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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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mother birds;

young birds;

to give them food.

V. Отгадайте загадки:

1. What house I built without hands and an axe3?

2. Who carries his house with him?

3. What house has many people inside, but neither windows nor doors?

The house of a mouse

Is a very little house,

Is a green little house in the grass,

Which big clumsy folk4

May hunt and jnay poke 5

And still never see as they pass

This sweet little house in the grass.

1 nest — гнездо

2 to ^fay eggs — откладывать яйца

3 axe [aeks] — топор

4 clumsy folk — грубые, неуклюжие люди

5 may hunt and may poke [pouk] — зд. могут разрушать

VI. Выучите стихотворение:


These two words are very important.1 In Russian you use them many times a day. You ask your friend when you see him: «Что ты делал вчера вечером? А что будешь делать после урока?»

Не answers: «Вчера я делал полку для книг, а сегодня, после того как сделаю уроки, буду играть в шахматы».

It is always the word делать in Russian. But there are two words for it in English: to do and to make.

What do you usually do in the morning? In the morning you do your morning exercises. What do you usually do at school? At the arithmetic lessons you do sums. At your English lesson you do some exercises. What do you usually do after school?

After school you do your homework, you help your mother to do housework.

But there are many things which people make with their own 2 hands.

This boy likes to make planes.

Ann likes to make dresses for her doll.

1 important — важный

2 own [oun] — собственный

50 Your mother always makes dinner for you.

And, what can you make with your own hands?

Can you make a bird-house or a shelf for your books?

Of course, you can make something with your own hands.


to do (did) выполнять какую-либо работу,

быть занятым какой-то работой to make (made) делать, создавать что-то ¦ своими руками

Note: to do homework, housework to do exercises to do morning exercises to do sums

to make a house to make a dinner to make a dress


I. Ответьте на вопросы:

What does the carpenter 1 make?

What do little children like to make in winter?

What does the girl usually do after school?

What does the woman make?

What do people make at this factory?

What does Nick's mother usually make for his birthday?

to make a table to make a snowman to do exercises

to make a dress to make shoes to make a cake

(I. Запомните выражение to make мть постель. Ответьте на воп{

— Who makes your * bed?

— I make my bed myself.

?'s bed, которое значит стелить, оправ-[, используя образец:

* your sister's bed, your brother's bed, your mother's bed, your father's bed

1 carpenter ['kci: pinto] — плотник

51 III. Составьте предложения, употребляя глаголы do и make:

Pupils boxes
do their morning exercises
make the bird-houses
a bicycles
Workers sums

IV. Заполните пропуски глаголом to do или to make в нужной форме.


to do sums, to do exercises, to make chairs, to do one's homework, to do one's morning exercises, to make one's bed, to make breakfast

In the morning Pete ... and .... His mother .... Pete goes to school. At the arithmetic lessons the pupils . .. and at the Russian lesson they ... . In the workroom the pupils .... After school Pete goes home and ....

V. Составьте рассказ о себе, используя упражнение IV и следующие выражения:

to make a skating-rink in the yard, to make bird-houses, little boats, to be glad to do something useful,1 to do something well.

VI. Составьте диалоги, используя образцы:

PETE: What do you do after school, Nick?

NICK: I go to the Pioneer Palace.*

PETE: WThat do you do there?

NICK: We make models2 of planes, ships, lorries, and sputniks.**

* to the school

workshop ** to make tools, shelves, rockets

1 useful ['ju:sful] — полезный

2 model [7Iriodl] — модель

52 Remember:

to make fire разводить костер to make tea приготавливать чай

PETE: I say, Nick! Why don't you make your bed? And besides we must go to the kitchen * to help, we are on duty today.

NICK: What else must we do?

PETE: We must also make a fire. And don't forget to take a kettle, we must make tea! **

* to the pioneer room, to the collective farm ** to make benches, to help the farmers, to do useful things

ANN: Did you have a camp fire at the pioneer camp?

LENA: Of course1, we did.

ANN: Who made the fire?

LENA: The pioneers of the senior2 groups.

ANN: And what did you do round the fire?

LENA: We danced and played games.*

to sing (sang) songs, to tell (told) each other stories

VlI. Составьте рассказ по картинке.


What lesson do the pupils have?

What form are the pupils in?

What did the boy do at the blackboard?

Did he do sums well?

Look at the footmarks 4 the boy made.
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