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Указатель терминов по физике и физико-химии полимеров - Бондарь В.В.

Бондарь В.В. Указатель терминов по физике и физико-химии полимеров — ВИНИТИ, 1983. — 46 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): ukazatelterminovpofizike1983.djvu
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Chemical flow 9 Cloud-point 216 Clustered structure 179 Colloidal
polymeric system 180
Comb-like polymer 124 Compatibility 217 Compatibility parameter 218
Compatibility range 219 Complex compliance 10 Complex elastic modulus 11
Configurational statistics 220
Contour length of chain 125 Crazing 12 Creep 13
Creep compliance 14 Creep memory function 15 Cross-link density 126
Crosslinked structure 181 Crosslinking 127 Crystalline phase 182
Crystallite orientation 183
Degree of crystallinity 184 Dielectric losses 81 Dielectric loss factor
82 Dielectric relaxation 83 Dielectric relaxation spectrum 84
Dielectric relaxation time 85 Differential molecular weight distribution
128 Differential thermal analysis 107
Dipol - radical losses 86
* Указаны порядковые номера в указателе терминов на английс ком языке
Dipol - segmental losses 87 Draw ratio (strain ratio) 16
Effective dipol moment of molecular unit 86 Elastic aftereffect 17 End
correction 18 End groups 129 Enid - to - end distance 130 Entanglement
185 Equilibrium rubber-like strain
Equilibrium rubbery modulus 20 Equilibrium swelling 221 Excluded volume
222 Extended - chain crystal 186
Fatigue 21 Fibrillar crystal 187 Filling 22
First - order transition 223 Flexibility of macromolecule
Flory-Huggins constant (parameter) 224 Flow birefringence 96 Flow curve
23 Flow point (temperature) 24 Flow temperature 225 Fluctuation network
188 Folded - chain crystal 189 Folded conformation 132 Forced rubbery
elasticity 25 Form-factor of macromolecule
1 33
Fractionation 226 Freely jointed chain 134
Free volume 227 Fringed micelle 190 Functionality 135 Functionality (-
type) distribution 136 Functionality of 'branching 137
Gaussian coil 138 Gel 228
Gel - like structure 191 Gel - point 229 Glass state 230 Glass transition
26 Glass transition point (temperature) 108 Globula 192 Good solvent 231
Heat deflection temperature 109
Heat resistance 110 Helix - coil transition 139 Hereditary function 27
Hindered rotation 232
Ideal elastic body 28 Ideal solvent 233 Indicatrix of diffusion 97
Indicatrix of reflection 98 Integral molecular weight distribution 140
Interaction parameter 234 Intermolecular interaction 235 Internal
friction spectrum 29 Internal motion 236
Internal rotation 237 Intramolecular interaction 238 Intrinsic viscosity
Kelvin - Voight body 30 Kinetical segment 141 Kinetic flexibility of
chain 240
Kinetic theory of rubber-elasticity 31 Kuhn segment 142
Ladder polymer 143 Lamella 193
Length of statistical segment 144 Long - chain branching 145 Long range
interaction 241 Long range order 194 Long - term strength 32 Loss modulus
33 Loss factor 89; 90 Low critical mixing temperature 242
Low critical solution temperature 243 Low temperature resistance 111
Macromolecular coil density
Macromolecular configuration
Macromolecular conformation
1 47
Macromolecular orientation 148
Macromolecular stiffness 149 Macfoseparation 244 Mark"- Kuhn - Houwink
parameters (constants) 245 Martens' softening point (temperature) 112
Master curve 34 Maximum of dielectric losses
Maxwelf body 35 Mean - square end - to - end distance 150 Mean - square
radius of gyration 151 Mechanical degradation 36 Mechanical glass
transition 37 Mechanical loss factor 38 Mechanical segment 39
Mechanochemistry 40 Melt fracture 41 Melt index 42 Melting peak 113
Micelle 196 Microfibril 197 Microseparation 246 Microstructure 152 Mixing
volume 247 Modulus of internal friction 43 Molecular anisotropy 153
Molecular dynamics of polymer system 248 Molecular plasticization 198
Molar mass 154 Mutual solubility of polymers
Neck 44
Non - linear theory of viscoelasticity 45 Number - average molecular
weight 155
Occupied volume 250 Optically active polymers 99 Ordered structure 199
Orientation strengthening 46 Oriented state 260
Packing coefficient 201 Packing of macromolecules 202
Period of chain folding 203 Persistent chain 156 Phase separation area
251 Phenomenological theory of viscoelasticity 47 Physical state of
polymers 252
Polyconjugated polymer 157 Polydispersity (Polymolecula - rity) 158
Polydispersity parameter 159 Polymer morphology 204 Polymer network
density 160 Polymer polarizability 92 Polymer - solvent interaction
Polymer stiffness (rigidity)
Poor solvent 255 Porous structure 205 Primary (main) transition 48
Quasi-linear theory of viscoelasticity 49 Quenching 114
Raznozvennost 161 Rebound resilience 50 Reduced viscosity 256 Refractive
index gradient 100
Refractive index increment 101
Relative viscosity 257 Relaxation memory function
Relaxation spectrum 52 Relaxation strengthening 53 Relaxation time 54
Relaxation time distribution
Retardation 56 Retardation spectrum 57 Retardation time 58 Rheopexy 59
Ring (cyclic) structure 162 Rubber elasticity modulus 60 Rubber - like
elastic strain 61
Rubber - like plateau 62 Rubbery recoil 63 Rubbery state 258
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