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Отрывные течения. Том 3 - Чжен П.

Чжен П. Отрывные течения. Том 3 — М.: Мир, 1973. — 334 c.
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ЖТФ, VIII, вып. 2, стр. 123 (1939).
20. Schmidt Е., Wen пег К., Warmeabgabe eines geheitzten Zy-linders,
Forsch. Geb. Ing. Wes., 12, 651-673 (1941); также Heat Transfer over the
Circumference of a Heated Cylinder in Transverse Flow, NACA TM 1050, Oct.
21. G i e d t W. H., Investigation of Variation of Point Unit Heat-
transfer Coefficient Around a Cylinder Normal to an Air Stream, Trans. AS
71, 375-381 (May 1949).
22. G i e d t W. H., Effect of Turbulent Level of Incident Air Stream on
Local Heat Transfer and Skin Friction on a Cylinder, J. Aeronaut. Sci.,
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23. К e s t i n J., M a e d e r P. F., Influence Turbulence on Transfer
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24. Eckert E.R.G., Soehngen, Distribution of Heat-transfer Coefficients
Around Circular Cylinders Cross Flow at Reynolds Numbers from 20 to 500,
Trans. AS ME, 74, 343-347 (April 1952).
25. Мак Адамс В. X., Теплоотдача, Металлургиздат, М., 1961, стр. 364.
26. Rnudsen J. G., Katz D. L., Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, McGraw-
Hill, N. Y., 1958, p. 323-332.
27. Wallis R. P., Photographic Study of Fluid Flow Between Banks of
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30. Bergelin O. P., Brown G. A., Doberstein S. C., Heat Transfer and
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32. Ш л и x т и н г Г., Теория пограничного стоя, ИЛ, М., 1956.
33. Flachsbart О., Neue Untersuchungen fiber den Luftwiderstand von
Kugeln, Phys. Z., 28, 461-469 (1927); также Recent Researches on the Air
Resistance of Spheres, NACA TM 495.
34. T о m о t i k a S., The Laminar Boundary Layer on the Surface of a
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35. Seban R. A., Dougherty D., Heat Transfer to Laminar and Turbulent
Boundary Layers with Constant and Variable Free Stream Velocity, Univ. of
Calif., Inst, of Eng. Res., Ser. 41, Issue 13 (1954); также Trans. AS ME,
78, № 1 (1956).
36. S e b a n R. A., Heat Transfer and Flow with Separated and Reattached
Boundary Layers as Produced by Surface Irregularities, Wright Air
Development Center Tech. Rept, 56-217, ASTIA Document № AD 110447, May
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38. Arie М., Rouse М., Experiments on Two-dimensional Flow Over a Normal
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39. Hsu H., Characteristics of Mean Flow and Turbulence at an Abrupt
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40. Klebanoff P. S., Diehl R. W., Some Features of Artificially
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41. M о r d u с h о w М., G r a p e R. G., Separation, Stability, and
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42. Libby P. A., Method for Calculation of Compressible Laminar Boundary
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43. Morduchow М., Clarke J. H., Method for Calculation of Compressible
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44. Illingworth C. R., The Effect of Heat Transfer on the Separation of
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45. Howarth L., On the Solution of Laminar Boundary Layer Equations,
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46. Stewartson K., Correlated Incompressible and Compressible Boundary
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47. H i e m e n z K., Die Grenzschicht an einem in den gleichformigen
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48. G a d d G. E., The Numerical Integration of the Laminar Compressible
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49. Lankford J. L., Investigation of the Flow over an Axisymmetric
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50. Lankford J. L., The Effect of Heat Transfer on the Separation of
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