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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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Poaching decreased and elephant populations stabilized or even increased. The bans on trade in African elephants and their ivory appear to be successful. But CITES now must face the challenge of evaluating claims of sustainable use, rather than simply using its precautionary bans.

C.2. Decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F).

1. The harm of ozone depletion has global effects and every country suffers equally. Unit 12. Economics and Ecology


2. For the whole world chemical releases cause less harm than for a single country.

3. There is no global organization that can get "reluctant" countries to observe agreements after they are established.

4. Some species with a trade ban have become extinct.

5. The great reduction in demand, especially demand from affluent countries caused decrease of poaching in Africa.

^ti D. Vocabulary

D.I. Read and learn new words.

deplete (v) — to lessen greatly in amount, contents, etc. — depletion (n)

ozone layer — a layer in the earth's atmosphere in which ozone is formed, preventing harmful radiation from the sun reaching the earth strlngentfac//',) — (esp. of rules, limits, etc.) severe; making difficult demands

Incur (v) — to receive (esp. something unpleasant) as a result of one's actions; bring upon oneself. E. g.: to incur costs

derive (v) — to obtain (esp. something non-material.) E. g.: to derive profits

net loss — a loss taking account of any exceptional losses free-riding — getting something for free that another must pay for it abide by (phr v) —- to obey exactly or remain faithful to (law, promises, etc.)

greenhouse gases and global warming — gases, esp. carbon dioxide or methane, which is thought to trap heat above the Earth and cause the greenhouse effect; and general increase in world temperature caused by carbon dioxide collecting in space immediately around the Earth

habitat (n) — the natural home of a plant or animal violating the trade bans or controls — disregarding the act forbidding trade with some countries

biodiversity (n) — variety of different species fragile ecosystems — the weak state of the system of all plants, animals, and people in the area together with their surrounding, considered from the point of view of their relationship to each other

poach (v) — to catch or shoot (animals, birds, or fish) without permission 210

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

D.2. Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

¦ истощение озонового слоя;

¦ хрупкая экосистема;

¦ богатые страны;

¦ парниковый эффект и глобальное потепление;

¦ принудительные меры;

¦ браконьерствовать;

¦ ареал;

¦ якобы, по видимости;

¦ биологическая вариативность;

¦ нарушать торговые запреты.

D.3. Choose an appropriate word or expression from the box to complete the following sentences.

protected parks and wild areas costs of tightening standards

pollution Extinction of species chemical releases

destruction of habitat abide by in captivity

an alarming rate free-riding

1. From the purely national viewpoint, each country would recognize that... have some negative effect on its people, and it might use a policy to limit releases if it thought the national harm was large enough.

2. Each would need to tighten its standards compared to what it would do on its own. One problem is that there may be disagreement about the costs of the environmental damage or the ....

3. Because of the problem of..., a global agreement needs some method of enforcement, to get "reluctant" countries to agree in the first place, and to assure that they ... the agreement after it is established.

4. ... is a natural process.

5. Human activities contributing to extinction include ..., introduction of predators, and ....

6. The specificity rule indicates that the best global policy to preserve species would be a policy that promotes the species through such direct means as ...; ranching, cultivation, and similar management intended to earn profits from the ongoing existence of the species; and zoos to maintain species ....

7. The human slaughter of elephants accelerated at ... in the 1970s and 1980s. Unit 12. Economics and Ecology


D.4. Give synonyms for the italicized words in each sentence below, or briefly explain their meaning.

1. In 1977, the African elephant was placed on the list of species with controlled trade.

2. In 1989, most of the CITES countries signed a complete ban on exporting or importing ivory.

3. Much of the conflict over endangered species naturally centers on Africa, with its unique biodiversity and its fragile ecosystems.

4. An international scientific authority decides which species are endangered.

5. While there is no global agreement to promote these best solutions, there is a global agreement to control the pressure of international demand.

6. It is reckoned that human activities eliminated only 11 mammal species and 24 birds in the 18th century.
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