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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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to raise one's hand поднять руку ¦ to shake hands здороваться


I. Заполните пропуски словами hand, arm:

You see a boy with a dog in his ... .

When you do your morning exercises, you raise your ....

32 At the meeting people raise their .... The captains are shaking their ... after the game. This woman has a receiver 1 in her right ... and her bag on her left ....

Don't sit on the . . . of the chair.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Do you wash your arms or only your hands in the morning? (before dinner? when you go to bed?)

2. Must people write with their right hand or with their left hand?

3. Do you raise your arm or your hand when you want to answer at lessons?

4. Do you carry your bag in your hand or under your arm?

5. Which hand is stronger, the right or the left?

6. Are your arms tired after you work in the garden?

1 receiver [TiySi:v3] — телефонная трубка

33 III. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы, употребляя слова arm и hand. Используйте данные предлоги:


Where is his box? under

Where is his hammer? in

Where are her flowers? on

Where are her flowers now? in

Where is her bag? in

IV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Возьми карандаш в правую руку.

2. У тебя грязные руки, пойди и помой их.

3. У маленькой Тани в руках белый котенок.

4. У мамы на руках маленький Коля.

5. Возьми карту под руку, а портфель в левую руку.

6. У спортсменов сильные руки.

V. Посмотрите на рисунки и составьте короткие рассказы.


1. Why is Mike in the hospital?

2. Who came to see him?

3. What has the girl in her left hand and in her right hand?

4. What has the boy under his arm?

5. Is Mike glad to see his friends?

his arm is broken

box of sweets 2


1. Where do pioneers go every summer?

2. When do they go to the pioneer camp?

3. What do children do there?

4. What has Pete in his hand?

5. Has he anything under his arm?

6. What does his mother do?

(to) a pioneer camp in summer to play, to swim,

to sing to go to the forest,

to the river to read books fishing rod 3 to wave one's hand


4tI don't know why I must wash my hands before school asked Tommy.

11Why not?" said his mother. "I never raise them in class."

VI. Отгадайте загадки:

1. What are hands that cannot hold 4 anything?

2. What is without hands and without feet, without head body, but can open a door?

3. A flower planted in the hand, that blossoms5 when rains.

4. No hands, but waves. What is it?

1 is broken [broukn] — сломана

2 box of sweets — коробка конфет

3 fishing rod — удочка

4 to hold [hould] — держать

5 to blossom — цвести LEGS, FEET, PAWS 1

A man has two legs.

A bird has two legs, too.

Do you see the children's But a dog has four legs, legs? No, you don't. You see only their feet.

Do you see their feet now? No, you don't. The children keep 2 their feet in the water.

In winter people put warm shoes on their feet. Do animals wear 3 shoes on their feet? No, they don't.

1 paw [рэ:] — лапа

2 to keep — держать

3 to wear — носить

36 Why is the elephant screaming?1 A gnat2 stepped3 on his foot.

If our shoes are dirty, we leave footmarks 4 on the floor. Wipe 5 your feet before you come into the room. Look! The cat is very tidy.6 It washes its paw, too. It never leaves footmarks on the floor.

Where is the cat? It sits at Kate's feet.

You know now when to say the three words about living beings.7 But do you know how to use these words about things? Look at this girl! Her legs support8 her body.

Look at these things, their legs support their bodies.

5 to scream [skri:m] — пронзительно кричать

2 gnat [naet] — комар

3 to step — шагать, ступать

4 to leave [li:v] footmarks ['futma:ks] — наследить, оставить след

5 to wipe [waip] — вытирать

3 tidy ['taidi] — опрятный, аккуратный

7 living beings — живые существа (человек, животные и т. п.)

8 to support — поддерживать

37 Remember:

leg нога

foot (pi feet) стопа paw [рэ:] лапа

to wipe one's feet вытирать ноги to step on one's foot наступать на ногу footmark ['futmark] след ¦ to leave footmarks наследить


I. Заполните пропуски под рисунками:

Note: the legs of a chair the legs of a table the legs of a bed

The boy kicks1 the ball with his ... .

This ... of the chair is shorter than that one.

The horse is standing Pigeons2 walk among on three .... the ... of passers-by.3

1 to kick — бить, ударить

2 pigeon ('pidgin] — голубь

3 passer-by — прохожий

38 IL Посмотрите на рисунки из серии «Приключения Пифа», прочитайте рассказ и ответьте на вопросы.

This woman cleans the floor of her room every morning. Then she hangs up a notice: 1 "Wipe your feet."

But her family do not like to do it. They do not wipe their feet before they come into the room.

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