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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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Present: May I leave? Можно мне уйти?
My friend may (might) know these people. Возможно, мой друг знает этих людей.
4. Модальные глаголы should [fud] и ought [xt] to имеют значение долженствования или рекомендации, часто переводятся как следовало бы или следует и относятся к настоящему и будущему времени. Образование форм в значении прошедшего времени см.и.24.а2.
Present (Future): Не should leave on Monday. Ему следует уехать в понедельник.
Не oughtn't to return home late. Ему не следует возвращаться домой поздно.
5. Глагол need в качестве модального глагола имеет значение необходимости, переводится как нужно и употребляется только в настоящем времени в основном в отрицательной форме, редко в вопросительной форме:
Present: Не needn't leave today. Ему не нужно уезжать сегодня.
6. Shall в качестве модального глагола употребляется в настоящем времени, чаще в всего в общих вопросах в 1 или 3 лице ед. числа, с целью получения указания или распоряжения:
Present: Shall he leave today? Ему уехать сегодня?
Не can have today. He could leave yesterday. Could you answer my question? He will be able to leave tomorrow. He can have tomorrow.
Next morning after the party Max woke up very early. He looked at his watch. It was a quarter past seven. His brother Alex was sleeping quietly in his bed. Max tried to get up, but he couldn't do it, because his leg hurt him. Besides, he had an awful headache.
«What happened to me?» he thought, and suddenly he remembered that yesterday evening he had to carry a large heavy table, for Kate was going to have dinner in the garden under a big tree.
Max had to do it alone, because Alex, Dan and Kate's future husband went to neighbours. These neighbours bought a hew note-book computer on that day, and they didn't know how to use it. Of course, one of the great programmers, one of the great specialists could stay and help Max with the table But unfortunately, they didn't, and Max hurt his leg. No, he wasn't weak. On the contrary, he was very strong. But there were steps down in the house, and it was very difficult to take a heavy large table out.
Finally Max got up, put on some of his clothes - a T-shirt and trousers, and went out into the garden.
it was a nice morning, the air was fresh, and the sky was clean. Max sat down on a smalt chair in the garden, took some fresh journals and magazines from the table, and began to look through them. He didn't feel good, but he didn't want to wake up his friends.
Suddenly he heard a voice from the left. He turned his head and saw a tall boy of twelve or thirteen years oW with a note-book computer in his hand.
«Excuse me. May I ask you a question?* said he. «What's the matter?» asked Max.
«You see,» said the boy, «I wasn't sleeping all night long. I was chatting with different people in foreign countries. There is one girl in England - she is watting for my answer. I must answer her soon. - But I have nolnternet connection ncw.» «You need a new Internet card,» said Max. «Can you drive a car?» asked the boy.
«Of course,* said Max. «But I don't have a driving licence here. It' is at home.* «It doesn't matter,» said the boy. «We'll take my father's licence.*
«It won't do,* said Max. «This English girl will have to wait a little. You should ask your father when he wakes up. I hope he'll drive you to the shop.»
«Okay,» said the boy and went home.
to wake up (woke) - просыпаться, будить to try - пробовать, пытаться to get up - вставать, подниматься to hurt (hurt) - причинять боль, ушибить to happen (to) - случаться, происходить (с кем-л.) to carry - тащить to use - пользоваться, использовать to put on - надевать to begin (began) [bi 'gin] - начинать(ся) to look through - просматривать to feel (felt) - чувствовать (себя) to chat - болтать
to drive (drove) - везти (в машине), водить (машину) a magazine to hope - надеяться Adjectives
головная боль сосед(ка)
clean - чистый
great [greit] - великий, замечательный weak - слабый Strong - сильный, крепкий difficult - трудный, тяжелый foreign {'farm] - зарубежный, иностранный Adverbs
early ['з:Іі] - рано
quietly ['kwaiatli] < спокойно
besides [bi'saidz] - кроме того
a leg - нога a headache [ 'hedeik] a neighbour ['neibs] a wall - стена a step - шаг, ступень clothes (pi) [kbuoz] - одежда a T-shirt - футболка trousers (pi) [ 'trauzsz] - брюки, штаны a specialist ['spe/alist] - специалист an air - воздух a chair - стул
a journal ['«feaaii] - журнал (отраслевой)
журнал (иллюстрированный) a head [hed] - голова, глава an answer - ответ a connection - связь a driving licence - водительские права
Expressions What happened? - Что случилось? unfortunately [un'fortfnith] - к сожалению on the contrary [ 'кэМгэп] - наоборот Excuse те - Извини(те) меня What's the matter? - В чем дело? It doesn't matter - Неважно It won't do - Так не пойдет
10.1 Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям с модальным глаголом must. Дайте положительные и отрицательные ответы на общие вопросы. Обратите внимание, что в отрицательном ответе на вопрос с модальным глаголом must используется модальный глагол need:
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