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Оптический производстенный контроль - Малакара Д.

Малакара Д. Оптический производстенный контроль — М.: Машиностроение, 1985. — 400 c.
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25. Linfoot E. H. On the Interpretation of the FoiicauIl Test, Proc. R. Soc. A. 193 248 (1946a).

26. Linfoot E. H. On the Zernike Phase-Contrast Test, R. Astron. Soc, 58, 759 (1946b).

27. Linfoot E. H. The Foucault Test. — In: Recent auvances in Optics, Oxford University Press, 1955, Chap. II.

28. Loomis D. A. Testing Techniques Arouse Interest Oot Sei. Newslett, 2, 3, 73 (1968).

29. Lowenthal S, Belvaux Y. Observation of Phase Objects by Optically Processed Hilbert Transferal, Appl. Phys. Lett, No. 2, 49, 1967.

30. Lyot B. Procedes perme Hand d'Etudier Ies Irregularites d'une Surface Optique Bien Polie, C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 222, 765 (1946).

31. Meinel A. B. Quantitative Reduction of a Wire Test (Aximuthal) is Explained, Opt. Sei. Newslett, 2, 5, 134 (1968).

32. Ojeda-Castaneda J. Images of Certain Type of Phase Objects, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Reading, United Kingdom, 1976.

33. Ojeda-Castaneda J. A Proposal to Classify Methods employed to Detect Phase Structures; under Coherent Illumination, Opt. Acta, 1978 (in press).

34. PIatzeek R., Gaviola E. On the Errors of Testing a New Method for Surveying Optical Surfaces and Systems, J. Opt. Soc. Am, 29, 484 (1939).

35. Platzeek R. P, Simon J. M. The Method of the Caustic for Measuring Optical Surfaces, Opt, Acta, 21, 267 (1974).

36. Porter R. W. Knife-Edge Shadows, Astrophys. J, 47, 324 (1918).

37. Porter R. W. Mirror Making for Reflecting Telescope (Foucault test), in Amateur Telescope Making, Vol. 1, A. G. Ingalls, Ed, Scientific American, New York, 1953.

38. Rayces J. L. Exact Relation between Wave Aberration and Ray Aberration, Opt. Acta, 11, 85 (1964).

39. Rayleigh, Lord. On Methods for Detecting Small Optical Retardations, and on the Theory of Foucault's Test, Philos. Mag, 33, 161 (1917); reproduced in: Scientific Papers, Vol. 6, Dover, New York, p. 455.

40. Ritehey G. W. On the Modern Reflecting Telescope and the Making and Testing of Optical Mirrors, Smithson, Confrib. Knovi, 34, 3 (1904).

41. Schroader L. H. The Caustic Test.— In: Amateur Telescope Making', Vol. 3, A. G. Ingalls, Ed. Scientific American, New York, І953, p. 429.

42. Simon J. M. Diffraction Theory of the Method of the Caustic for Measurement of Optical Surfaces, Opt. Acta, 18, 369 (1971).

43. Smartt R. N, Steel W. H. Theory and Application of Point — Diffraction Interferometers, Proceedings of the ICO Conference on Optical Methods in Scientific and Industrial Measurements, Tokyo, 1974, Jap. J. Appl. Phys, 14, Suppl. 1, 351 (1975).

44. Smith W. J. Modern Optical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966.

45. Strong J. Procedures in Experimental Physics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1938.

46. Tatian B. An Analysis of the Ritchey—Common Test for Large Plane Mirrors, Itek Technical Report No. PFR-67-179, 1967.

47. Texereau J. How to Make a Telescope (translation and adaptation of La Construction du Telescope d'Amateur), American Museum of Natural History, Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1957.

48. Topler A. Beobachtungen nach einer neuen optischen Methode, Poggendorf's Ann. Phys. Chem, 127, 556 (1886), also in 128, 126 (1866), 131, 33 and 180 (1867), and 134, 194 (1868).

49. Valsl'ev L. A. Schlieren Methods, Israel Program for Scientific Translation, New York, 1971.

50. Wadsworth F. L. O. Some Notes on the Correction and Testing of Parabolic Mirrors, Pop. Astron, 10, 337 (1902).

51. Welford W. T. A Note on the Theory of the Foucault Knife-Edge Test, Opt. Coramun., 1, 9 (1970).

219' 52. Wolter H. Schlieren-, Phase Kontrast und Lichtschnitlverfahren» in Hand-buch der Physik, Vol. 24, Springer-Verlag, 1956, p. 582.

53. Zernike F. Beugungstheorie des Schneidenverfahrans und Seiner Verbesserten Form, der Phasekontrast Methode, Physica, 1, 44 (1934a).

54. Zernike F. Diffraction Theory of Knife-Edge Test and Its Improved Form, the Phase Contrast», Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc, 94, 371 (1934b).

55. Zernike F. Phase Contrast, a New Method for the Microscopic Observation of Transparent Objects. Physica, 9, 686 (1942); and extract of this article appears in: Achievements in Optics, Iiy A, Bouwers, Elsevier, New York, 1950.

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Beskind G. M, Bogudlov A. M, Vitriehenko E. A, Euseev О. A, Soldatov S. M.

An Improved Foucault Philbert Method, Izv. Spets. Astrofiz. Obs, 7, 182, 1975 (оригинал на русском языке: Известия Специальной Астрофизической обсерватории, 7, 182, 1975).

Bowe I. S. Final Adjustments and Test of the Hale Telescope, Puhl. Astron. Soc. Рас, 62, 91 (1950).

Burner E. С. Sensitive Visual Test for Concave Diffraction Gratings, Appl. Opt, 11, 1357 (1972).

Cox R. E. The Hot Wire Foucault Test, Sky Telese., 25, 114 (1953).

De Vany A. S. Supplement to: Aberration Analvsis by Double Wire Testing, Appl. Opt, 9, 1720 (1970).

De Vany A. S. Spherical Aberration Analysis by Double Wire Testing, Appl. Opt, 6, 1073 (1967).

Francon M, Wagner D. Etude des Default d'Homogeneite par la Methode 1'Ombre Portee, C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 230, 1850 (1950)-
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