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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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E* Speak up

E.l.Work in groups and discuss the problem of major ethical principles that can be violated by the employees and employers.

E.2. Make a summary of the text.

R Grammar notes Ellipsis

When you quote, you must use the author's exact words. However, you may omit material from the middle of the quotation, as long as you let your reader know by using an ellipsis.

An ellipsis is three spaced periods (...). It tells the reader you have omitted one or more words from the material you are quoting. 90

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

E. g.: The committee's ideas, most of them useful, have less to do with overhauling management than improving attitude.

As the report notes, ttThe committee's ideas ... have less to do with overhauling management than improving attitude."

You usually don't need to use the ellipsis at the begi nning or end of quotations (since there will almost always be material that comes before or after the quotation). However, when you're ending your sentence with a quotation that is clearly unfinished, an ellipsis makes your reader's job easier: He saw "the pins, the balls of yarn, old spools ..."

(Notice that a fourth period is added to the ellipsis to close the sentence.)

Make sure you don't use punctuation from the quotation before or after the ellipsis, such as (,...) or (...,).

Ellipsis in the middle. ttIhave been to Beijingand (have) seen the Great Wall", Professor Smith said.

Ellipsis at the end. 1. "Professor Hopkins said he was going on a call this evening." 2. ttDid he say where (he was going)?" "No, he didn't say where."

(Some authorities use four periods instead of three when the ellipsis is at the end or if more than a paragraph has been left out.)

Ellipsis at the beginning. 1. "Buying shares is meant to be a way of ma king your money grow. Even these days (...), the principle still holds — invest in shares that you think will rise, in order to get a good return on your cash." 2. He also said, "(He who) seeks fame and fortune through immorality, misconduct, and deception will never achieve it."

F.l. Make up ellipsis from the following sentences.

What Happened to Japanese Business Ethics?

Koyama Hiroyuki, "LookJapan"

Cases of Japanese corporations violating business ethics show up in the news one after another. To name but a few, there are the payoffs to "soka-iya" (corporate racketeers) by Ajinomoto, Takashimaya, and Nomura Securities; huge loans to sokaiya without adequate collateral by Daiichi Kangyo Bank; and the disclosure of unfair trade in copper by Sumitomo Corporation.

We can compare all this to the example of US businesses, which have a firm code of business ethics and a system for closely checking compliance with this code of conduct. It is often said that US corporations tend to engage voluntarily in ethical practices because Americans in general are imbued with the Puritan spirit and have deeply held religious beliefs. On the other hand, it is said that the Japanese are not particularly religious and many Japanese are unconcerned with ethics. But is this really valid? Unit 5. Business Ethics


We will not pursue the question of the religiosity or morality of the American people here. The important question for us is whether the Japanese are irreligious, and thus, unconcerned with ethics and morals.

The answer is no. Naturally, there are people in Japan who engage in unethical behavior without qualms, but individual examples mean nothing. Are the Japanese people overall ethical or not?

Japan has long held to the traditions of Confucianism. Over the centuries the Analects of Confucius, the book of Confucius' teachings, has become a central pillar in the Japanese psyche and come to form the core of what the Japanese consider the correct path of business. To argue the relative importance of Confucian ethics and Christian ethics is pointless. Essentially every mature society in the world stresses the importance of ethics.

So, what is wrong with current Japanese corporations?

In short, an ethical viewpoint must be established as an institution, and a means for ensuring the observance of ethics must be erected within the corporation. The greatest difference between Japanese and IJS corporations is that US corporations do not depend entirely on personal ethics, but use institutionalized methods of preserving ethical standards.

G, Reading the English newspaper

G.l. Discuss these questions.

1. What to your mind is the role of the large oil companies in price hikes?

2. What do you know about the bribery scandal connected with oil contracts in Kazakhstan?

3. Have you ever heard about Exxon's case? Speak about it.

G.2. Scan the article and analyze your previous answers.

G.3. Match up these words from the article with their meanings:

1) to hinder; a) keen;
2) mucky; b) to support, strengthen or increase;
3) hefty price; c) to complain, grumble;
4) reckoning; d) dirty;
5) zealous; e) charging someone officially with an offence in law;
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