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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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Nevertheless scepticism among economists still persists, especially at the macroeconomic level where there remains considerable speculation as to whether and to what extent cultural factors have played a role in determining economic performance in different countries. For example, the sources of post-war growth in Japan, and more recently in South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, have been widely contested.

It is undeniable that economic factors in these countries have contributed significantly to their rapid growth, including stable macroeconomic management ("getting the fundamentals right"), promotion of competition, strong export orientation, pressure for "catch-up" technological change, investment in human capital and so on. Even so there is disagreement among economists as to how far targeted industrial policies and strategic government interventions, which have been markedly contrary to the precepts of neo-classical orthodoxy, have been influential in promoting accelerated economic performance. Yet underlying all this, a more fundamental and pervasive role is proposed, which certain cultural principles, derived to a significant extent from Confucianism, have helped to create the conditions for economic success. These factors include concern for the welfare and mutual esteem of the group, an achievement-oriented work ethic, regard for the importance of the family, a belief in the need for education, a respect for hierarchy and authority and so on. Looking specifically at the Japanese case, we can observe that such factors as religion, family attitudes, patterns of cooperation within a culturally homogeneous society and so on, have shaped the public and corporate institutions of Japan and the manner of their operation; only in this way can the cultural foundations of Japanese society be seen to have permeated all aspects of Japanese economic life.

Within such a broadly based development framework we can suggest, as before, that a means of bringing economic and cultural concerns together is to return to the basic notion of value creation, where the generation of both economic and cultural values can be discerned as outcomes of a deve- Unit 4. Economic Development and Cultural Diversities


lopment process which balances the desire for material goods and services with the deeper needs and aspirations of human beings for cultural recognition, expression and fulfillment.

D. Vocabulary

D.I. Read and learn active vocabulary.

shared values — common cultural wealth

undertake (v) — to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work and start to do it

conducive (adj) — helping (an especially desirable result) to happen inculcating (adj) — fixing in the mind of (someone) equity (n) — a here is the situation when nobody has an unfair advantage

mitigate (v) — to lessen the seriousness of evil, harm, pain, etc. to be in tune with — in agreement or sympathy defeatism (n) — the practice of thinking or talking in a way that shows an expectation of being unsuccessful

unwarranted (adj) — unwelcome and done without good reason postulate (v) — to suggest something as being likely or as a base for further reasoning, even though it has not been proved pervasive (adj) — wide-spread esteem (v) — to respect and admire greatly

permeate (v) — to spread or pass through or into every part of a thing, place, etc.

discern (v) — to see, notice or understand something only after ca-refull thinking

D.2. Match up each word on the left with a word on the right. Then use five of the expressions to write about economic development and cultural diversities:

1) varied; a) level;
2) shared; b) prices;
3) financial; c) settings;
4) intergenerational; d) esteem;
5) aggregate; e) innovation;
6) shadow; f) rates;
7) cultural; g) outcomes;
8) mutual; h) defeatism;
9) unwarranted; i) values;
10) growth. j) equity. 70

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

D.3. Find an appropriate word from the list below to complete each sentence.

inherited income bind (someone) together

put forward economic variables special promotion

undeniable precepts

1. The industry agreement... companies ... to reduce the prices.

2. The UK accountancy bodies......the idea of a European accounting

standards body.

3. Problems he ... from his predecessor led to the bank's later troubles.

4. They live beyond their ....

5. TheJapanese are subject to the same......as everybody else.

6. It is ... that she is the best person for the job.

7. A......in January produced a spectacular rise in profits.

8. Just follow these few basic ... and you won't go far wrong in business.

E, Comprehension

Read the text again more thoroughly and answer the questions.

1. What is culture?

2. What proposition can be put forward for a corporation?

3. What broad directions may culture affect?

4. How will the effect of culture be reflected?

5. What has Mark Casson suggested in relation to economics and culture?
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