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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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Russia will inevitably join the WTO. But the chances of accession in Mexico City next year now look no better than 50:50. If accession only occurs in Putin's second term, then the slower timetable will not have a fundamental impact on Russia's transition. However, given the importance of WTO-related measures for overall domestic structural reform, any such delay would be at least marginally negative for investor perceptions of country risk. The damage would be minimised if the legislative programme was seen to be progressing steadily. Conversely, the damage will be worse if that programme stalls, if the protectionist lobby appears to be ruling the roost - casting doubt on accession even in 2005 — and, worst of all, if the perception gains ground that oligarchs like Deripaska ultimately dictate policy under Putin as they did under Yeltsin. Putin's leadership will be tested in making the legitimate case for a steadier approach to WTO accession while countering perceptions of stalled reform and renewed "state capture" by oligarchs.

H.2. Match up the words and definitions:

1) to endorse; a) to be in charge of;

2) to balk; b) to declare that one regards (sth) as important while not

treating it as important in fact;

3) to entail; c) to express approval or support;

4) to talk up; d) to fail to stay in line;

5) to hinge; e) a period of time within which (sth) is completed or is

expected to be completed;

6) to rule the roost; f) to be unwilling to do or to agree to (sth) difficult or

unpleasant; to stop or intentionally get in the way; 236

Английский ЯЗЫК ДЛЯ экономистов

7) to break the ranks; g) to make necessary;

8) to pay lip services to; h) to stop because there is not enough power or speed to

keep going;

9) to cast doubt on; i) hard, bare, or severe in appearance without any

pleasant or decorative addition;

10) to stall; j) to make someone to question the truth or value of (smth);

11) to plough on; k) to depend on; have as a necessary condition;

12) stark realities; 1) to praise; to speak directly and frankly;

13) timescale. m) to force a way, sometimes violently.

H.3. Answer the following questions.

I. Whv may the autumn Geneva sessions be decisive for Russia?

2. Is everyone in Duma in favour of WTO accession? Why?

3. What hampers this accession?

4. What are the most difficult concessions for Russia and why?

5. What do you know about this organization? H.4. Make an outline of the text and render it.

H.5. Choose an appropriate synonym from the box to the italicized words in the following sentences.

arguing sagging lodged shocking delicate

curbed flourishing into debt spotlights moaner

extension worry veiled mope plunge

I. The economy is flagging, unemployment is rising and business is being stifled by taxes and red tape.

2. The federal budget must be passed, but the government and opposition are wrangling over spending cuts and a proposed tax increase.

3. He highlights two reforms that were meant to have been wrapped up by the end of last year but which remained stuck.

4. His recent efforts have been stunning.

5. The biggest and the most ticklish issue is the enlargement of the EU.

6. The grumblers have no alternative to put forward to the president's approach: that if Russia wants economic prosperity and respect, the only choice is to join the outside world, not sulk in the corner.

7. Economists are not the only ones who fret about inllation.

8. The trouble is that economic forecasts are shrouded in an even thicker fog than usual.

9. The slowing economy is pushing many state budgets into the red as tax revenues plummet. Unit 13. Russia in the World Economy


L Reading the Russian newspaper

I.l. Read the Russian article and render it using the following words and expressions:

¦ integration in;

¦ disagreement;

¦ cumbersome structures;

¦ scholastic disputes;

¦ pithy;

¦ counteraction;

¦ speculative discussions;

¦ nonproliferation.

Европа нам — второе Отечество

Дмитрий Рогозин, «Независимая газета »

Далеко не случайно президент Владимир Путин во внешнеполитическом разделе своего последнего Послания Федеральному собранию выделил отношения с Европейским союзом в качестве важнейшего элемента российской внешней политики. Более того, широкое сближение и реальная интеграция в Европу однозначно определены в нем как исторический выбор России, причем выбор уже сделанный и последовательно реализуемый. Именно здесь кроется ответ на ведущийся в российской интеллектуальной элите схоластический спор относительно того, «к какому берегу нам выгоднее прибиться — к американскому или европейскому?» Умозрительные дискуссии иа эту тему стали особенно модными в последнее время на фоне разногласий на тему оптимальных методов разоружения Ирака.

Многие посчитали, что Россия совершила ошибку, открыто поддержав позицию Франции и Германии, так называемой «старой Европы», которая в отличие от США якобы ничего не может дать России. А некоторые эксперты утверждают, что отношения с Евросоюзом, особенно во внешнеполитической и оборонной сфере, вообще не должны быть для России приоритетом, а высвобождающиеся дипломатические ресурсы должны быть переориентированы на США и НАТО. На мой взгляд, это абсолютно ложный и даже опасный выбор. На самом деле вопрос должен быть сформулирован иначе. Нам нет необходимости выбирать между Европой и Америкой. Оба направления взаимодополняемы. Наши отношения с США более содержательны в сфере международной безопасности, но под них по-прежнему не подведен 238
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