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Общая теория относительности - Синг Дж.Л.

Синг Дж.Л. Общая теория относительности — М.: ИЛ, 1963. — 432 c.
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124. С a r t а п Ё., Bull. Soc. Math. France, 59, 88 (1931); [114J, v.
II, pt. 2, p. 1199
[Z 2, 264].
Sur la thdorie des systemes en involution et ses applications a la
125. С a r t a n Ё., Compt. Rend., 196, 582 (1933); [114], v. Ill, pt. 2,
p. 1245 (Z 6, 225].
Sur les espaces de Finsler.
126. Castelnuovo G., Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 91, 829 (1931) [Z 2,
De Sitter's universe and the motion of nebulae.
127. С a s t о 1 d i L., Atti Accad. Ligure, 9, 5 (1952) [MR 15, 169].
Sulla struttura formale della relativita e su una classe notevole di
connessioni matriche di interesse relativistico.
128. С a s t о 1 d i L., Rend. Sem. Fac. Sci. Univ. Cagliari, 25, 44
(1955) [MR 17, 675].
Relativita Riemanniana unitaria.
129. Cattaneo C., Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei, Cl. fis. mat. nat., 27, 54
Moto di un fotono libero in un campo gravitazionale.
130. Cattaneo C., Nuovo Cimento, 13, 237 (1959).
Conservation laws in general relativity.
131. Cattaneo C., Annali di Mat., 48, 361 (1959).
Proiezioni naturali e derivazione trasversa in una varieta riemanniana a
metrica iperbolica normale.
132. Ch ase D. М., Phys. Rev., 95, 243 (1954) [MR 16, 80].
The equations of motion of charged test particles in general relativity.
133. С h a t t e r j e e N. K., Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc., 24, 95 (1932)
[Z 6, 85].
Note on the type of expanding universe recently proposed by Einstein and
de Sitter.
134. Chazy J., Compt. Rend., 173, 905 (1921) [JF 48, 1002].
Sur les fonctions arbitrages figurant dans le ds2 de la gravitation
135. Chazy J., Compt. Rend., 174, 1157 (1922) [JF 48, 1003].
Sur les verifications astronomiques de la theorie de la relativite.
136. Chazy J., Compt. Rend., 177, 303, 939 (1923); Bull. Soc. Math.
France, 52, 17
(1924) [JF 49; 645, 646; 50, 599].
Sur le champ de gravitation de deux masses fixes dans la theorie de la
137. Chazy J., Compt. Rend., 181, 1053 (1925) [JF 51, 725].
Sur l'avance du perihelie de Mercure.
138. Chazy J., Compt. Rend., 182, 1134 (1926) [JF 52, 1011].
Sur le calcul de l'avance du perihelie de Mercure sous Faction des autres
139. Chazy J., Compt. Rend., 183, 854 (1926) [JF 52, 928].
Sur le champ de gravitation a l'intdrieur d'une sphere creuse en
rotation'dans la theorie de la relativite.
140. Chazy J., Compt. Rend., 183, 1093 (1926) [JF 52, 924].
Sur le formule de l'effet Doppler-Fizeau dans l'univers de de Sitter.
141. Chazy J., La theorie de la relativitd et la mecanique cdleste, t. 1,
[JF 54 , 939].
142. Chazy J., La theorie de la relativite et la mecanique celeste, t. 2,
Paris, 1930
[JF 56, 1283].
143. Chou P. Y., Amer. Journ. Math., 53, 289 (1931) [Z 1, 428].
The gravitational field of a body with rotational symmetry in Einstein's
theory of gravitation.
144. Chou P. Y., Amer. Journ. Math., 59, 754 (1937) [Z 17, 384].
Isotropic static solutions of the field equations in Einstein's theory of
145. Chou P. Y., Chin. Journ. Phys., 3, 76 (1939) [Z 22, 282].
On the foundations of Friedmann universe.
146. Chou P. Y., Chin. Journ. Phys., 3, 313 (1939) [Z 22, 282].
Note on spherical symmetry of space and the foundations of Friedmann
147. Chou P. Y., Amer. Journ. Math., 62, 43 (1940) [Z 22, 419; MR 1,
On the method of finding isotropic static solutions of Einstein's
field equations
of gravitation.
148. С i m i n о М., Atti. Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend., 21, 347
(1935) [Z 11, 377].
Sullo studio di uno moto einsteiniano mediante i principi di
equivalenza del
149. Clark G. L., Proc. Roy. Soc., A177, 227 (1941) [MR 3, 212].
The derivation of mechanics from the law of gravitation in relativity
150. Clark G. L., Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 106, 457 (1946) [MR 9,-310].
The decay of the gravitational energy of a double star.
151. Clark G. L., Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc., 43, 164 (1947) [MR 8, 496].
The gravitational field of a rotating cohesive system.
152. Clark G. L., Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc., 43, 178 (1947) [MR 8, 496].
Note on the velocity of propagation of gravitation.
153. Clark G. L., Phil. Mag., 39, 747 (1948) [MR 10, 579].
The gravitational field of a rotating nearly spherical body.
154. Clark G. L., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. A62, 412 (1949) [MR 11, 59].
The gravitational mass of a system of particles.
155. Clark G. L., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, A62, 424 (1949) [MR 11, 59].
The equivalence of the gravitational and invariant mass of an
isolated body at
156. Clark G. L., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, A62, 427 (1949) [MR 11, 59].
The internal and external fields of a particle in a gravitational field.
157. Clark G. L., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, A62, 434 (1949) [MR 11, 59].
The mechanics of continuous matter in the relativity theory.
158. Clark G. L., Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc., 45, 405 (1949) [MR 11, 281].
The problem of a rotating incompressible disc.
159. Clark G. L., Proc. Roy. Soc., A201, 488 (1950) [MR 12, 292].
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