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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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1. You can make a present even if you don't know your business contacts preferences.

2. It is important to spend a great amount of money to show your respect to your customers.

3. You can make a more lasting impression without an expensive gift.

4. Your business contacts are allowed to accept valuable gifts.

5. A gift exceeding $ 25 can be considered as a bribe.

C. Give Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences:

¦ expression of appreciation;

¦ subtle and appropriate;

¦ business-to-business giving;

¦ prioritize;

¦ lasting appeal.

D. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. "We do customized greeting cards for our clients, but we don't give a lot of gifts." Ifthe agency does give a gift, "it would not exceed $25."

2. Jeff Corcoran, who runs Applied Success Retail Consultants in Ballston Lake, NY, acknowledges that it's a more stringent corporate environment today. The generous year-end bounties that were part of his father's business era have no place in his own.

3. Corcoran says he doesn't give his clients gifts, "because I'm a consultant, and that would be considered a conflict of interest."

4. Even the merchant operating on a shoestring can keep an attractive plate of holiday cookies on the counter for walk-in customers. It doesn't cost much, and you'll leave your customers with a good taste in their mouths — literally.

5. "We give out a lot of product samples and brushes around the holidays," said Mary Lusio of Amelia's Hair Designs in El Centro, CA. Free samples normally distributed year-round can take on a holiday theme simply by being displayed in a more decorative, festive container. 274

Appendix A

E. Render the extract from the article using the active vocabulary.

Вчерашняя встреча главы российской нефтяной компании «ЮКОС» Михаила Ходорковского и председателя совета директоров «Квэрнер» Харальда Арнквэрна в Осло прошла в обстановке враждебности, напомнившей о временах Холодной войны.

Когда «ЮКОС» был просто одним из крупных клиентов «Квэрнер», отношения компаний были здоровыми. Купив 22 % акций этой англонорвежской инженерной группы, переживающей сейчас сложные времена, «ЮКОС» заставил Норвегию сомневаться в чистоте намерений России. В норвежской прессе появилось по этому поводу множество публикаций агрессивного характера.

Те, кто впервые узнал о «ЮКОСе», были неприятно удивлены, обнаружив в его прошлом наличие большого числа «скелетов в шкафах», а это присуще многим российским компаниям, возникшим в девяностых годах или пережившим то тревожное десятилетие. Но те, кто наблюдает за эволюцией российской экономики, видят и положительные тенденции, не дающие пока возможности делать окончательные выводы.

За последние два года «ЮКОС» превратился из корпорации-парии в любимчика местного инвестиционного сообщества.

Unit 6. Accounting

A. Read this article from the CNN Money website and complete it with the words listed.

stocked liability niche matters related

assessment outpaces protection succumbed

loss restate methodology

Kmart May Restate Results

New York (CNN/Money) — Kmart Corp. is delaying filing its financial report for the fiscal year that ended in January, and it warned Wednesday it may ... (1) results.

The Troy, Mich.-based discount retailer, which filed for bankruptcy... (2) in January, said the delay in filing its IO-K annual report with the Securities and Exchange Commission will give its new management team time to complete an ... (3) of the company's accounting policies and methods.

Kmart said it may restate results for last year due to a possible change in accounting ... (4) as well as a previously announced investigation concerning various accounting... (5). Appendix A


The restated results could include a ... (6) "significantly higher" than the $ 244 million loss it reported for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, the company said.

Kmart spokesman Jack Ferry said the accounting issues are ... (7) to an internal and SEC investigation into vendor contracts and general ... (8) reserves.

Kmart, which was the nation's No. 3 retailer in terms of sales last year,... (9) to competition from Wal-Mart, the world's biggest company, and Target Corp., another discount chain.

Sloppy, poorly ... (10) stores, many of which were in need of renovation, drove consumers to other retailers, particularly Wal-Mart, which far ... (11) the industry in everyday low prices, and Target, which grabbed a slightly more upscale ... (12) with its high fashions at low prices, analysts have said.

Many on Wall Street blamed Kmart's ultimate fall in part on Chuck Conaway, the former CEO hired two years ago to turn the chain around and who tried going head-to-head with Wal-Mart on price, something no retailer has been able to do.

B. After filling in the gaps read the article once more and decide which of the statements are True and which are False and write T for True and F for False.

1. The Troy delayed filing its annual report because it was not satisfied with the assessment of its accountants.
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