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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
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II. Определите, соответствуют ли подписи под картинками их содержанию. Если подпись не соответствует содержанию, составьте правильный вариант.

Образец: It is easy for the children to carry the bag.

No, it is not easy for them to carry the bag. The bag is heavy. 1. The elephant is light. It's not

2. It is easy for the boy to open

3. The balloons2 are heavy. It is them.

difficult to weigh 1 it.

the door.

difficult for the girl to carry

4. It is easv for the boy to spell the word birthday.

5. It is difficult for the hedgehog3 to carry leaves on his back.

to weigh [wei] — взвешивать balloon [bc)'lu:n] — воздушный шар hedgehog [ hed^hog] — ёж

79 III» Расскажите, что изображено на картинках:

1. What are the children carry- basket ['baiskit] — корзина ing?

2. Why is it difficult for them to carry it?

3. Why did they sit down to rest — отдыхать under the tree?

4. Did they eat many apples? a lot of — много

5. How many apples are left?

6. Why is it easy for them to empty ['empti] — пустой carry the basket now?


80 1. What is the girl carrying?

2. Why is it difficult for her to do it?

3. Why did she stop?

4. Is it easier for the girl to carry the pails now?

5. Why did she stop again?

6. Why is it easy for the girl to carry the pails now?

7. Did she really help her grandmother?

pail [peil] — ведро to pour [рэ:] off — отливать

really ['rah] — действительно, на самом деле

1. What does the Negro boy try to do?

2. Why cannot he do it?

3. Where does he run?

4. Does he come back alone?

5. Is it difficult for the three boys to lift the boat?

to lift [lift] — поднимать boat [bout] — лодка a Negro ['ni:grou] boy— негритянский мальчик alone fc'loun] — один


— When I joined the Army,1 I made up my mind2 to be a general.3

— You are still a private.4

— Yes, I am. I found that it was easier to change my mind.5 Riddle

Why does ice float6 on the surface7 of water?


Bring your day-book, Pete. And you, Mike, fetch the chalk, please!

Pete has brought his day-book to the teacher. The pupil on duty 8 has fetched the chalk. My aunt has brought flowers for me on my birthday.

Ann has fetched the doctor for her grandmother.

1 to join the Army — быть призванным в армию

2 tc make up one's mind — решить, задумать

3 general — генерал

4 private — рядовой солдат

5 to change one's mind — изменить решение, передумать

6 to float — плавать

7 on the surface ['sarfis] — на поверхности

6 pupil on duty — дежурный ученик

82 Remember.

bring принести, приносить (что-либо) fetch [fet/j сходить (за чем-либо, кем-либо)


L Заполнить пропуски глаголом to fetch или to bring:

1. ... the map of Great Britain from the next room, please.

2. ... me your box of pencils, please.

3. ... another chair, this one is broken.1

4. ... the chalk, there is no chalk in the classroom.

5. ... your small sister from school.

6. ... Valya's notebook, please.

7. ... the bicycle from the yard.

И. Игра.

Ведущий просит учащихся принести ему какой-либо предмет, например: "Bring me a pencil! Bring me your book!" и т. п. Учащийся, к которому обратился ведущий, берет указанный предмет и приносит его ведущему. Если же ведущий говорит: "Fetch a ball! Fetch the map of Britain!" и т. п., то учащийся должен выйти из комнаты за названным предметом. Если же он этого не делает, то теряет очко. Выигрывает тот ряд, который выполнит все команды правильно.

1 this one is broken — этот сломан

83 III. Составьте рассказ по картинкам. Правильно пользуйтесь глаголами to \etch и to bring:

1. Why can't the old man and the old woman pull out the turnip?

2. What does the old woman do?

3. Can they pull out the turnip?

4. What does the granddaughter do?

5. Can they all pull out the turnip?

6. What does the dog do?

7. Who helped them to pull out the turnip?

8. Why cannot they carry it?

9. What does the old man do? 10. Is it difficult for the tractor

to carry the turnip?

to pull [pul] — тащить to pull out — вытащить turnip [Чэ:п~р] — репа mouse [mausl — мышь tractor ['trsekta] — трактор

IV. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы.

1. The man was hunting, wasn't he?

2. What did he shoot at?

3. Did he kill a wild duck?

4. What did the dog do?

hunter ['hAnta] — охотник to shoot [/u:t] (shot, shot) —

выстрелить, стрелять wild duck ['waild Млк] — дикая утка

85 1. What does the man always do in the evening?

2. Who watches TV together with him?

3. Does the man like the TV programme? Why do you think so?

4. What did the dog do?

to watch TV ['wot/'ti/vi:] —

смотреть телевизор programme ['ргоидгэт] — программа

telephone receiver [r/siiva] —

телефонная трубка to ring (rang, rung) — звонить

V. Заполните пропуски глаголом to fetch или to bring в нужной форме:

The pupil on duty has ... the map of the U.S.S.R. Mike has ... a new toy for his little sister. The grandmother always ... Alec from school. The postman ... the morning newspapers at 7 o'clock.
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