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Гравитация Том 1 - Мизнер Ч.

Мизнер Ч., Торн К., Уилер Дж. Гравитация Том 1 — М.: Мир, 1977. — 480 c.
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128. Schild A., Texas Quarterly, 3, № 3, 42 (1960). [§ 7.3.]

129. Schild A-, Gravitational Theories of the Whitehead Type and the Principle of Equivalence, 1962, в книге Evidence for Gravitational Theories, ed. Moller C., Academic Press, New Work, 1962. [§ 7.3.]

130. Einstein A-, Jarb. Radioakt., 4, 411 (1908). [§ 7.4.]

131. Bishop R. L-, Goldberg S. Tensor Analysis on Maniforlds, Macmillan, New York, 1968. [Доп. 8.1.]

132. O'Neill B-, Elementary Differential Geometry, Academic Press, New York, 1966. [Доп. 8.1.]

133. Auslander L-, MacKenzie R- E-, Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963. [Доп. 8.1.]

134. Willmore T- J-, An Introduction to Differential Geometry, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1959. [Доп. 8.1.]

135. Misner С. W-, Differential Geometry and Differential Topology, в книге Relativity, Groups and Topology, eds. DeWitt C., DeWitt B. S., Gordon and Breach, New York, 1964, p. 881. [Доп. 8.1.]

136. Cartan Ё-, Ann. Ecole Norm. Sup., 40, 325 (1923). [§ 8.2, 12.1, 12.2.]

137. Cartan Ё-, Ann. Ecole Norm. Sup., 41, I (1924). [§ 8.2, 8.3, 12.1.]

138. Arnold V. I., Avez A-, Ergodic Problems of Classical Mechanics, Benjamin, New York, 1968. [§ 8.2.]

139. Hermann R-, Lie Groups for Physicists, Benjamin, New York, 1966. [§ 8.2.]

140. Sternberg S., Celestial Mechanics, Benjamin, New York, 1969. [§ 8.2.]

141. Chern S.-S-, Chevalley C-, Bull. Am. Matn. Soc., 58, 217 (1952). [Доп. 8.2.j

142. Cartan E-, Bull. Soc. Math. France, 29, 118 (1901). [Доп. 8.2.]

143. Weber H., ed., B. Riemann: Gesammelte Mathematische Werke, 2nd ed., Dover, New York, 1953; (Перевод Habilitationsvorlesung имеется в книге: Риман Б-, Сочинения, ОГИЗ Гостехиздат, М.— JI., 1948, стр. 279.) [Доп. 8.5.]

144. Weyl H., Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N. J., 1949, p. 116. [Эпиграф к гл. 6, доп. 8.5.]

145. Einstein A-, Essays in Science, Philosophical Library, New York, 1934. Translated from Mein Weltbilde, Querdio Yerlag, Amsterdam, 1933. [Доп. 8.5.]
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146. Gilbert R. P., Newton R., Analytic Methods in Mathematical Physics, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1970. [Доп. 8.5.]

147. Schild A., Tearing Geometry to Pieces: More on Conformal Geometry, неопубликованная лекция, прочитанная 19 января 1970 г. на семинаре по теории относительности в Принстонском университете. [Доп. 10.2.]

148. Ehlers J., Pirani F. A. E., Schili A-, The Geometry of Free-fall and Light

Шаіїоп в книге General Relativity, Papers in Honor of J. L. Synge, Univ. Press, London, 1972, p. 63. [Доп. 10.2.]

149. Kretschmann E., Ann. Phys. (Germany), 53, 575 (1917). [§ 12.5.]

150. Blumenthal L. M., Theory and Applications of Distance Geometry, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1953. [Доп. 13.1.]

151. Robb A. A., A Theory of Time and Space, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, England, 1914. [Доп. 13.1.]

152. Choquard P., Helv. Phys. Acta, 28, 89 (1955). [Фиг. 13.2.]

153. Morse M., The Calculus of Variations in the Large, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R. I., 1934. [Фиг. 13.2.]

154. Morse M., Cairns S- S., Critical Point Theory in Global Analysis and Differential Topology: an Introduction, Academic Press, New York,

1969. [Фиг. 13.2.]

155. Feynman R. P., IIibbs A¦ R., Quantum Mechanicsand Path Integrals, McGraw-Hill, Ne\v York, 1965. (Имеется перевод: Фейнман P., Хибс A-, Квантовая механика и интегралы по траекториям, нзд-во «Мир», М., 1968.) [Фиг. 13.3.]

156. Manasse F. K-, Misner С. W., Journ. Math. Phys., 4, 735 (1963). [§ 13.6.]

157. Harrison В. К., Phys. Rev., 116, 1285 (1959). [§ 14.1.]

158. Gauss К. F., Disquisitiones generates circa superficies curvas в книге Karl Friedrich Gauss Werke, IV, 1827, p. 217. [§ 5.9, доп. 5.3, 5.4, 14.1.]

159. Fletcher J. G., Commun. Assoc. Comput. Machinery, 9, 552 (1966). [Доп. 14.3.]

160. Hearn A. C., A Program for Symbolic Algebraic Computation, in Proceedings of SHARE XXXIV, 4.470, 1970. [Доп. 14.3.]

161. d'Inverno R. A-, Comput. Journ., 12, 124 (1969). [Доп. 14.3.]

162. Barton D., Bourne S- R-, Fitch J. P., Comput. Journ., 13, 32 (1970). [Доп. 14.3.]

163. Tobey R. G., et al., PL/1 Formac Interpreter, Users Reference Manuel IBM Controlled Program Library 360D 03.3004, Hawthorne, N. Y., 1967. [Доп. 14.3.]

164. Barton D., Fitch J. P., Comm. Assoc. Comput. Machinery, 14, 542 (1971). [Доп. 14.3.]

165. Fletcher J. G., Clemens R., Matzner R., Thorne K. S., Zimmerman B- A., Astrophys. Journ. Lett., 148, L91 (1967). [Доп. 14.3.]

166. Ernst F. J., 7090 FORMAC subroutines: Exterior calculus, report number PORS IIT-9, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1968. [Доп. 14.3.]

167. Harrison G. H., A Compact Method for Symbolic Computation of the Riemann Tensor, M. S. thesis, Tech. Report, Dept, of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Maryland, College Parle, 1970. [Доп. 14.3.]

168. Clemens R., Matzner R., Technical Report № 635 of the Univ. of Maryland Department of Physics and Astronomy, 1967. [Доп. 14.3.]
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