. Narlikar V. V., Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 7, 237 (1941) [MR
8, 536].
The two-boby problem in Einstein's new relativity.
797. Narlikar V. V., Current Sci., 10, 164 (1941) [MR 8, 536].
The consistency of Einstein's new relativity with the geodesic postulate.
798. Narlikar V. V., К a r m a г к a г К. B., Nature, 157, 515 (1946) [MR
531]. 1
Geodesic form of Schwarzschild's exterior solution.
799. Narlikar V. V., Karmarkar K- R., Current Sci., 15, 69 (1946) [MR 8r
On a curious solution of relativistic field equations.
800. Narlikar V. V., M о g h e D. N., Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 95, 735
[Z 12, 377].
A note on an isotropic solution in relativity.
801. Narlikar V. V., M о g h e D. N., Phil. Mag., 20, 1104 (1935)
[Z 13, 40].
Some new solutions of the differential equations for isotropy.
802. Narlikar V. V-, Patwardhan С. K-, V a i d у a P. C., Proc. Nat.
Inst. Sci. India, 9, 229 (1943) [MR 8, 536].
Some new relativistic distributions of radial symmetry.
803. Narlikar V. V., Prasad A., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., A30, 181 (1949^
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