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Алкагольная зависимость: Формирование, течение, противорецидивная - Ерышев О.Ф.

Ерышев О.Ф., Рыбаков Т.Г., Шабанов П.Д. Алкагольная зависимость: Формирование, течение, противорецидивная — Спб.: ЭЛБИ - Спб, 2002. — 192 c.
ISBN 5-93979-030-5
Скачать (прямая ссылка): alkogolnayazavisimost2002.djvu
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Алкогольная зависимость
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The book has been written using the materials of investigations carried out by the scientists of the Department of Alcoholism Treatment, V. M. Bekhterev Institute, during many years. It is based on clinical observations of patients treated in this clinic, considerable part of which underwent the psychological, neuropsychological, biochemical, and neurophysiological investigations. It has permitted to uncover a number of additional signs which can serve as indicators of approaching relapse. The description of remissions stage-by-stage character has permitted to develop more effective relapse-preventive treatment programs. The book covers in detail the psychological mechanisms of the remissions course and the onset of relapse as well as the role of family in these processes. Some new aspects have been covered regarding various components of comprehensive relapse-preventive treatment, such as pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy (including group and family therapy). In compiling the monography scientists from other St. Petersburg institutions took part. The book is intended for psychiatrists specialised in narcology, medical psychologists and other specialists active in the area of narcological theory and practice.
Figures — 9. Tables — 34. References — 84.
Eryshev Oleg Fyodorovich, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, Head of the Department of Narcology, V. M. Bekhterev Institute, St.Petersburg;
Rybakova Tamara Gavrilovna, PhD, Senior Researcher of the Department of Narcology, V. M. Bekhterev Institute;
Shabanov Petr Dmitrievich, MD, PhD, Professor of Narcology, Department of Narcology, Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies, St. Petersburg
Professor Vladislav A. Krauz, MD, PhD, Academy of Chemistry and Pharmacy, and Professor Yuri V Popov, MD, PhD, Vice-Director, V. M. Bekhterev Institute, St. Petersburg.
Предисловие.................................................................. 4
Глава 1.
Формирование ремиссий при алкоголизме: клинический, психологический и социальный аспект............................................................ 6
Этапы формирования ремиссий .............................................. 6
Клинико-психологические особенности формирования ремиссии
(совместно с Т. Н. Балашовой) ............................................ 25
Роль семьи в течении и формировании ремиссий.............................. 37
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