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Разномодульная теория упругости - Амбарцумян С.А.

Амбарцумян С.А. Разномодульная теория упругости — М.: Наука, 1982. — 320 c.
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Tunnels, NACA, L-74, 1946.
Rhode R. V., Correlation of Flight Data on Limit Pressure
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Tail Loads, NACA, L-269, 1946.
Stack John, Shock-Stalled Flows for Supersonic Type Airfoils at
Transonic Speeds, Sixth International Congress for Applied Mechanics,
1946, Paris.
Hilton W. F. and P r u d e n F. W., Subsonic and Supersonu. High-Speed
Tunnel Tests of a Faired Double-Wedge Aerofoil, R 8t M, No. 2057,
December 1943.
L a i t о n e E. V., Exact and Approximate Solutions of Two-Dimensional
Oblique Shock Flow, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, vol. 14, No. 1,
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Du Mоnd J. W. M. et al., A Determination of the Wave Forms and Laws of
Propagation and Dissipation of Ballistic Shock Waves, Acoustical Soc.
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Р f г i е ш Н., The Laws of Reflection of Two-Dimensional Pressure Waves
of Large Amplitude, RTP Translation, No. 2200, 18 p. (Foyschung, 12, pp.
244-256, September-October 1941).
Schiller W., the Supercritical Expansion of Compressible Fluids, RTP
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Emmons H. W., Shock Waves in Aerodynamics, Journal of the Aeronautical
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Smelt R., Longitudinal Stability and Trim Changes Through the Speed of
Sound, Sixth International Congress for Applied Mechanics, 1946, Paris.
Cope W. F., Calculation of Reynolds Number Effect on Projectiles at
Supersonic Speeds, Sixth International Congress for Applied Mechanics,
1946, Paris.
T s i e n H. S. and К u о Y. H., Two-Dimensional Irrotational Mixed
Subsonic and Supersonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid and the Upper
Critical Mach Number, NACA T. N., No. 995 May 1946.
T s i e n H. S., the "Limiting Line" in Mixed Subsonic and Supersonic
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Tollmien W., Grenzlinien adiabatischer Potentialstromungen, ZAMM, Bd. 21,
S. 140-152, 1941.
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Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 399. ff.,
August 1939.
Lin С. C., On the Extension of the von Karman-Tsien Method to Two-
Dimensional Subsonic Flows with Circulation Around Closed Profiles,
Quart. Appl. Math., vol. 4, No. 3, October 1946.
Coburn N.. the Karman-Tsien Pressure-Volume Relation in the Two-
Dimensional Supersonic Flow of Compressible Fluids, Quart. Appl. Math.,
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В е г s L., Velocity Distribution on Wing Sections of Arbitrary Shape in
Compressible Potential Flow, NACA T. N., No. 1006, 1946, также T. N., No.
1012, 1946.
Bergman S. A., On Two-Dimensional Flows of Compressible Fluids, NACA T.
N.. No. 972, 1945.
Bergman S., Methods for Determination and Computation of Flow Patterns of
a Compressible Fluid, NACA T. N., No. 1018, 71 p., September 1946.
Garrick I. E. and Kaplan C., On the Flow of a Compressible Fluid by the
Hodograph Method: I - Unification and Extension of Present-Day Results,
NACA, L-127, 41 p., March 1944;
II - Fundamental Set of Particular Flow Solutions of the Chaplygin
Differential Equation, NACA, L-147, November 1944.
Pinl М., Zur Theorie der kompessiblen Potentialstromungen, III. ZAMM, Bd.
22 S. 305-311, December 1942.
Busemann A., Die achsensymmetrische kegelige Oberschallstromung,
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Guderley Cl Ruckkehrkanten in ebener kompressibler Potential-stromung,
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Behrbohm H. and Pinl М., Zur Theorie der kompressiblen
Potentialstromungen, II, ZAMM, Bd. 21, SS. 341-350 August 1941.
Kraft Hans and Dibble C. G., Some Two-Dimensional Adiabatic Compressible
Flow Patterns, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, vol. 11, No. 4, pp.
283 ff., October 1944.
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Sauer R., Geometrical Relationship Betweeti Two-Dimensional Fields of
Compressible Flow, R. T. P. Translation, No. 1776, ZAMM, pp. 312-315,
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