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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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Mike's family is large. His elder brother studies at an institute. Mike's sister Tanya is small. Mike is 7 years older than she is. Tanya often goes with her granny1 to the large park which is near their house.

1. Where does Mike live?

2. Is Mike a small boy?

3. Where does his father work?

4. What does the factory make?

5. Is Mike's family small?

6. Is Mike's sister bigger than he is?

7. Where does Tanya often go with her grandmother?

IV. Таня нарисовала животных — маленьких и великанов, но все перепутала. Помогите разобраться. Составьте вопросы к картинке (на эти вопросы будут отвечать ваши товарищи). Ниже даны названия животных на английском языке.

Образец: 1. Is a mouse bigger than a cat?

(No, it is not. A mouse is smaller than a cat.) 2. Is a hare smaller than a mouse?

(No, it isn't. A hare is bigger than a mouse.)

1 granny — ласк, бабушка, бабуся 18 3. Is a horse as big as a dog? (No, a horse is bigger than a dog.)

4. Is a hare a big animal? (No, it isn't.)

mouse [maus] — мышь hare [heo] — заяц

animal [7Senimol] — животное elephant ['elifent] — слон giraffe [d3i7ra:f] — жираф

V. Сравните размеры: а) частей света, б) морей. Составьте вопросы по указанному образцу, а ваши товарищи ответят на них. Ниже даны названия стран света и морей.


Образец: 1. Is Asia larger than Europe? (Yes, it is.)

2. Is Australia as large as America? (No, it is smaller.)

Europe [7juorop] — Европа Asia [7ei/o] — Азия Africa [7Sefriko] — Африка America [Amerika] — Америка Australia [os'treiljo] — Австралия

19 Б.

Образец: 1. Is the Black Sea larger than the Baltic Sea? (No, the Baltic Sea is larger.) 2. Is the Sea of Asov as large as the White Sea? (No, the White Sea is larger.)

The White Sea ['wait 'si:] — Белое море The Baltic Sea ['bo-.ltik 'si:] — Балтийское море The Sea of Azov ['si: от 'cc:zot] — Азовское море The Black Sea ['blsek 'si:] — Черное море

VI. Игра «Употреби правильно слово».

square [skwea] — площадь

bridge [brid3] — мост boat [bout] — лодка jet plane [7d3et 'plein] —реактивный самолет

20 Ведущий задает вопрос: ''What is big in this picture?" или "What is large in this picture?"

Играющие должны быстро назвать все предметы, которые можно определить словом big или словом large. Например: a big ship, a big house, etc.

Выигрывает тот, кто правильно назовет большее количество-словосочетаний.

(Используйте для игры картины, которые есть в вашем классе.)

VII. Вы все, конечно, читали сказку о Машеньке и трех медведях. Попробуйте рассказать ее по-английски. Пользуйтесь словами, которые вы научились правильно употреблять.

1. Where did Masha go one day?

2. What did she see there?

3. Who lived in that house?

4. What did she see in the first room?

5. Were all those things big or small?

6. What plate did she eat from?

7. What did she see in the other room?

8. What bed did she like most? 1

9. What happened 2 when the bears came back home?

VIII. Прочитайте шутки. Объясните, почему в первом случае употреблено слово large, а во втором — big.

"The moon is very large," the father said. "Millions3 of people could live on it."

1 most [moust] — больше всего

2 to happen ['haepan] — случаться

3 million ['miljgn] — миллион "But where will they go when it becomes 1 a half-moon?" his son wondered.2

"Uncle Jim, what did you get the little medal3 for in the Army?4 asked a little girl.

— For singing marching songs 5 in my company.6

— And what did you get that big medal for?

— For stopping.

IX. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы.

My Zf^h OI ; wхЪ qM \ ((Г
S^^jf-J Я 5)3 Y J '^^Ат^ Haue ше T' got а u/hdle ф,-

1 to become — становиться

2 to wonder ['wAncte] — удивляться

3 medal ['medl] — медаль

4 army ['a: mi] — армия

5 marching song — походная песня

6 company рклтрэт] — воен. рота

22 1. Did the man go fishing?

2. What does he tell his friend?

3. Does the man speak about the same fish each time?

4. Does he show the same size each time?

5. Why was Pif very much surprised?

6. Will they really have a whale for dinner?

size [saiz] — размер be surprised [so'praizd] — удивляться really ['nohy —

действительно whale [weil] — кит to exaggerate Jig'zsed39reit] — преувеличивать


On Saturday Nick says he wants to go to the cinema on Sunday.

On Monday he tells his friends about the film.

The teacher comes into the classroom and says, ttGood morning!" Then she tells you many interesting things.

And what do you say when you see your friend in the street?

You say "Hello!" and then you tell him about your school life and about the books you read.


to say (said) сказать что-то to tell (told) рассказать, сообщить кому-¦ либо о чем-либо


I. Заполните пропуски глаголами to say, to tell:

1. He ... that he doesn't know that boy.

2. My father often ... me about his life in the Arctic.

3. Nick ... us about his summer holidays in the Crimea.
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