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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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J. Translation

Translate the following passage into English. Внутренний брендинг

Стоит ли тестировать продукцию на своих сотрудниках?

Независимые маркетологи утверждают, что продукцию компании нельзя тестировать на ее сотрудниках — они не могут относиться к своему продукту объективно. Однако некоторые, даже богатые компании продолжают использовать этот прием, который, по утверждению адептов внутреннего брендинга, позволяет экономить деньги и повышает лояльность сотрудников.

Иного мнения придерживаются независимые маркетинговые агентства. «Сотрудников компании нельзя проецировать на целевую группу. Это все равно что я буду спрашивать у своих сотрудников, купят ли они у нас консалтинговые услуги» — говорит председатель совета директоров агентства «A2z marketing» Андрей Стась. На сайте брен-дингового агентства «Студия "Гвоздь"» написано: «Для того чтобы протестировать разработанные нами название или графику торговой марки, клиент при нашей помощи проводит фокус-группы среди своих сотрудников». Но директор агентства Алла Корнилова поясняет, что все это — результат экономии заказчиком средств. «Если позволяет бюджет, то, конечно, надо заказывать независимую фокус-группу, и желательно даже не одну», — говорит она. 64

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

jP К, Case study

Case 1. Examples of Rebranding

The multinational company P&G was required to reformulate Lightdrink after a 30 % drop in sales following comments from the Food Commission over the effect of the brand on children's health and criticism that the product was packaged to look like a fruit juice.

To overcome the difficulty the company is trying a Rebranding strategy, which includes the following measures:

¦ P&G has signed up a pop group for a ? 2 m summer promotion for fruit drink brand Lightdrink. The partnership with the group is the cornerstone of a ? 12 m Lightdrink re-launch;

¦ buyers who save eight labels from Lightdrink products will be able to send them in exchange for an exclusive compact disk;

¦ the promotion will be supported by a TV advertising campaign;

¦ the package is to be re-designed.

Case 2* Coca-Cola to Rebrand "Diet" Fizzy Drinks

Coca-Cola in the UK is poised to change the brand names of Diet Fanta and Diet Dr. Pepper to Fanta Light and Dr. Pepper Light.

The company is also launching a Fanta Icy Lemon Light variant in the UK before the end of the year, which observers believe could be the springboard for the change.

The re-branding is designed to bring Coca-Cola's UK product range in line with branding across the rest of Europe. However, Diet Coke is expected to retain its name as significant money has been invested in establishing the brand since its UK launch in 1983.

Coca-Cola spent more than ? 4 m on Diet Coke in the year to June 2002 (Source: Nielsen Media Research). The brand is called Coca-Cola Light in France, Belgium and other European countries. Coca-Cola brands Lilt and Sprite already have ulight"-branded variants in the UK.

A sales promotion was launched for the Diet Coke brand in August featuring an instant-win, top prize of ? 100,000. All Diet Coke bottles are coloured silver for the campaign and it has been supported with outdoor and press advertising.

K.l. After reading the cases form two groups of marketing analysts» Brainstorm other measures aimed at successful re-branding for each company. Then meet as one group and select some of the best suggestions for further activity. Unit 4

Economic Development and Cultural Diversities

A. Preliminary discussion

1. What British, American, German, Japanese, etc. traditions in economic performance surprised you the most when you first came to these countries? Be specific.

2. Do foreign businessmen "stick out" in Russia? Describe their behavior. What is the stereotype of the American (British, German, Japanese, etc.) businessmen?

3. What stereotype do the foreign businessmen have of Russian ones? Can you bring into comparison foreign and Russian businessmen, their behavior and attitude to business?

B* Pre-reading exercises

B.i. Before reading the text, look at the title. What do you think the text is about? Choose the best answer:

1) culture influence on economic efficiency;

2) reflection of culture effect on individual behaviour in collective outcomes;

3) Casson's culture theory.

B.2. Skim the text to check your answers.

C Reading

C. і. Read the text and decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F).

1. The economic productivity and dynamism of the group is reflected in better financial outcomes or in higher growth rates. 66

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

2. Culture does not influence or determine the economic and social objectives.

3. Casson considers that economic analysis can make progress in identifying the influences that culture has on economic performance and in quantifying their effects.

4. Such factors as religion, family attitudes, patterns of cooperation have shaped the public and corporate institutions of the European countries.
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