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Классическая механика - Голдстейн Г.

Голдстейн Г. Классическая механика — М.: Наука, 1975. — 413 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): klassicheskayamehanika1975.djvu
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(Гл. 2.)
31. Pauli Wolfgang Jr., Relativitats Theorie. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner,
32. Poincare Henri, Les Methodes Nouvelles de la Mecanique
(в 3 томах). Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1892-1899. (Гл. 9.)
33. R о u t h E. J., The Advanced Part of a Treatise on the Dynamics of a
System of Rigid Bodies, изд. 6-e. London, Macmillan, 1905.
34 Schaefer Clemens, Die Prinzipe der Dynamik. Berlin, Walter de Gruy-
ter, 1919. (Гл. 7.)
35. Thomson J. J., Applications of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry.
London, Macmillan, 1888. (Гл. 2.)
36. Wintrier Aurel, The Analytical Foundations of Celestial Mechanics.
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1941.
Работы по различным разделам физики и математики, представляющим интерес
для классической механики
37. В е с k е г R" Theorie der Elektrizitat. Т. II: Elektronentheorie,
изд. 6-е, Leipzig, В. G. Teubner, 1933. (Ann Arbor, J. W. Edwards, 1946.)
(Гл. 6.)
38. Bergmann Peter Gabriel, Basic Theories of Physics: Mechanics and
Electrodynamics. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1949.
39. Bliss Gilbert Ames, Calculus of Variations (Carus Mathematical
Monographs, 1). LaSalle, Illinois, Open Court Publishing Co., 1925. (Гл.
40. В б с h е г Maxime, Introduction to Higher Algebra. New York,
Macmillan, 1907. (Гл. 4, 10.)
41. Born Max, The Mechanics of the Atom, перев. J. W. Fisher'a. London,
G. Bell and Sons, 1927. (Гл. 8, 9.)
42. Born Max and Jordan Pascual, Elementare Quantenmechanik. Berlin,
Julius Springer, 1930. (Ann Arbor, J. W. Edwards, 1946.) (Гл. 8.)
43. Brand Louis, Vector and Tensor Analysis. Vew York, John Wiley & Sons,
44. Brillouin Leon, Les Tenseurs en Mecanique et en Elasticity Paris,
Masson et de, 1938. (New York, Dover Publications, 1946.) (Гл. 4, 9.)
45. Caratheodory Constantin, Variationsrechnung und Partielle Dif-
ferentialgleichungen Erster Ordnung. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1935. (Ann
Arbor, J. W. Edwards, 1945.) (Гл. 8, 9.)
46. С our ant R. and Hilbert D" Methoden der Mathematischen Physik (в 2
томах), изд. 2-e. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1931-1937. (New York,
Interscience Publishers, 1943.) (Гл. 4.)
47. Dirac P. A. М., The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, изд. 3-e.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1944. (Гл. 8.)
48. Epstein Paul S., Textbook of Thermodynamics. New York, John Wiley &
Sons, 1937. (Гл. 7.)
49. Frank Philipp and von Mises Richard, Die Differential- und Inte-
gralgleichungen der Mechanik und Physik (в 2 томах), изд. 2-e.
F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1930-1935. (New York, Mary S. Rosenberg, 1943. ) (Гл.
8, 9.) (Русский перевод: Франк П. и М и з е с Р., Дифференциальные и
интегральные уравнения математической физики. ОНТИ, 1937.)
50. G i b b s J. Wiliard, Vector Analysis, изд. E. В. Wilson'a. New York,
Scribner, 1901. (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1931.) (Гл. 5.)
51. G u i 11 e m i n Ernst A., The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis. New
York, John Wiley & Sons, 1949. (Гл. 10.)
52. Heisenberg Werner, The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory,
перев. Carl Eckart and Frank C. Hoyt. Chicago, University of Chicago
Press, 1930. (New York, Dover Publications, 1949.) (Гл. 11.)
53. Herzberg Gerhard, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules.
New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1945. (Гл. 4, 10.)
54. Jeffreys H. and Jeffreys Bertha S., Methods of Mathematical Physics.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1946. (Гл. 4.)
55. Joos Georg, Theoretical Physics, перев. I. M. Freeman. New York,
G. E. Stechert, 1934. (Гл. 1.)
56. Lamb Horace, Hydrodynamics, изд 6-e. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1932. (New York, Dover Publications, 1945.)
57. Levi-Civita Tullio, The Absolute Differential Calculus, перев. M.
Long. London, Blackie & Son, 1929.
58. Lindsay Robert Bruce, Introduction to Physical Statistics. New York,
John Wiley & Sons, 1941. (Гл. 3.)
59. Lindsay Robert Bruce and Margenau Henry, Foundations of
Physics. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1936. (Гл. 1, 6, 7.)
60. Margenau Henry and Murphy George Moseley, The Mathematics of Physics
and Chemistry. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1943.
61. Morse Philip М., Vibration and Sound, изд. 2-e. New York, McGraw-
Hill, 1948.
62. Lord Rayleigh, The Theory of Sound (в 2 томах), изд. 2-e. London,
Macmillan, 1894-1896. (New York, Dover Publications, 1945.) (Гл. 1, 10,
11.) [Русский перевод: Стретт Дж. В. (Лорд Рэлей), Теория
звука.Гостехиздат, 1955.]
63. Sc h iff Leonard I., Quantum Mechanics. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1949.
(Гл. 11.)
64. Sommerfeld Arnold, Atomic Structure and SDectnt т Q
H. L. Brose С 5-го нем. изд. 1931. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1934 (г'л
65. Sommerfeld Arnold, Vorlesungen iiber Theoretische Physik. T'lli-
Elektrodynamik. Wiesbaden, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1948.
66. Tolman Richard C., The Principles of Statistical Mechanics. Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 1938. (Гл. 8.)
67. V a n V 1 e с к J. H., Quantum Principles and Line Spectra.
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