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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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4 cousin — двоюродный брат

5 in a year — через год

6 to catch up with TkaetJ* 7Ap] — догонять кого-либо

7 of the same age — одного возраста

12 Remember:

older than I am (he, she is) старше меня (его, её)

elder brother (sister, children) старший брат ¦ (сестра, дети)


I. Если у вас есть братья или сестры, скажите, кто из вас старше.

Образец: 1. NICK: I have a brother. Не is older than I am.

2. ANN: I have a sister. I am older than she is.

II. Спросите у вашего товарища, намного ли старше его брат или сестра*

Образец: 1. NICK: My brother is older than I am. ANN: How much older is he? NICK: He is five years older than I am. 2. ANN: I am older than my sister. KATE: How much older are you? ANN: I am three years older than she is.

III. Вот две сестры, посмотрите на рисунок и прочитайте подпись к нему. Ответьте на вопросы:

This is Ann and this is Lizzy. Ann is 15 years old. Lizzy is one year old.

1. Which is older, Ann or Lizzy?

2. How much older is she?

3. Which is the elder sister?

Do you answer these questions as we do?

1. Ann is older than Lizzy.

2. She is 14 years older than Lizzy.

3. Ann is the elder sister.

IV. Составьте рассказы по Картинкам:

1. Do the children like to play in the yard?

2. Who helps the small children to put on their dresses?

3. Is it a summer day or a winter day in the picture?

13 1. What form is the smallest boy in?

2. How old is he? What do you think?

3. Who helps him to do his lessons?

4. Is the elder brother a pioneer?

1. Is the small girl a pupil?

2. What form is she in?

3. Who takes her to school ning?

every mor-

V. Прочитайте текст и догадайтесь, сколько лет Лене и Кате:

Lena and Kate are sisters. In 1965 Lena went to school for the first time.1 Kate who studied 2 very well was already a tenth-year pupil.3 How old are the sisters now? Which is the elder of the two? How much older is she?


BOBBY: How old are you, Kate?

KATE: I am five, and Mother says if I am good and eat everything she gives me, I shall be one year older next birthday.


There are three trees near the bench. Which is the biggest? The tree in the middle is. It is higher than the others.

1 for the first time — в первый раз

2 to study — заниматься, учиться

3 tenth-year pupil — ученица десятого класса

14 There are three boys on the bench. Which is the biggest? The boy in the middle is. He is taller than the others.

The children are reading books. Which book is bigger? The book of the small boy is bigger. It is very big in size.1

Here are two rooms. One of them is larger than the other. You can see many things in it: a table, a sofa, four chairs, a bookcase2 and a wardrobe.3 But you can place only a bed and a chair in the other room.

Valya and Tanya are great friends. They often play together. They like to play in Valya's yard, because it is large: it is wide, there is much place there for the girls to run about.

Look at the map of the Soviet Union! How large our country is! It occupies a large area.4 Our country is a great country, because it is the first Socialist State5 in the world.

1 in size — по размеру

2 bookcase — книжный шкаф

3 wardrobe [7Wordroub] — гардероб

4 to occupy a large area ['еэгсэ] — занимать большое пространство (по


6 Socialist State — социалистическое государство

15 Remember:

big большой (по объему, размеру, росту) large большой (по площади), широкий, занимающий много места; многочисленный ¦ great большой (великий, выдающийся)


I. Ответьте на вопросы о нарисованных ниже предметах:

Образец: What is big in this picture?

The stick is big. The table is big. Etc.1

What is large in this picture?

The field is large. The room is large. Etc.

1 Etc. — И так далее 16 frf

II. Заполните пропуски

1. Our pioneer room is ... . There are two ... tables and twelve chairs in it. There are portraits 1 of our ... scientists 2 on the wall.

2. Mike and Nick are ... friends.

3. The girl has a ... basket3 full of apples. What a . . apple!

4. On the First of May we have a .,. holiday.

5. In autumn many boys and girls work in our ... school garden.

6. This pencil is too ... for this pencil-box.

7. There are ... fields around our village.

8. The Volga is a ... river.

9. London has many squares; some are small and quiet,4 others are ,.. and busy.5

10. There are cars, buses and ... lorries in the ... streets of London almost all hours of the day and night.

1 portrait — портрет

2 scientist ['saiantist] — ученый

3 basket — корзина

4 quiet — тихий

5 busy — зд. оживленный

What is big? What is large?

в предложениях словами big, large, great:

17 НІ. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, употребляя слова big и large:

Mike lives in a big white house in Gorky Street. Mike is a big and strong boy. Every morning he does his morning exercises. Mike's father is an engineer. He works at a big factory. Their factory makes buses, cars and big lorries.
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