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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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The only ... (8) from GM is that pricing remains very competitive. The company issued new guidance saying that ... (9), which reflects the sales price less the cost of marketing and ... (10), will be off between 1.4 and 1.6 percent in the second quarter compared to a year ago.

GM has been a leader in most incentives for the last eight months, sparking a round of... (11) financing incentives that kept demand for vehicles strong even in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. GM announced a new incentive program late Tuesday that included ... (12) interest rates but did not offer the zero-interest option.

B. After filling in the gaps read the extract once more and decide which of the statements are True and which are False and write T for True and F for False.

1. GM outpaced its competitors because consumer demand for autos went up.

2. Approximate total industry sales would be about 2.5 percent in the month.

3. GM decided to leave its production target without changes.

4. The fact that pricing remains very competitive concerns GM.

5. Cash or reduced interest rates kept demand for vehicles strong.

C. Give English equivalents and make up your own sentences:

¦ товар, продаваемый по сниженной цене для привлечения покупателей;

¦ продукт, пользующийся спросом;

¦ осведомленность о торговой марке;

¦ рынок товаров массового производства;

¦ «макулатурная» почта (реклама и т. п.).

D. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Year-to-date fleet sales are off 25 percent at GM due to the strong drop in demand from car rental companies in the first quarter. Appendix A


2. GM was mostly lifted by a 24 percent gain in sales of light trucks.

3. "Underlying demand remains very strong," said Paul Ballew, GM's executive director for market and industry analysis.

4. The marketing director's brief was to increase coverage by at least 10 percent.

5. The product has lost market share and is a likely candidate for deletion.

E. Render the extract from the article using the active vocabulary.

He так уж требовали потребители, чтобы им сделали новую «Колу», но именно ее они получат во вторник, когда компания PepsiCo сообщит о новом варианте знаменитого напитка. Речь идет не о «Новой Пепси», а о расширении ассортимента, в том числе, возможно, новом запахе и даже новом цвете.

Pepsi сообщит свои новости за день до того, как Coca-Cola представит новую Vanilla Coke — утром в Vanilla Bean Cafe города Пофрет, Коннектикут, и вечером — в одном клубе Мапхэттена.

Гиганты прохладительных напитков отчаянно стремятся вытеснить с полок магазинов новые имена. В 2001 г. объемы продаж безалкогольных напитков выросли всего на 0,6 %. Объемы продаж ведущих брендов — Coca-Cola Classic и Pepsi-Cola — снизились. Компании ищут возможности для роста.

Обе фирмы разработали успешные стратегии продажи напитков и соков, но их последние инициативы, а также такие нововведения, как лимонные колы, появившиеся в прошлом году, показывают, что они не намерены сдать без борьбы свою главную нишу — газированные воды.

Unit 4, Economic Development and Cultural Diversities

A. Read this extract from the article from The UN Chronicle and complete it with the expressions listed.

involvement disoriented challenge encountered
integration vulnerable tolerance clash
implemented identity interdependencecrafting
inspiration in the wake of priority

Diversity, Human Rights and Peace (Culture Watch)

Anita Inder Singh

If globalization is a fact of life, so is human diversity. The management of national, cultural and religious diversity is a high ... (1) for the United 270

Appendix A

Nations and national policy makers in the twenty-first century. As more and more people are brought together; voluntarily and involuntarily, by the ... (2) of markets ... (3) globalization and the continual advances in telecommunications and transportation, many individuals ... (4) confusion and conflict in adjusting to a multicultural experience that is new for them. Whether people are enriched or... (5) by their contacts with the "multicul-turalism of globalization" depends to a considerable extent on how their fears are addressed, what is done to make them feel less ... (6) to forces over which they have little or no control. Inspired by the UN Charter — or perhaps the ... (7) behind it — human rights are of significance in helping the international community deal with the dilemmas arising from a real or imagined ... (8) of cultures and protecting "the dignity and worth of the human person."

In practice, this means the ... (9) of policies that will help individuals face the radical economic and social changes that at times seem to threaten their very ... (10). Most problems cannot be solved entirely at the national, regional or global level; the age of globalization is simultaneously an age of ... (11). No "political command" can ensure that decisions at any level will be... (12) by administrative fiat. Leaders must motivate ordinary people to participate in plans "to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, to practise ... (13) and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite ... to maintain international peace and security." This is a major ... (14) to international policy makers. Aconcomitant challenge is how to give individuals a sense of... (15) in shaping and controlling the course of events that affect their lives, through democratic — or good — governance, by promoting the rule of law, an independent judiciary, free and fair periodic elections, political and intellectual pluralism, and respect for human and minority rights. States are a long-term fixture, and human rights are about protecting the individuals who make up States.
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