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Говорите правильно по-английски - Поуви Дж.

Поуви Дж. Говорите правильно по-английски — М.: Высшая школа, 1984. — 152 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): govoritepoenglishtru1984.djvu
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XT n ( haven't a car. r ,,. .

Neg.: They I have no саГа They havent t got a car.

Interr.: Have they a car? Have they got a car?

In American English, however, negative and interrogative forms with do/does occur widely in conversation and this tendency is now spreading to Britain:

Neg.: They don't have a car. Interr.: Do they have a car?

71 This usage contrasts with traditional British English, where do is used only in the following cases:

(1) when have has a habitual meaning;

eg 5. Does this shop have cakes? ( = in general)

Cf. 6. The shop hasn't got any cakes today. 7. English people don't usually have summer cottages. Cf. 8. We haven't got a summer cottage.

(2) when have denotes not permission but taking, receiving, experiencing;

eg 9. What time do you have breakfast?

10. I didn't have any letters today.

11. We don't have English today.

12. Did you have a good holiday?

13. Did she have a boy or a girl?

(= give birth to. Note that the latter expression is confined to very formal style.)

Finally, here is a table of usage showing forms used to express possession (non-habitual):

Formal Style Informal Style
Affirmative I have a dog. I've got a dog.
Negative I haven't a dog. have no dog. BrE: I haven't got a dog. AmE: I don*t have a dog.
Interrogative Have you a dog? BrE: Have you got a dog? AmE: Do you have a dog?

Particular care should be taken to use the forms with got in colloquial English but to avoid them in formal style.

Exercise. Translate the following sentences into English, paying particular attention to style (formal or informal).

1. — У них есть машина. 2. —У меня новое платье. 3. —У Наташи есть пишущая машинка? 4. Университет имеет богатую библиотеку. 5. —У тебя много английских книг? 6. —У меня сейчас нет времени. 7. —У англичан много интересных традиций. 8. Библиотека имеет большое количество старинных книг. 9. —Что у тебя в руке? 10. (Преподаватель на занятиях)—У всех есть текст? 11. У юной балерины большое (great) будущее. 12. У нее было тайное желание (desire) уехать в город. 13. У них нет выбора. Они вынуждены принять его предложение. 14. Граждане СССР имеют право на труд. 15.

— У нас нет цветного телевизора. 16. —У них трое детей. 17. Студенты, которые получают неудовлетворительную оценку, имеют возможность пересдать экзамен весной. (Use to fail, to take again.) 18.

— У вас есть его номер телефона? 19. —У Игоря блестящая память, 20. —Наша страна имеет большие минеральные ресурсы,

72 Historic, Historical

Historical has two meanings:

(1) belonging to history, in contrast to legend or fiction; real, not imaginary. Thus a historical event is one which really happened, a historical figure is a person who really existed. A historical novel or play deals with historical events. A picture may have a historical subject.

(2) relating to history as a process or a subject of study;

Historic usually means "notable or significant in history".

Historic is also used in the phrases historic times, meaning those times of which the history is known and recorded (in contrast to prehistoric times) and the historic present, denoting the present indefinite tense for past events (used to make the narrative more vivid).

There are a few words which are used with either historic or historical without any significant change in meaning. The most common is monument', both historic monument and historical monument occur.

Note that in some cases neither historic nor historical is used, but history, as an attribute.

eg the history faculty I department a history book

a history lesson!class!lecture, etc. a history examination) a history student/teacher

Note also that Shakespeare's historical plays are often called his histories, in contrast to the tragedies and the comedies.

eg historical approach

process records research

society (= society for historians) study treatment








eg a historic event meeting

(cf. a historical event) decision

a historic day !year, etc. speech a historic moment battle

occasion victory

73 Exercise. Fill in the blanks with historic, historical or history.

1. There is a . . . explanation for this. 2. All ... monuments are now preserved by the state. 3. At the age of 43 Walter Scott began work on his first . . . novel. 4. This is one of the ... oaks in which King Charles is supposed to have hidden. 5. The meeting between the two leaders was a . . . occasion. 6. —How can your opinion be of any value if you know nothing about the ... background to the problem? 7. ... evidence does not bear out the theory that the ancient Britons were a primitive people. 8. The Battle of Trafalgar was a . . . victory for the British navy. 9. —This is the place where Lenin made his ... speech. 10. Mr Jones teaches in the ... Department. 11. The subject of the painting is . . . . 12. He spoke about the ... development of the trade union movement.
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