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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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2. Which is higher Elbrus or Kasbek?

3. Did you ever climb 1 high hills?

4. Which is the tallest boy in your class?

5. What tall animals do you know?

VI. Составьте рассказ по картинкам:


1. Is it summer or winter?

2. Are the children in the maize-fields? 3

3. Is the maize very tall?

1 to climb [klaim] — взбираться, лазать

2 to lose [luz] one's way — заблудиться

3 maize-field ['meizfi:ld] — кукурузное поле


кукуруза 59 4. Why cannot the children see each other?

5. Are the children big or small?


1. What game do they want to play?

2. Where do they play basket-ball?

3. Is the captain of the team on the right as tall as all other players?

4. What has the captain in his hand?

5. Which team will win 1 the one on the right or the one on the left? Why do you think so?

a basket — корзина a team — команда field — поле

VII. Отгадайте загадки:

1. Higher than a house, 2. What is higher

Higher than a tree — Without the head than

Oh, whatever can that be? With the head?

1 to win — победить

60 VIII. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is the winner tall?

2. What did he do to become taller?

3. Did it help him?

4. Why do you think it did?

5. Is the winner resourceful?

winner ['win»] — победитель place of honour ['эпэ] — почетное место stool jstu:l] — табуретка resourceful [ri'sD:sful] — находчивый

IX. Выучите стихотворение:


It's very easy for a child, To pick the flowers growing wild.1 But for a child as tall as me, It isn't easy as you ^ee.

by Samuel Marshak


— Papa, are you growing taller all the time?

— No, child. Why do you ask?

— Because the top of your head2 is poking through up3 your hair.

1 flowers growing wild — полевые цветы

2 top of the head — макушка головы

3 is poking through up ... — выступает и виднеется над ...


Let us look at the table. What can you see on it? You see bread, butter, milk, sugar, eggs. It is our food. People can't live without food. If you go on a hike,1 or to the forest you take food with you.

Animals cannot live without food, and you certainly give your dog, cat or fish some food.

Look, the boy gives food to his fish every morning.

The mother-bird gives food to the little birds every day.

Now look at Nick. He has breakfast in the morning. It is his first meal. He has four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. He has his second meal at school, at 3 o'clock he has his third meal. Supper is the last meal of the day.


food [fu:d] пища, пищевые продукты meal [mi:l] принятие пищи, еда (завтрак, ¦ обед, ужин)

1 to go on a hike — идти в поход 62 Упражнения

I. Заполните пропуски словом food или meal и запомните эти полезные советы:

1. Wash your hands before each ....

2. Don't talk during the ... .

3. Don't throw ... under the table.

4. Don't put your ... in the other people's plates.

5. Don't make faces when you see ... that you don't like.

6. Say "Thank you" after each ....

II. Ответьте на вопросы по картинкам:

Why is the girl so stout? 1 Why does the girl make faces? Why is the fish so thin? What do these little children do?

Why did the cat jump on the table?

to take much food not to like food not to give food to have meal

to steal2 food

1 stout [staut] — толстый г to steal [sti:l] — воровать

63 III. Прочитайте рассказ и ответьте на вопросы:

Today is Kate's birthday. Нет mother buys 1 much food. Kate comes home from school and helps her mother to lay the table and put the food on the table.

The food is good and all guests like it very much. When the meal is over, Kate and her friends sing, dance and play games.

1. Whose birthday is it?

2. What does Kate's mother buy?

3. Where does Kate put the food?

4. Is the food good?

5. What do Kate's friends do when the meal is over?

IV. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why did the woman come to the river on such a frosty day?

2. Can you say that the man is an inveterate fisherman?

3. Why doesn't he have his dinner at home?

4. Did the man catch a lot of fish?

5. Is there any hope for these people that they would eat fish-soup some day?

6. Did the man fish for pleasure? What do you think?

fisherman — рыболов inveterate [in'veterit] — заядлый without a break — беспрерывно for pleasure Гріезз] — ради удовольствия fish-soup jf'fi/suip]— уха

to hope against hope — надеяться, не имея для этого оснований

1 to buy — покупать 64 V. Расскажите о себе, отвечая на следующие вопросы:

1. How many meals a day do you have?

2. Do you wash your hands before each meal?

3. Who cooks the food in your family?

4. Do you help your mother to buy the food?

5. Do you have a good meal in the morning?

6. Do you have your second meal at school or at home?

7. Do you eat your meals in the kitchen or in the living-room?
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