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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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Isn't it the mark 5 he will get?

1 of course [ov 'ko:s] — конечно

2 senior ['siinjo] — старший

3 arithmetic [a'riGmatik] — арифметика

4 footmark f'futma:k] — след ноги

5 mark [mci.k] — оценка


1. What did Pif make?

2. Did he work hard to make the rocket?

3. Can you say that Pif is a clever dog?

4. Can you make such rockets?

5. Do you want to be a spaceman 2 (space-woman)?

VII. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Did it snow heavily at night?

2. Was the caretaker glad to see so much snow?

3. Who helped him to sweep the yard?

4. How did they do it?

5. Was it kind of the children to have done so?

6. Is the caretaker grateful?

it snowed heavily — шел обильный снег caretaker ['кєзДеіко]

— дворник to sweep (swept, swept) — мести grateful — благодарный

1 rocket ['rokit] — ракета

2 spaceman ['speisman] — космонавт

54 IX. Отгадайте загадки:

The teacher writes on me with chalk; My face is black, I cannot talk; Unlike the boys whose voices 1 hum 2 I do my work remaining dumb.3

I am not an artist4 with pencil and pen, But I make portraits 5 of women and men, Of all the people that I ever see. Come, tell me truly What can I be?


Promise little, but do much. (Обещай мало, но делай много.)

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

(He откладывай до завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.)

As you make your bed, so you must lie [lai] on it. (Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.)


— Mother made a shirt6 for me and I helped her.

— What did you do?

— I sat still.

1 voice [vdis] — ГОЛОС

2 to hum [hAm] — шуметь

3 remaining dumb [dAm] — оставаясь безмолвным

4 artist — художник

5 portrait — портрет

6 shirt — рубашка

55 UNCLE: Well, Johnny, what will you do when vou grow up.1 JOHNNY: I'll grow a beard.2 UNCLE: What for?

JOHNNY: So I won't have so much face to wash.

LITTLE TOMMY: The sum that you helped me to do was all

wrong,3 Daddy. FATHER: All wrong? Well, I'm sorry.

TOMMY: Well, you needn't worry4 about it, because all other daddies were wrong too.


NICK: Look, Victor, what a tall man is walking there. VICTOR: Why do you say a tall man and not a high man? NICK: If you want to say высокий about people or animals

you must always say tall. VICTOR: So we may say that you are a tall boy? NICK: Yes, you are right. And here is a question for you: uWhich is the tallest animal?"

1 to grow up — расти (о человеке)

2 beard [bi3d] — борода

3 wrong [roij] — неправильный

4 you needn't worry — не беспокойся

56 VICTOR: Oh, it is not a difficult question. The tallest animal is the giraffe.

NICK: Look at the girl. She wants to be taller than she is.

VICTOR: Now answer my question: "Which is the highest mountain?"

NICK: I think it is Everest.

VICTOR: Yes, you are right.

NICK: Now look around and say what is high here?

VICTOR: Oh, the building of the Moscow University is very high.

NICK: Quite right. Now remember this: we can say tall about things too, but about such things which are not very wide, for instance a tall tree, a tall column1, a tall building, tall grass.


tall 1) высокий (о росте человека, животного);

2) высокий (о здании или предмете).

high высокий (о различных предметах, но Я не о людях и не о животных)


I. Заполните пропуски словом high или tall:

1. Snowdon2 is the ... mountain in England and Wales.

2. That ... column over there is Nelson's monument.

3. The tree was so ... that he was afraid 3 to jump down.

1 column ['kolam] — колонна

2 Snowdon [snoudn] — Сноудон — (гора в Англии)

3 to be afraid — бояться

57 4. John is . .. than other boys in his class.

5. "I want to ring the bell, but it is too ... and I am not ... enough/' said the boy.

6. Do you see that ... wall round the Kremlin?

7. I don't know who lives on the other side of that... fence.1

8. Many years ago peoples built ... walls round their cities.

II. Правильно соедините слова из колонки А со словами из колонки В.

! A I B
boy woman
high wall table
desk lorry
a girl mountain
tall horse window
hill door
bench man

III. Ответьте на вопросы, используя образцы:

1. — Which is taller, your friend or you? *

2. — Which is the tallest boy in your class? * — Steve is.

* your sister, your brother, the pupil who sits in front of you, the boy who lives next door to you

* in your football team,2 in your yard, in your house, in class В, C, in your Imk3

IV. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы: Is the tree as high as the house?

1 fence — забор

2 team [ti:m] — команда

3 link — звено

58 Is Mike as tall as Steve? Why cannot the girl get an apple? Why cannot the boy wash himself? wash-basin [Awo/fbeisn] умывальная раковина Why cannot the boy hang his coat? hook [huk] крючок (вешалки)

V. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What building is the highest in your town?
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