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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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Hemingway, Ernest «The first fourty-nine stories», Jonathan Cape, London, 1956
Hemingway, Leicester «My brother, Earnest Hemingway», The World Publishing Co., Cleveland-New York, 1960
Hemingway M.W. «Howit Was», Alfred Knopf, New York, 1976
Hewitt «Understanding Britain», Perspective Publication Ltd., Oxford, 1994
Hornby AS «Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English», Il Vol., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1982
«James Joyce Essays», by B.Nolan, P.Kavangh. D.Johnson, Folcroft library ed., 1973
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Kane, Robert «Britain at its best», Passport books, NTC Publishing Group, Lincolnwood, llinois, 1991
Kaushanskaya V.L. «A Grammar of the English Language», Prosveshchenie, Leningrad, 1962
Leacock, Stephen «Perfect Lover's Guide and Other Stories», Foreign Language P.H., Moscow, 1960
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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English; Longman Group Ltd., UK, 1987
Mackenzie, Munro «Background to Britain», Prentice HaW Europe, 1997
Maine G.F. «A Book ofScotland», Trust Group Ltd., London and Glasgow, 1950
Maugham W.S. «Selected Stories», Penguin Books, New York, 1982
Murphy, Raymond «English Grammarin Use», Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, 1985
New Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, Surjeet Publications, India, 1989
Nolan, William «77?e Ray Bradbury Companion», Detroit, Gale, 1975
Orwell, George «Animal Fann», Clays Ltd, St Ives, 1989
«Ray Bradbury», ed. by M.Greenberg & D.OIander, Taplinger, New York, 1980
«Pariiaments of the World», New York - Oxford, 1996
Peirce, Neal «c77?e book of America», W.W. Norton & Co., New York - London, 1983
Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartik J. «A University Grammar of English», «Vyssaja skola», Moscow, 1982
Reznic R.V., Sorokina T.S., Kazanitskaya ТА. «A Grammar of Modem English Usage», Flinta, Moscow, 1997
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Sheerin, Susan «Spotlight on Britain», Oxford University Press», Oxford, 1989
Thackeray, William Makepeace «Tha Complete Works», Crowell, New York, 1894
Tomakhin G. «Across the United States of America», Prosveshchenie, Moscow, 1980
Vaughan R., Bystom P., Bateman S. «In britain», Chancerel, London, 1997
Vonnegut, Kurt «Welcome to the Monkey House», Dell Publishing Co, lnc, New York, 1968
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Webster's New Book of Synonyms, Merriam - Webster Inc., Publishers Springfield Massachusetts, USA
Weiner E. «Тле Oxford Miniquire to English Usage», Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987
Wilde, Oscar «De Profundis», G.P.Putnam's sons, New York and London, 1905
Wilde, Oscar «Plays, Prose Writings and Poems», J.M.Dent & Songs Ltd., London, 1975
Internet Sites:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/ vote2001/hi/english/main_issues/sectionstfacts/newsid_1205000/1205536.stm
http://www.k-1 .com/Orwell/bio.htm
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