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Конструкции газотурбинных установок - Шварц В.А.

Шварц В.А. Конструкции газотурбинных установок — М.: Машиностроение, 1970. — 436 c.
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58. Fighting Aircraft Fires. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 32,

No. 370, VIII, 1964.

59. The First Patrol Boat «Ferocity». «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 29, No. 339, I, 1962.

60. First Turbine by Swedish Automotive Concern. «Oil Engine and Gas-Turbine», v. 30, No. 350, XII, 1962.

61. Ford Sees Gas Turbine Truck in Its Future. «Gas Turbine», No. 3, 1963.

62. For Portable, Intermittent Duty. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine»,

v. 28, No. 320, VI, 1960.

63. Fruits of 1000000 HRS Operating Experience. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 30, No. 344, VI, 1962.

64. Fusner G. R. Industrial Gas Turbines—Past, Present and Future, «General Electric Review», v. 59, N. 2, III, 1956.

65. Gardner T. L. Comissioning Large Gas Turbine Plant. «Engine Design and Application», v. 2, No. З, III, 1966.

66. General Electric Gas Turbine Progress. «Gas and Oil Power», v. 54, N. 650, IV, 1959.

67. Generating Equipment from 7,5 to 25 MW. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 30, N. 345, VII, 1962.

68. G о t h a r d H. A. S. Rail—borne Gas Turbine Power Stations. «Railway Gazette», v. 117, N. 12, 1962.

69. Harnessed for Industrial Power. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 29, No. 341, III, 1962.

70. Heat Exchanger Development. «Engine Design and Application», v. 2, No. З, III, 1966.

71. Howitt I., Thurner R. P. Gas Turbine, Extended Surface, Heat Exchanger: Modern Design and Performance. ASME Gas Turbine Conference, 1964.

72. How News Gas Turbines Meet Challenges. «Power», II, 1961.

73. Industrial Gas Turbine Progress. «Engine Design and Application», v. 2, No. I, I, 1966.

74. Inert Gas Generation for Fire Fighting. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 28, No. 321, VII, 1960.

75. Introducing a British 250—H. P. Design. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 28, N. 330, IV, 1961.

76. Kerr W. A. Instalation and Operation of the Model LM100 Turboshaft Engine Aboard the HS «Denison». «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 32, No. 367, V, 1964.


//. Lightweight Design for ire—Fighting Uu y. «Oil fcng ne and Gas Turbine», v. 28, No. 320, VI, 1960.

78. Loch E. Investigation of Gas Bearing. «Escher Wyss News», v. 33/1960, No. 1/2/3.

79. Marine Aspects of the Recent ASME Conference. «Engine Design and -Application», v. 2, No. 5, V, 1966.

80. Mobile Gas Turbines. «Engine Design and Application», v. 2, No. 3, III, 1966.

81. Mobile Power for General Post Office. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbi-ле», v. 31, No. 362, XII, 1963.

82. Muller A. Flugtriebwerke als industrielle Antriebsmaschinen. «MTZ», b. 27, N 3, 1966.

83. New Assembly and Test Facility. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», л/. 32, No. 369, VII, 1964.

84. New Generation of Power Generation. «Engine Design and Application», v. 1, No. 10, VII, 1965.

85. New Transportable Oil—Pumping Set. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 27, No. 315, I, 1960.

86. Oberlander G. Anwendungsberich der DEUTZ—Kleingasturbine T—16. «MTZ», b. 25, N 10, 1964.

87. Oerlikon Plant in Algeria. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 27, No. 316, II, 1960.

88. Operating Experience with Power Generation Plant. «The Oil Engine and ¦Gas Turbine», v. 28, No. 323, IX, 1960.

89. Oprecht U. Entwicklung an einer Gasturbine fur Leistungen von 10 bis 30 PS. «Schweizerische Bauzeitung», v. 84, N. 10, 10.111. 1966.

90. Originality in British Locomotive Design. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 29, No. 342, IV, 1962.

91. Packaged Plant—European and American. «Engine Design and Application», v. 2, No. З, III, 1966.

92. Packaged Power Generating Plant. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 29, No. 337, XI, 1961.

93. P f e n n i n g e r H. Brown Boveri 15 MW Package Gas Turbine Station.

«Gas Turbine», No. 6, 1965.

94. Pickert H. Anwendungsmoglichkeiten von Gasturbinen und deren Kombination mit schnellaufenden Dieselmotoren insbesondere fur Spezialschiffe. «MTZ», b. 27, N. 3, 1966.

95. Pratt—Whitney Aircraft Gas Turbine. «Electrical World», 26. VIII. 1963.

96. Precision Gearing for Turbine Application. «The Oil Engine and Gas

Turbine», v. 29, N. 337, XI, 1961.

97. Proven Features in Pioneer Latest Design. «The Oil Engine and Gas

Turbine», v. 30, N. 344, VI, 1962.

98. Resounding British Success at Le Mans. «The Oil Engine and Gas Tur-

bine», v. 31, N. 357, VII, 1963.

99. Reuter H. Schiffs—Gasturbine mit Strahltriebwerk als Triebgaserzeuger. «MTZ», b. 26, N. 11, 1965.

100. Rover Develops Ceramic Regenerator. «Engine Design and Application», v. 1, N. 4, I, 1965.

101. Ruston Mobile Pumper. «Gas Turbine», N. 6, 1962.

102. Sinchronising Clutches for Combined Steam and Gas—Turbine Machinery. «The Marine Engineer and Naval Architect», v. 84, N. 1020, V, !961.

103. Single'and Coupled Yersion of Small Power Unit. «The Oil Engine and •Gas Turbine», v. 30, N. 353, III, 1963.

104. Single—Shaft Design Yields 9000 H. P. «The Oil Engine and Gas Turbine», v. 28, N. 321, VII, 1960.

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