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Теория ядерных реакторов - Белл Д.

Белл Д. Теория ядерных реакторов — Москва, 1974. — 494 c.
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36. Gyftopoulos E. P. Cm. [6], p. 188.

37. Schultz M. A. Cm. [35], Chap. 5. Schultz M. A. Cm. [35], p. 77.

38. Bethe H. A. Reactor Safety and Oscillator Tests. Atomic Power Development Associates Report APDA—117, 1956; Ash M. Nuclear Reactor Kinetics. McGraw-Hill BookCo., Inc., 1965, Section 3.4.

39. Welton T. A. Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., XI. Amer. Math. Soc., 1961, p. 309.

40. Baran W. and Meyer V. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1966, vol. 24, p. 356; Smets H. B. Ibid.,

vol. 25, p. 236; Tan S. Ibid., 1969, vol. 38, p. 167.

41. Welton T. A. Cm. [39].

42. Akcasu A. Z. and Dalfes A- «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1960, vol. 8, p. 89; Akcasu A. Z. anH

Akhtar P. In: Proc. Conf. on Industrial Needs and Academic Research in Reactor Kinetics. Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL—50117, 1968, p. 140.

43. Shotkin L. M. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1969, vol. 35, p. 211.

44. LaSalle J. and Lefschetz S. Stability by Liapunov’s Direct Method and Applications. Aca-

demic Press., 1961.

45. Popov V. M. Proc. Second U. N. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of At. Energy, 1958, vol. 11, p. 245.

46. Gyftopoulos E.P.«Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1966, vol. 26, p. 26; Devooght J. and Smets H. B.

Ibid., 1967, vol. 28, p. 226; Smets H. B. Ibid., 1970, vol. 39, p. 289.

47. Bethe H. A. Cm. [38].

48. Perry A. M. In: Proc. Conf. on Industrial Needs and Academic Research in Reactor Kinetics. Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL—50117, 1968, p. 213.

49. Thalgott F. W. e. a. Proc. Second. U. N. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of At. Energy,


50. Moore M. N. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1958, vol. 3, p. 387; Thie J. A. Reactor Noise. Rowman and Littlefield, Inc., 1963; Gyftopoulos E. P. Cm. [6].

51. Rajagopal V. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1962, vol. 12, p. 218.

52. Balcomb J. D., Demuth H. B. and Gyftopoulos E. P. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1961, vol. 11,

p. 159.

53. Balcomb J. D. e. a. Cm. [52] Rydin R. A. and Hooper R. J. «NuclrSci. Engng.», 1969, vol. 38, p. 216.

54. Thie J. A. Cm. [50]; Cohn С. E. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1959, vol. 5, p. 331.

55. Pearson A. and Lennox C. G. Cm. [31], Chap. 6.

56. Seifritz W. and Stegemann D. Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc., 1968, vol. 11, p. 565.

57. Thalgott W. F. e. a. Cm. [49].

58. Smitn R. R. e. a. An Analysis of the Stability of EBR-1, Marks I to III, and Conclusions Pertinent to the Design of Fast Reactors. In: Physics of Fast and Intermediate Reactors. IAEA, 1962, vol. Ill, p. 43.

59. Thompson T. J. Cm. [31], vol. I, Chap. 11.

¦60. Kramer A. W. Boiling Water Reactors. Addison—Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1958, Chap.2.

61. Harrer J. M. e. a. Proc. Second U. N. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of At. Energy, 1958, vol. 9, p. 264; Snyder T. and Thie J.A. Ibid., 1958, vol. 11, p. 433; Thie J. A. Ibid., 1958, vol. 11, p. 440; Iskenderian A. e. a. In: Operating Experience with Power Reactors. IAEA, 1963, vol. I, p. 355.

62. Tliie J. A. Cm. [31], vol. I, Chap. 8.

63. Nyer W. E. Cm. [31], vol. I, Chap. 7.

64. Fuchs K- Efficiency for Very Slow Assebly. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Repor-t LA—596, 1946; Hansen G. E. Burst Characteristics Associated with the Slow Assembly of Fissionable Materials. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA—441, 1952.

65. Nordheim L. W. PhysicsSection II. Manhattan Project ReportCP—2589, 1945, p. 32—36.

66. Wimett T. F. e. a. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1960, vol. 8, p. 691.

67. BellG. I. «Nucl. Sci. Engng.», 1963, vol. 16, p. 118.

68. Wimett T. E. e. a. Cm. [66].

69. Nyer W. E. Cm. [63]; Canosa J. «Nukleonik», 1967, vol. 10, p. 41; 1968, vol. 11, p.131;

Froehlich R. and Johnson S. R. Ibid., 1969, vol. 12, p. 93.

70. Nyer W. E. Cm. [63].

71. Wimett Т. E. and Orndoff J. D. Proc. Second U. N. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of At. Energy, 1958, vol. 10, p. 449.

72. Wimett T. F. and Orndoff J. D. Cm. [71].

73. Meyer R. A- and Wolfe B. Fast Reactor Meltdown Accidents using Bethe—Tait Analysis.— «Adv. Nucl. Sci. Tech.», 1968, vol. 4, p. 197.

74. Bethe H. A. and Tait J. H. An Estimate of the Order of Magnitude of the Explosion when

the Core of a Fast Reactor Collapses. Nuclear Development Associates Report

NDA-14-170, 1957; McGarthy W. J., Jr., and Okrent D. Cm. [31], Chap. 10.

75. Bethe H. A. and Tait J. H. Cm. [74]; Stratton W. R., Colvin Т. H. and Lazarus R. B. Proc. Second. U. N. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of At. Energy, 1958, vol. 12, p. 196.

76. Stratton W. R. e. a. Cm. [75]; McGarthy W. J., Jr. and Okrent D. Cm. [74]; Agrawal A. K. e. a. SASIA. A Compulor Code for the Analysis of Fast Reactor Power and Flow Transients. Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL—7607, 1970.

77. MeCa rthy W. J., Jr., and Okrent D. Cm. [74].

78. Okrent D. e. a. AX — I, A Computing Program for Coupled Neutronics Hydrodynamics

alculations. Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL-5977, 1959.

79. Meyer R. A. and Wolfe B. Cm. [73]; Bethe H. A. ang Tait J. H. Cm. [74]; Stratton W. R. e. a. Cm. [75].

80. McCarthy W. J., Jr., and Okrent D. Cm. [31], vol. I, p. 602.
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