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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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Think today and speak tomorrow 89
Truth is often stranger than fiction 186
Two heads are better thamjne 113
Walls have ears 249
We know not what is good until we have lost it 171 What is worth doing at all is worth doing well 215 What must be must be 89 Who breaks pays 67
a/an 18.320 Composite Prepositions 266 hardly... when 300
about 26 Compound Nouns 328 have I has
above 22 Compound Pronouns 266 have to 78
abroad 174.184 could 78.250.282 have got 99
according to 266 Definite Article 18.320 he 18
after Degrees of Comparison 102 her 22
again 69 Derivative Adjectives 336 here 27.37
against 128 Derivative Nouns 328 here Is I here are 49.56
ago 48 Derived Verbs 336 herself 126
all 41.58 did 48.114.300 him 26
almost 198 Disjunctive questions 102 himself 126
already 90 do/does 32.45.114 his 22.126
also 59.300 due to 266 how 22
Alternative Questions 22 during 58 how long 216
always 32 each other 116 , however 92
among 168 either.... or 218.225 if 68. 114
another 128.136 elder 102 Imperative 22. 32
any 58 eldest 102 in 22.40.68
anybody 90 else 104 in accordance with 266
anyone 90 enough 116.121 in addition to 266
anything 90 even 128 in case 160
anyway 116 ever 90 hi case of 266
anywhere 90 every 32 in fact 160
Articles 18.320 everybody 90 in order to 158
as 136 everyone 90 in spite of 188
as.... as 102 everything 90 in vain 300
as if /as though 234 everywhere 90 indeed 266
as soon as 68 except 104 Indefinite Article 18.320
as to/for 266 far 33. 102 - Indirect Speech 114
at 22.26.40 farther 102 Infinitive 172
at all 128 farthest 102 inside 128
at last 104 few/a few 40.102 instead of 188
at once 116 first 40 into 22
bad 19.102 for prep. " Inversion 300
badly 41.102 for су. 41 Irregular Verbs 48.90
be for a long time 90 it 18.26
be able to 78 forages 90 its 22
be likely 282 for the sake of 266 itself 126
because 27 for what purpose 158 just 90
because of 266 forward 140 last 48
before from 22.26 lay 180.197
beforehand 278 further 102 lately 90
beside 104 furthest 102 least 102
besides 79.198 Future Continuous 126 leave 59.68
best 102 Future Continuous in the Past 126 less 102
better 102 Future Perfect 126 let 69.74.158
between 128.168 Future Perfect in the Past 126 lie 197
both 116 Future Simple 68 like prep. 33.38
both... and 218.225 Future Simple in the Past 114 like v. 116.136
by General questions 21.114 little/a little 40.102
by means of 266 Gerund 188.202 long 58.102
can 78.282.234 go 37.58.68 102 look forward to 202
can't help 204 going to 26.68 lot 40.120
Cardinal numerals 32.40 good 19.102 make 41.45.158
come 37.68 had 68.102 many 40.102
Complex Object 158.172 had better 300 may
Complex Subject 158 hardly 262 maybe 27
might 78.282 Prepositions this 18.32
mine 126 those 18
Modal Verbs 78.263 "Present Continuous 26.68 though 169
more 102 Present Perfect 90 through 140
most 102.106 Present Perfect Continuous 216 till 69
much 40.102 Present Perfect Passive 138 to 26.37.48
must 78.282 Present Simple (Indefinite) 32 together 33
my 22 Present Simple Passive 138 too 56
myself 126 Punctuation 300 towards 226
near 69 Questions Uncountable Nouns 40.216
nearly 168 quietly 79 us 26
need modal v. 78.282 quite 168 used to 266
need v. 69 rather 168 usually 32
neither 300 Reflexive Pronouns 126 was 58.114
neither... nor 218.225 recently 90 we 18
never 90.300 same 140.148 well 31.102
nevertheless say I tell I speak / talk 120 were 58.114.234
news 216 scarcely 300 what 22.32
next 49.68 seem 116.124 what for 158
no 58 seldom 32 what kind of 58
no one 90 Sequence of Tenses 114 whatever 266
nobody 90 several 177 when
not only .... but 300 shall 68 whenever 266
not so ...as 102 shall mod. v 78 where 22
nothing 90 should 114.234.250 wherever 266
now 26 similar 261 whether 114
nowadays 104 since 90.216 which 22
nowhere 90 Singular 18.216 whichever 266
of 40.58.188 so 147.300 while 58.176
of coarse 49 so far 90 who 22.32
offer / propose / suggest 244 some 58.90.300 whoever 266
often 32 somebody 90 •whole 58
on 22.40.188 someone 90 whom 26
once 92.112 sometimes 32 whose 22
only 33 something 90 why 22
opposite 140 somewhere 90 will 68.126.216
or 22.33 soon 59.68 wish 158.234
Ordinal Numerals 40 Special questions 22.114 with 26.138
other 128.136 still 26 within 116
ought to 78.282 Subjunctive Mood 234.250 > without 59.188
our 22 such 140.147 worse 102
ours 126 than 102.300 worst 102
ourselves 126 thanks to 266 worth 204.212
out of 22 that pron. 18 would
outdoors 116 that cj. 41.300 would like 27.158
Participle I 26.172 that's why 69 would rather 300
Participle Il 90.172 the 18.320 yet 90
Passive Voice 138 their 22 you 18.26
past prep. 48 theirs 126 young 59.102
Past Continuous 58 them 26 your 22
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