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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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...... Canada; ...... Mexico.
T4.2 Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо:
About one eighth of......inhabitants of......Great Britain live in......London area, and......head offices of......
very large number of......firms were established there, even though......factories may be in......provinces. It is
...... concentration of...... population that has given..... London..... importance greater than even its area.
......London is......city that is most visited by......foreigners. However, it would be wrong to say that......
London is...... England.......people in...... provinces not only have...... customs of their own but are also
responsible for...... greater part of...... British industrial production Actually......UK may be divided into.....
eight great industrial regions........ Midland area around...... Birmingham produces...... metal goods.......
electrical and engineering goods....... near-by North Staffordshire area is...... coal-mining region. In......
Yorkshire ...... woolen industry is highly developed....... Leeds is...... great centre for...... clothing and
engineering.......Sheffield is famous for......its steel. Hull is.....important fishing port.......coal fields of......
southern Yonshire extend down into.....Midland area.......South Wales is......coal-mining area, and today it is
also important because......factories producing.....plastics.......chemicals, and.......' textiles have been built,
partly in order to prevent......unemployment in......area.......Northern Ireland Is famous for...... production
of...... cigarettes and...... tobacco. With...... discovery of...... gas in...... North Sea.......more remote parts
of...... Britain are developing their own industry.
T4.3' Заполните пропуски предлогами:
Тле American colonists.... the XVII century enjoyed a degree.... freedom denied to most people.....the world.
Europeans lived .... many reminders.... their feudal past. As .... America, it had no feudal history. While .... Europe established churches required the compulsory contribution.... people; America had no single established
church.and was not an important practice..... England, men could be pressed.... service.... the Royal Navy;
Americans were free.... such service.....the colonists, their relationship.... the British Empire was a good one.
They maintained the rights .... Englishmen and .... the same time enjoyed the protection .... the English government..... 1763, Britain and the colonies had reached a compromise.... imperial control and colonial self-government. America's foreign affairs and overseas trade were controlled .... the king and Parliament. But... most people, colonists didn't want to be taxed. And they especially didn't want to be taxed.... a distant government which they had no representation. The Stamp Act.... 1765 was the first direct tax.... the colonies. All kinds
...... documents - complaints, appeals, diplomas, licenses, newspapers - were taxed. Documents had to be
, prepared .... specially stamped papers that could be received only .... official distributors appointed .... the
Crown.....the colonies, opposition.... the Stamp Act was immediate. A group... citizens, calling themselves the
Sons ....Liberty, started the struggle .... the new order.
T4.4 Образуйте производные прилагательные от данных существительных посредством суффиксации:
economy, industry, agriculture, technology, geography, history, globe, empire, president, constitution, parliament, government, environment, fundament, universe, nation, education, expansion, finance, commerce, colony, centre, democrat, patriot, chart, labour, union.
Т4.5 Образуйте производные существительные от данных глаголов посредством суффиксации:
to govern, to administrate, to contribute, to elect, to manage, to establish, to educate, to negotiate, to tax, to employ, to announce, to achieve, to advertise, to settle, to expand, to declare, to react, to commemorate, to represent, to legislate, to define, to dominate, to exist, to resist, to depend, to defend, to pay, to entertain, to inhabit.
T4.6 Образуйте производные существительные от данных прилагательных посредством суффиксации:
feudal, imperial, absolute, colonial, national, liberal, conservative, provincial, global, progressive, social, plural, subjective, major, human, active, christian, free.
T4.7 Переведите следующие понятия на английский язык:
государство, республика, монархия, империя, правление, правительство, парламент, демократия, выборы, всеобщее избирательное право, тайное голосование, большинство голосов, палата парламента, исполнительная власть, законодательная власть, анешняя политика, референдум, внутренняя политика, экономика, законопроект, переговоры, договор, промышленность, сельское хозяйство, социальное обеспечение, медицинское страхование, безработица, профсоюз, заработная плата, доход, налогообложение, пособие, плата за обучение, обязательное образование, рынок труда, валюта, потребительские товары, окружающая среда, средства массовой информации, цензура, реклама, свобода, независимость, гражданская аойна, вторжение, сопротивление, распределение, I мировая война, Il мировая война, армия, альянс, мирный договор, экономическая реформа, фондовая биржа, потребительская корзина.
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