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Справочник по специальным функциям - Абрамович М.

Абрамович М. Справочник по специальным функциям — М.: Наука, 1979. — 832 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): spravochnikpospecialnimfunkciyam1979.pdf
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ЗІ4 0 33144 Ib 0.33178 65 -0.67915 91 -0.63302 56 (Ul65G 57 а.Ч -0.13041 93 -0./00ІІ 70 сішог 22
1.5 0.33207 Jr3 -0.59897 71 0,20321 50 0 18296 47 8.5 -0.66739 21 -0 03499 08 O.11303 86 0 10749 35
\7 0І33249 93 -0/.-=242 25 ОД5652 33 8І/ -ОІ60566 3? -0 58192 70 ОІ09285 98 0 07039 64
ЗІ9 0І3327Л 70 -0І43392 77 0 12485 43 0І08914 28 ВІ9 -0І56584 22 ОІ04205 63
4.0 0.33289 27 -0.47800 75 +0.05076 01 •4-0 031-1 78 9.0 -0.55381 97 -.0.01033 04
i'.2 0,33297 86 0.33304 34 -0І47°92 95 -О.'а? .'oS 79 -0 OM 9 4 00 9.2 -0Із7'Ч-8 51 -0 59403 00 -0 02і 96 26 -0ІЗЛ92 24
4І4 ОІ33315 07 -0.49268 51 -0.51269 28 -0Ійп337 02 9І4 -0І62093 76 -0 Q7602 93 -ОІ09439 87
4.5 4.6 0.33318 76 0.33321 73 о.зчзгі її -0.53908 35 -0,с7068 59 -0.6060t. 63 -0.12673 04 -0.14876 50 -0.1634 66 9.5 9.6 9.7 -0.65183. 0). -0.643/5 ?Ь -0.713/3 85 -0.10100 27 -СІДҐІЙЗ 70 :.19^01 44
4ІЗ 4.9 0.33326 02 0.33327 54 -CU4358 51 -0.68146 70 -0.17018 59 -0.16857 74 9.8 9.9 -0.73889 84 -0.75680 07 -0,071 57 33 -0.04539 57
5.0 0.33373 76 [' -0.71783 22 [( -0,15873 09 m 10.0 [(1)3] -0.76569 Є4 m -0.01504 04 [( »»і]
Таблиц 10.13. Нули и связанные с ннчн значения функций Эйри и мх производных

- 2.33850 741

- 4.08794 944

- 5.52055 983

- 6.78670 809

- 7.54413 359

6 - 9.02265 085

7 -10.04017 434

8 -11.00852 430

9 -11.93601 556 10 -12.82877 675

Cl s Ai (а'; 0 K Bi'(6s) ь\ Ві(Ь'в)
- 1.01879 297 +0.53565 665 - 1.17371 32? +0.60195 769 - 2.29443 968 -0.45494 438
- 3,24819 758 -0.41901 548 - 3,27109 330 -С.76031 014 - 4.07315 +0.39652 284
- 4.82009 921 +0.38040 647 - 4,83073 71") ч0.83699 IOi - 5,51239 573 -0.36796 916
- 6.16330 736 -0.35790 794 - 6.16985 213 -0.S8947 990 - 6.78129 •14-. +0.34949 912
- 7.37217 726 +0.34230 12". - 7.37676 208 +0.42998 364 - 7.94017 869 -0.33602 624
- В.48848 673 -0.33047 623 - 8.49194 885. -0.96323 443 - 9.01958 336 +0.32550 974
- 9.53544 905 +0.321С2 229 - 9.53819 438 +0.99158 637 -10.03769 633 -0.31693 465
-10.52766 040 -0.31310 539 -10.52991 351 -1.01638 966 -11,00646 26 7 +0.30972 594
-11.47505 663 +0.30651 729 -11.47695 355 +1.03849 429 -11.93426 165 -0.30352 766
-12.38478 837 -0.30073 083 -12.38641 714 -1.05847 184 -12.32725 831 +0.29810 491

Ai (а,)

+0.70121 08? -0.В0311 137 < 0.86520 403 -0.91085 074 +0.94733 571

-0.97792 281 +1.00437 012 -1.02773 869 +1.04872 065 -1.06779.386

Комплексные HJли и связанные с ними лі.ічен-ія Ві(г) и НІЧ--). Модуль и фг-1:1

функции (

e-'</h, Мовуль <Раза

2.354 0.095 4.093 0.042 5.524 0.027 6.789 0.020 7.946 0.015

'?t, ..-1"'?, Bi'tW, Ui(K), і=- 1(1)5, 3D

Модуль Фаза

0.993 +2.641

1.136 -0.513

1.224 +2.625

1.288 -0.519

1.340 +2.622


Модуль fPaja

1.121 0.331

3.257 0.059

4.824 0.033

6.166 0.023

7.374 0.017


Модуль Фаза

0.750 +U.466

0.592 -2.632

0.538 +0.515

0.506 -2.624

0.484 +0.519 ЛИТЕРАТУРА



Книги н статьи

10.1. Batemaii H., Archibald R. С. Agnide to

tables of Bcssel functions. — Math. Tables Aids Сотр., 1944, 1, p. 205 —308.

10.2. Cherry Т. M. Uniform asymptotic • formulae for

functions with transition points. — Trans. Araer. Math. Soc., 1950, 68, p. 224-257.

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- M.: Наука, 1973, Т.І; 1974, Т.П.

10.4. Erdeiyi A. Abymptotic expansions/California Insti-

tute of Technology; Dept. of Math. — Technical Report № 3. — Pasadena, 1955. Русский n e-ревод: Эрдейи А. Асішпютичсскис разложения. — M.: Фи'зматгиз, і962.

10.5. Brdclyi A. Asyniplotic solutions of differential

equations with transition points or singularities. — J. Math. Phys., i960, 1, p. 16-26.

10.6. J e f f г e у s H. On certain approximate solutions of

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geneity in the lower lavcr. — Monthlv Nat. Roy. Astr. Soc., Geophys. Supp]., 1928, 2, p. І01-І11.

10.8. Jeffreys H. On the use of asymptotic approxima-

tions of Green's type when the coefficient has zeros.

— Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 1956, 52, p. 61 -66.

10.9. Langer R. E. On the asymptotic solutions of diffe-

rential equations with an application to the Bessel functions of large complex order. — Irans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1932, 34, p. 447-480.

10.10. L a n g e r R. F.. The asymptotic solulions of ordinary

linear differential equations of the second order, with special refeience to a turning point. — Trans. Amer. MaLh. Soc., 1949, 67, p. 461-490.

10.11. Magnus W., Oberhettinger F. Formeln und

Siitze Jiir die speziellen Funktionen der mathematischen Physik. — B.: Springer-Vcrlag, 1948.

10.12. Olver F. W. J. Hie asymptotic solution of linear

differential equations of the second order for large values of a parameter. — Philos. Ttans. Roy. Soc. London, 1954-1955, A247, p. 3U7-327.
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