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Отрывные течения. Том 2 - Чжен П.

Чжен П. Отрывные течения. Том 2 — М.: Мир, 1973. — 280 c.
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Institute, Stanford University Press, 1961.
90. Деметриадис, Гольд, Переход к турбулентному режиму течения в
гиперзвуковом следе за плохообтекаемыми затупленными телами. Ракетная
техника и космонавтика, № 9 (1962).
91. М сС а г t h у J. F., Kubota Т., A Study of Wakes Behind a Circular
Cylinder at M = 5,7; AIAA Paper Jss 63-170, presented at the AIAA Summer
Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., June 17-20, 1963.
92. Demetriades A., Hot-wire Measurements in tho Hypersonic Wakes of
Slender Bodies, AIAA Paper № 63-444, presented at AIAA Conference on
Physics of Entry into Planetary Atmosphere, Aug. 1963, at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
93. Lin С. C., On the Stability of the Laminar Mixing Region Between Two
Parallel Streams in a Gas, NACA TN 2887, 1953.
94. В e б б, X p о м а с, Лиз, Переход в следе при гиперзвуковых
скоростях полета, Ракетная техника и космонавтика, № 3 (1963).
95. Z е i Ь е г g S. L., Correlation of Hypersonic Wake Transition Data,
Tech. Note, № 382, General Applied Science Laboratories, Oct. 1963.
96. Lyons W. C., Jr., В r a d у J. J., L e v e n s t e i n s Z. J.,
Hypersonic Drag, and Stability, and Wake, Data for Cones and Spheres,
AIAA, Preprint, № 64-44, presented at Aerospace Sciences Meeting, N. Y..
Jan. 1964.
97. Slattery R. E., Clay W. G., Width of the Turbulent Trail behind a
Hypervelocity Sphere, Physics Fluids, 4, 1199-1201 (1961).
98. Lukasiewicz J. D., R о у 1 e J. K., Boundary-layer and Wake
Investigation in Supersonic Flow, ARC R & M 2613, Oct. 1948.
99. Dana T. A., S h о r t W. W., Experimental Study of Hypersonic
Turbulent Wakes, Zph-103, Convair, May 1961.
100. Slattery R. E., Clay W. G., The Turbulent Wake of Hypersonic Wakes,
ARS Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting and Space Flight
Exposition, Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 1962.
101. Мэрфи, Дикинсон, Развитие турбулентного следа за сферой, летящей со
сверхзвуковой скоростью, Ракетная техника и космонавтика, № 2 (1963).
102. Taylor R. L., Melcher В. W., Washburn W. К., Measurements of the
Growth and Symmetry of the Luminous Hypersonic Wake behind Blunt Bodies,
AVCO Everett Research Laboratory, Research Rept 163, May 1963.
103. В i 11 в г Ь в с к W. J., Jr., Empirical Equation for the Wake
Spreading Limits behind Three-dimensional Bodies, J. Aerospace Sci., 27,
640 (1960).
104. Hansen C. F.,Primich R., Steinberg М., Maiden C. J., Measurement and
Analysis of Optical and Microwave Observables in Flow About Hypersonic
Models, AIAA Paper, № 63-204, Presented at AIAA Summer Meeting, Los
Angeles, Calif., June 1963.
105. Primich R., Hayami R. A., Ionization in Hypersonic Wakes - Review of
Microwave Probe Instrumentation and Summary of Preliminary Data, TR 62-
209 D., Dec. 1962, GM Defense Research Laboratories, Santa Barbara,
106. Muntz E. P., Zempel R. E., Slender Body Near Wake Density
Measurements at Mach Numbers Thirteen and Eighteen, General Electric
Document, № 63 SD 718, July 1963.
107. Шлихтинг Г., Теория пограничного слоя, ИЛ, М., 1956.
108. Lenard М., Long М., Wan N. S., Chemical Non-equilibrium Effects in
Hypersonic Wakes, ARS Paper № 2675-62, presented at the ARS Annual
Meeting, Nov. 1962.
109. Bloom М. H., Steiger М. H-, Diffusion and Chemical Relaxation in
Free Mixing, IAS Paper, № 63-67, presented at its Annual Meeting, Jan.
110. В 1 о о m М. H., Steiger М. H., Hypersonic Axisymmetric Wakes
Including its Effects of Rate Chemistry, GASL, TR-180, Sept. 1960.
111. Bloom В. H., Steiger М. H., Hypersonic Axisymmetric Turbulent Wakes
Including Rate Chemistry, GASL TR-286, April 1962.
112. S t e i g e г М. H., Improved Hypersonic Laminar Wake Calculations
Including Rate Chemistry, GASL TR-249, Aug. 1961.
113. Вальо-Лаурин P., Блум М., Химические эффекты во внешних
гиперзвуковых течениях, сб. Исследование гиперзвуковых течений, изд-во
"Мир", 1964.
114. Lykoudis P. S., Ionization Trails, Proceeding of the 1961 Heat
Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Stanford University Press,
115. Lykoudis P. S., The Growth of the Hypersonic Turbulent Wake behind
Blunt and Slender Bodies, Memorandum RM-3270-PR, the Rand Corporation,
Jan. 1963.
116. Wan K. S., A Theory of Laminar Viscous Wakes for Bodies at
Hypersonic Speeds, Paper presented at the IAS Summer Meeting, June 1962.
117. H г о m a s L., Lees L., Effects of Nose Bluntness on the Turbulent
Hypersonic Wake, Space Technology Labs. STL Rept, .№ 6130-6259-RU-000,
Oct. 1962.
118. Zeiberg S. L., Generalization of the Oscillating Vehicle, GASL TR
307, Aug. 1962; также Proceeding of the 14th Semi-Annual Meeting of AMRAC
119. Zeiberg S. L., The Wake Behind an Oscillating Vehicle, J Aerospace
Sci., 29, № 11, 1344-1347 (Nov. 1962).
120. Klaimon J. H., The Re-entry Wake in an Earth Fixed Co-ordinate
System, AIAA paper 63-185, presented at the AIAA Summer Meeting, June
121. Zeiberg S., Bleich D. G., Calculation of Hypersonic Laminar and
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