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Оптические вычисления - Арратуна Р.

Арратуна Р. Оптические вычисления — М.: Мир, 1993. — 441 c.
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"Optical Interconnection Networks," Proceeding of the IEEE International
Conference on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, Illinois (1985).
30. H. J. Caulfield, W. T. Rhodes, M. J. Foster, and S. Horvitz, Optical
implementation of systolic array processing, Opt. Commun., JO: 86
31. P. S. Guilfoyle, Systolic acousto-optic binary convolver, Opt. Eng.,
23: 20 (1984).
32. S. Cartwright and S. C. Gustafson, Convolver-based optical systolic
processing architectures, Opt. Eng., 59 (1985).
33. John Perry, Image understanding by computers: algorithms and
implementations, BDM Technical Report BDM/W-86-0131-TR (Feb. 1986).
34. J. L Baer, Computer architecture, IEEE Computer, 17: 77 (1984).
Глава 11
1. A. D. McAulay, "The role of parallel computing", IEEE Region 5 Conf.,
85CH2123-8 (1985).
2. A. D. McAulay, Parallel arrays or vector machines, which direction in
VLSI?" IEEE International Workshop on Computer Systems Organization, IEEE
Comp. Soc., p. 179-184 (1983).
3. A. D. McAulay, Prestack inversion with plane layer point source
modeling, Geophysics, 50, 77-89 (1985).
4. A. D. McAulay, Plane-layer prestack inversion in the presence of
surface reverberation, Geophysics, 51, 9 (1986).
5. J. W. Goodman, F. J. Leonberger, S. Y. Kung, and R. A. Athale, Optical
interconnections for VLSI systems, Proc. IEEE, 72: 850-866
6. J. A. Neff, "Electro-optic techniques for VLSI Interconnect," AGARD-
NATO Avionics Panel Specialists' Meeting on Digital Optical Circuit
Technology (1984).
7. A. D. McAulay, Deformable mirror nearest neighbor optical computer,
Optical Eng., 25: 76 (1986).
8. D. Psaltis and N. Farhart, Optical information processing based on an
associative-memory model of neural nets with thresholding and feedback,
Optics Letters, 10, 98-100 (1985).
9. A. D. McAulay, Finite Element Computation on Nearest Neighbor
Connected Machines, NASA Symposium on Advances and Trends in Structures
and Dynamics, Nasa Publn. 2335, p. 15-29 (1984).
10. H. T. Kung, Why systolic architectures? Computer, 15: 37-46 (1982).
11. ,H. T- Kung, High performance microprocessor to be used in groups
of hundreds, IEEE EASCON (1983).
12. H. T. Kung and 0. Menzilcioglu, Warp: A programmable systolic array
processor SPIE, 495: 130-136 (1985).
13. P. J. Kuekes and M. S. Schlausker, "A One-Third Gigaflop Systolic
Linear Algebra Processor," SPIE, Vol. 495, Real Time Signal Processing
Conf., 137-139 (1984).
14. D. W. Yen et ah, ESL Systolic Processor for Signal and Image
Processing, IEEE Comp. Soc. Wksp. Comp. Arch, for Pattern Analysis and
Image Database Mangt. (1981).
15. J. G. Nash and C. Petrozolin, "VLSI Implementation of a Linear
Systolic Array," IEEE Intern. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal
processing, 85CH2118-8 Vol. 3, p 1392-1395 (1984).
16. J. J. Symanski, NOSC systolic processor testbed, Tech. Rpt., NOSC
TD 558 (1983). Progress on a Systolic Processor Implementation, SPIE 341
17. J. M. Speiser and H. J. Whitehouse, "A Review of Signal Processing
with Systolic Arrays," SPIE, Real Time Signal Processing Conf., Vol. 431,
p 2-6 (1983).
18. H. J. Siegel, Interconnection Networks for Large Scale Parallel
Processing, Theory and Case Studies, Lexington Books (1984).
19. D. Y. Cheng, "A floating point coprocessor for the Butterfly
Multiprocessor System", SRC Technical report No. 059, Univ. California,
Berkeley (1984).
Литература 431
20. J. С. Browne, Parallel architectures for computer systems, Physics
Today, 37 (1984).
21. C. L. Seitz, The cosmic сиЬё, Communications of the ACM, 28: 22-23
22. A. A. Sawchuk, В. K. Jenkins, C. S. Raghavendra, and A. Varma
"Optical Interconnection Networks," Proc. IEEE 1985 International
Conference on Parallel Processing, 85CH2140-2, p 388-392 (1985).
23. A. D. McAulay, Optical crossbar interconnected signal processor with
basic algorithms, Optical Eng., 25: 82 (1986).
24. J. B. Dennis, Dataflow supercomputers, Computer, 13: 48-56 (1980).
25. D. R. Treleaven, R. Brownbridge, and R. P. Hopkins, Data-driven and
demand driven computer architectures, Computing Surveys, 1J
26. D. Oxley, B. Sauber, and M. Cornish, Software development for
dataflow machines, Handbook of Software Engineering (C. R. Vick end C. V.
Ramamoorthy (eds.) (1984).
27. Arvind and R. A. Iannucci, "Two fundamental issues in multi-
procesing: the dataflow solution", MIT Report, MIT/LCS/TM-241
28. J. R. Gurd, С. C. Kirkham, and I. Watson. The Manchester prototype
data flow computer, Communication of the ACM, 28: 34-52
29. K. Hiraki, T. Shimada, K. Nishida, "A Hardware Design of the Sigma-1,
a Dataflow Computer for Scientific Computations," Proceedings of IEEE
International Conf. on Parallel Processing, 84CH2045-2 (1984).
30. M. Cornish et al., "The TI Data Flow Architecture: The Power of
Concurrency for Avionics," Proceedings of 3rd Conference on Digital
Avionic Systems, p 19-25 (1979).
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