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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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it impossible that we'll stay at you till Monday? 7......you in time for the lesson yesterday? 8. Why.....you not
free last week-end? 9......you.....ready to start a new program tomorrow? 10. Why.....you surprised yesterday?
11. Why.....you not in time for the lesson last time? 12. Why.....you surprised that we are telling you the truth?
13. It.....impossible to return home yesterday. 14. You.....not.....tired tomorrow if you sleep well this night.
15. Why.....you not in time for dinner? 16. When.....you free?
9.25 Заполните пропуски обстоятельствами места с предлогом near.
e.g. There is a park near........... There is a park near the cinema.
1. There is a railway station near........... 2. There is a garden near.........
4. There is a dictionary near........... 5. There is a hospital near...........
7. There was a theatre near........... 8. There will be a country house near
near........... 10. There is a dog near............
9. 26* Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1. Don't worry .... your friends. They are ready to come .... us. 2. Do you often talk.....your parents.....your
problems? 3. My sister needs.....advice. She doesn't know which program to choose. 4. If you turn..... the right
you will see a new picture gallery. 5. There is no light.....this room because the lamp fell.....and broke.....
pieces. 6. Is there any pen.....the computer? 7. Is it possible that you were waiting.....your friends.....9......
10 o'clock yesterday? 8.1 am not surprised that this awful person often laughs.....his colleagues. 9......the
way.....home I chose a nice book.....adventures.....a bookshop. 10. It's a letter.....my sister. She writes.....
me that no words.....wisdom will help her.... the moment, for her life.....a small town is very hard. 11.1 know
one place.....the university where we always meet.....classes. 12. How much does this book.....poetry cost?
13......four days we are going to have a rest.....a nice place. 14. Are there any tickets......this theatre.....the
booking-office? - No, today there are not any. There will be tickets there only .... the 10th.....December.
9.27 Продолжите предложения, используя выражение that's why:
1. My sister looked tired yesterday, that's why................................
2. We needed rest last Winter that's why..........................................
3. VVe were not right that we turned to the left, that's why...............
4.1 didn't sleep last night that's why................................................,
5. Our chief didn't let me speak to him yesterday, that's why.........
6.1 was waiting for my friends after classes yesterday, that's why..
7. My friend didn't believe me, that's why.........................,..............
8. My colleague told me the truth, that's why..................................
9. This manager lost his job, thaf s why...........................................
10.1 worried about my friends, that's why.......................................
11.1 didn't remember my uncle's address, that's why.....................
12.1 wasn't ready to answer mis question, that's why.....................
13.1 don't eat meat that's why........................................................
14. These people don't have much money, that's why...................
15.1 was very tired, that's why.........................................................
. 3. There is a seat near..........
. 6. There are cars near.........
............ 9. There will be an office
9.28 Переведите предложения, используя активную лексику урока и наречие again:
1. Если мы не будем вечером усталыми, мы опять пойдем в кино. 2. Если вы разрешите мне у вас остаться, мы опять будем играть в компьютерные игры. 3. Мне снова нужен этот словарь. Дайте мне его, пожалуйста. 4. Вы удивлены, что я опять собираюсь повернуть направо? 5. Если вы не поверите мне, я опять покажу вам наш план. 6. Как только наш начальник уедет в Англию, мы снова по пятницам будем свободны. 7. Если вы опять позвоните мне слишком поздно, я не приду к обеду вовремя. 8. Я снова буду задавать ему этот вопрос, пока он не скажет мне правду. 9. Если вы будете работать так много, вам скоро опять нужен будет отдых. 10. У нашего коллега будет тяжелая жизнь, пока он снова не женится.
9.29 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. Why did Lucy look unhappy and tired? 2. Why did she need rest? 3. Which song did Alex sing? Do you know the name of this song by Beatles? 4. What did Dan see when they turned to the left? 5. How many peoplewere there at the station? 6. What were they waiting for? 7. Who was there at the next platform? 8. What did Max tell his friends about? 9. Why was the shop-assistant surprised? Did he find a vase quickly? 10, Why did Lucy and her friends laugh? 11. Were they going to be in time for dinner? 12. Why was,Max ready to fall down from his seat? 13. Which words of wisdom did Alex say to his friends? 14. Is Alex a philosopher?
9.30 Составьте ситуации со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
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