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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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8. Is your food tasty?

9. Do you put much salt in your food? 10. Do you have a rest after your meal?

VI. Переведите вопросы, затем предложите товарищам ответить на них:

1. Ты берешь с собой еду в школу?

2. Какую пищу ты больше всего любишь?

3. Ты моешь тарелки после еды?

VII. Отгадайте загадки:

1. What horse needs no food?

2. What animal can go without food and water for a long


3. What is it that you have at every meal but never eat? СЕДЬМОЙ КЛАСС ¦


Неге are two Russian sentences:

1. Дайте мне еще яблоко.

2. Кто еще хочет яблоко?

Please, say it in English. Do you say the sentences as I do?

1. Give me another apple, please.

2. Who else wants an apple?

Yes, that's right. The Russian word еще is translated into

English differently, sometimes as another, sometimes as else.

When do we say another and when do we say else?

Victor raises his hand.

VICTOR: When I say 'Please, give me another apple', I want to say tPlease, give me one more apple (еще одно яблоко)'.

You know that I have a friend who lives in Minsk. His name is Bob. I read his letters to you some days ago. But yesterday I got another letter from Bob, one more letter. Is that right?

TEACHER: Yes, that's right, Victor. Remember, that we may use the word another only with things which we can count (apple, letter, pencil) and only in the singular form 1 because another means еще один, еще одна, еще одно.

1 singular form — единственное число 66 Remember:

another еще один (одна, одно)


I. Вы видите нарисованные предметы, а ниже — их названия на английском языке. Подберите названия к изображенным предметам и составьте предложения по указанному в рамке образцу:

piece 1 of bread, pen, apple, sweet, piece of cake, pencil, ball, egg, plate of soup, book, glass of tea, peace of sugar.

II. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя слово another.

Образец: — Kate has eaten one apple. What is she doing now?

— She is eating another apple.

Bob has written one word on the blackboard. What is he doing now?

Can Уои ?ive me another... ?

1 piece [pi:s] — кусок

67 The woman has taken one loaf of brown bread. What is she doing now?

Kate raises her hand. She wants another cup of milk. Who else wants another cup of milk?

The workers have just made one tractor. What are they doing now?

TEACHER: Now we shall speak about the word else. When do

we use this word? SASHA: We use else after such words as who, what, where in questions. For instance: Victor has a pen-friend. Who else has a pen-friend?

68 TEACHER: Good. Sasha. We use the word else in questions after who, what, where and we use it in answers to such questions, with indefinite pronouns, like this:

— Who else is absent today?

— Nobody else.


else еще (употребляется с вопросительными словами who, what, where)


I. Составьте короткие диалоги по образцам:

a) ALEC: I like to ski. Who else likes to ski?

MIKE: I do.

ALEC: And who else?

STEVE: I like to ski, too.

ALEC: Who else?


TEACHER: Alec, you like to ski. Who else likes to ski?

ALEC: Mike and Steve do.
TEACHER: And who else?
ALEC: Nobody else.
b) NICK: You like to ski, Alec. What else do vou like
to do?
ALEC: I like to read books.
NICK: What else?
ALEC: I like to draw.1
c) KATE: I went to the cinema yesterday.
NICK: What else did you do?
KATE: I helped my mother to cook dinner.
NICK: What else?
KATE: I played with my little sister.
NICK: What else did you do?
KATE: Nothing else.
to draw [dro:] — рисовать

69 ANN: I shall go to school.

MIKE: What else will you do tomorrow?

ANN: I shall do my lessons.

MIKE: And what else?

ANN: I shall go for a walk.

MIKE: What else?

ANN: Something else; perhaps I shall write a letter to my pen-friend.

II. Прочитайте тексты к картинкам. Ответьте на вопросы, затем предложите их своему товарищу, пусть он ответит на них, а потом задаст эти же вопросы другому ученику. В ответах используйте сочетание слов, данные ниже.

This large square in our town is always full of people1 and transport. There are a lot of2 birds here too. Look! They are near the monument. Wfoj^ehej^

(at the monument, on a roof, on a balcony, at the fence, at a car, in a tree, under a tree, at a child's feet, at a man's feet, on a branch,3 in the sky)

1 full of people — полна народу

2 a lot of — много

3 branch [bra:ntj] — ветка

70 This is a May Dav demonstration in the Red Square. People are marching past1 the Mausoleum.2 They are carrying3 portraits of our leaders,4 and flags, and slogans.5 Look! There are a lot of stars everywhere. You see them on the Kremlin Towers.6 Where^^

(on the Kremlin Towers, on a girl's dress, on flags, on a balloon,7 on the Lenin Museum,8 in a girl's hand)

III. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What do you usually do on Sunday? *

2. What else?

3. Where else do you go?

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