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Времена в английском языке - Шмелев В.М.

Шмелев В.М. Времена в английском языке — Казань, 2000. — 148 c.
ISBN 5-7579-0386-4
Скачать (прямая ссылка): vremenavanglyazike2000.djv
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31.Я слышал, что фермер, живущий вдоль дороги, взял напрокат бульдозер -Да, он хочет выкорчевать всю свою живую изгородь и вместо нее установить забор.
32.Новый владелец собирается что-нибудь изменить?- Он уже кое-что сделал. Вам следует Посмотреть его новое меню. Он хочет сделать больший упор на ресторан, чем на магазин.
33.Для чего тебе все эти пробки? - Я купил бочонок вина и собираюсь сам разливать его в бутылки.
34.У двери кто-то есть - Я подойду. Но мне кажется, это кто-то к тебе.
35.Куда это вы все идете?- Здесь нет ничего ни поесть, ни попить, кроме одной котлеты и бутылки шампанского, так что мы купим немного рыбы и жареного
картофеля и съедим это в машине. Поехали с нами. - "Нет, благодарю. Я думаю, что останусь и съем котлету и выпью шампанского.
Упр. 10. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в соответствующей форме, используя формы will или be going to.
Обе формы, will you и are you going to, могут начинать вопрос, подразумевающий намерение осуществить действие в будущем. Но форма will you очень часто вводит просьбу или предложение сделать что-либо. Для выражения намерений осуществить действие с этой целью лучше употреблять конструкцию are you going to, чем will you. Сочетание are you going to конечно же должно использоваться, когда намерение осуществить действие было явно подготовлено. Где возможны оба варианта, это будет указано в ключе. (В некоторых примерах вместо формы be going to возможно использование Present Progressive.)
1.You (open) the door for me, please?- Yes, certainly.
2.You (do) the washing-up tonight?- No, I think it can wait till tomorrow.
3.Гт looking for my easel.- You (paint) someone’s portrait?
4.“You (read) this passage aloud, please,” said the examiner.-
5. You (eat) any more of this, or shall I tell the waiter to take it away?
6.You aren’t wearing your climbing boots. You (not climb) the mountain with the others?
7.“You (listen) to me!” said his mother angrily.
8.You (put) my car away from me, please?- Yes, certainly.
9. You (have) another cup of coffee?- No, thank you.
10.Why did you buy all these eggs? You (make) an enormous omelette?
11.There’s the phone again. Такз no notice.- You (not answer) it?
12.You (come) and see me after the class? I want to discuss your work with you.
13.1 see that you have ordered the 4Guardian\ You really (read) it?
14.You (buy) stamps?- Yes, i am.- Then you (buy) some for me, please?
15.You (lend) me your fishing rod?- Yes, of course. Where you (fish)?
16.You (finish) this book or зЬа111 take it back to the library9
17.You (give) me Юр, please?- Yes, here you are. You (make) a telephone can:
18. You (leave) that coil of barbed wire in the hall? Someone will fall over it if you do.
19.You (bath) your dog?- Yes, you (help) me?
20.You (drive), please? I don’t like driving at night.
21.You (ride) that horse? He looks very bad-tempered to me.
22.You (eat) it raw? You will be ill if you do.
23. You (have) some of this cake? I made it myself.
24.You really (call) the fire brigade? I don’t think it is at all necessary.
25.You (paint) the whole room by yourself? It will take you ages.
26.You (be) ready in five minutes?
27.Hostess: John, you (sit) here at the end of the table?
28.You (do) something for me?- Yes, of course; what is it?
29.Yvou (be) angry if he refuses to help you.
30. Why have you brought your typewriter? - You (work) this weekend?
31 .You (call) me at six? I have to catch an early train.
32.You (walk) there in this rain? You’ll get awfully wet.
33.You (sign) here, please?
34.What are you all those notes for? You (give) a lecture?
35.Why do you want a candle? You (explore) the caves?
36.1f I catch some fish, you (cook) them for me? (
Упр. И. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол-сказуемое в форме Future Progressive.
1 .This time next month I (sit) on a beach.
2. When you reach England it very likely (rain).
3.When you arrive I probably (pick) fruit.
4.1n a few days time we (fly) over the Pyrenees.
5.141 call for her at eight.- No, don’t; she still (have) breakfast then.
6.1 (wait) for you when you come out.
7.When you next see me I (wear) my new dress.
8.My son will be in the sixth form next year. - That means that old Dr Adder (teach) him mathematics.
9.Г11 give Jack your message. I can do it easily because I (see) him tomorrow. We go to work on the same train.
10. You (do) geometry next term.
11.I’ll look out for you at the parade.- Do, but I (wear) uniform so you may find it hard to recognise me.
12. We have to do night duty here. I (do) mine next week.
13.In a hundred years’ time people (go) to Mars for their holidays.
14.He (use) the car this afternoon,
15.1 (see) you again.
16.1t’s a serious injury but he (walk) again in six weeks.
17.1’11 come at three o’clock.- Good, I (expect) you,
18.They are pulling down all the old houses in this street. I expect they (pull) down mine in a few years’ time.
19„I’d like to see your new flat.- Well, come tomorrow, but it (not look) its best, for the painters still (work) on it.
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