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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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торговать под чужими брендами. «Товар под особым лейблом должен быть либо очень дешевым, либо его необходимо закупать по очень низким ценам, а нам это не надо, — говорит он. — Нас устраивает объем, который у нас есть в Metro сейчас. И нам нужно уходить в нишу пре-миум, а не снижать цены». Торговый дом «Русал Саянская фольга», как рассказал недавно «Ведомостям» его гендиректор Илья Тихомиров, и так поставляет свою продукцию за рубеж, a Metro является лишь одним из возможных экспортных каналов.

F.4. Additional grammar material. Compound Nouns

In English, words, particularly adjectives and nouns, are combined into compound structures in a variety of ways. And once they are formed, they - sometimes metamorphose over time. A common pattern is that two words — fire fly, say — will be joined by a hyphen for a time — fire-fly — and then be joined into one word — firefly. In this respect, a language like German, in which words are happily and immediately linked one to the other, might seem to have an advantage. There is only one sure way to knoTV how to spell compounds in English: use an authoritative dictionary.

There are three forms of compound words:

¦ the closed form, in which the words are melded together, such as firefly, secondhand, softball, childlike, redhead, keyboard, makeup, notebook;

¦ the hyphenated form, such as daughter-in-law, master-at-arms, over-the-counter, six-pack, six-year-old, mass-produced;

¦ and the open form, such as post office, real estate, middle class, full moon, half sister, attorney general.

With a handful of exceptions, compounds created by the addition of a prefix are not hyphenated:

anteroom, antisocial, binomial, biochemistry, coordinate, counterclockwise, extraordinary, infrastructure, interrelated, intramural, macroeconomics, metaphysical, microeconomics, midtown, minibike, multicultural, neoroman-tic, nonviolent, overanxious,postwar,preconference,pseudointellectual, reunify, semiconductor, socioeconomic, subpar, supertanker, transatlantic, unnatural, underdeveloped.

F.5. Match up the compounds correctly and give English definitions:

1) 2-year; a) vacation;

2) one-week; b) education;

3) African; c) force; 76

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

4) bull's; d) tournament;
5) data; e) general;
6) blue-green; 0 pressure;
7) attorney; g) dress;
8) blood; h) -eye;
9) all-city; i) American;
10) half; J) database;
11) first-rate; k) -in-law;
12) daughter; 1) sister;
13) ex; m) person;
14) English-speaking; n) -wife;
15) grand; o) accommodations;
16) grant; P) foot;
17) high-level; q) mother;
18) Italian-American; r) -in-aid;
19) life; s) officials;
20) light; t) club;
21) mayor; u) like;
22) sales; v) year;
23) secretary; w) -elect;
24) stock; x) -treasurer:
25) vice; y) person;
26) well-made; z) broker;
27) worldwide; aa) president;
28) air; bb) clothes;
29) ball. cc) inflation.

G, Discussion

The text "Culture in economic performance" mentions that culture may affect equity. What other phenomena can culture affect in your opinion?

I-L Make a summary of the text

Use the active vocabulary.

I Reading the English newspaper

I.l. Read the newspaper article and decide what the do's and the don'ts for business communication of foreign partners are. Unit 4. Economic Development and Cultural Diversities


Уои Are Talking to Me

uNew Straits Times" (Malaysia)

I speak French, you speak Swahili, they speak Mongolian. We do business together in Bolivia. A simple enough proposition, but in practice an endeavour as fraught with traps for the unwary as negotiating the sale of camels to camel-producing countries.

One might understand a language well enough for the purpose of trade: for example, signing a partnership with a local distributor to market one's brand in a foreign market. Language is a simple matter; it obeys fixed rules of grammar and syntax not unlike one's own. When one stumbles, translators come to help.

All might appear to proceed smoothly, but when that distributor farts sonorously, repeatedly, during dinner with one's titled bosses — while the grin of pleasure spreads slowly across his innocent face — does one mutter automatically. The technical revolution in communications promised a great deal, but delivered precious little. The free exchange of ideas, unencumbered by ideological restrictions (like Soviet Communism) should have brought the world closer; instead it has driven communities so far apart that today clashes of civilizations appear inevitable.

The problem: however advanced our technology might become, no logical machine will ever displace the quintessential^ irrational, emotional Human Factor. One day we might ourselves come to resemble machines, but until then the diversity of human culture will always have the upper hand. Multinationals ignore this fact at their peril.

"People of every culture think their way of doing things makes the most sense; it's the only way they know how to act," says Sheida Hodge, a director of Berlitz International, an organisation specialising in communicating between cultures. Mrs Hodge, 58, is a fine example of a successful international businesswoman: born in Iran, she immigrated at 18 to the US and joined the General Electric Company, where she was responsible for developing overseas business. She later built her own import company and sold it to a Brazilian manufacturer.
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