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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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Philadelphia Congress adopted ......................................... 11. The Declaration of Independence was written
by............................... 12. The document defined........................ 13. Its first part stated that....................
14. The second part declared ....................... 15. For six years there had been military actions for
............................. 16. During the Napoleonic wars................................ 17. What made the country completely
independent was that.................... 18. The conflict inside the country was.................. 19. When Abraham
Lincoln, who was against slavery, was elected President..................... 20. In April 1861 southern Confederate
forces captured....................... 21. In less than 5 years................... 22. The victory of the Union army over
the Confederate was.................23. At the end of the XIX century there started................................24. When
World War I started in Europe....................25. In the twenties of the XX century the USA turned.............................
26. On October 24, 1929, Black Thursday, ............................... . 27. The nation stayed in this depression
................... 28. When in 1933 Roosevelt was elected President, he.........................................
30.13 Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Where did the first people who lived in North America come from? 2. Which tribes lived in North America by the time when in 1492 the New World was discovered by Columbus? 3. In which century did England establish colonies in North America? 4. When were the colonists given the right to self government? 5. How many colonies did the British establish in America? Which ware they? 6. What was the role of colonies for the British Empire? 7. Which process was developing in the colonies of the XVIII century? 8. How did the struggle of Americans for their independence start? 9. Who and when was elected Commander of the colonies' armed forces? 10. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?, 11. Who was the author of the Declaration? 12. What did the Declaration define? 13. What was stated in the first part of the Declaration? 14. What did the second part of the document declare? 15. How long had there been military actions for the colonies? 16. When were the United States of America finally acknowledged? 17. Which attempt did the USA make during the Napoleonic wars? 18. When did the British recognize the United States country boundaries? 19. Which conflict did the USA face inside the country? 20. What happened when Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the USA? 21. Why did seven Southern states leave the Union? 22. How did the Civil War begin? How long did it last? What were the results of this war? 23. What did the victory of the Union army over the Confederate mean for the development of the country? 24. Which movement did it start in the USA at the end of the XlX century? 25. What was the policy of the USA during World War I? 26. Which was the position of the USA in the world in the twenties of the XX century? 27. What happened in October 1929? 28. Which reform was introduced by President Roosevelt in 1933?
30. 14 Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Первые тринадцать колоний, основанные британцами в Северной Америке, находились на востоке материка. 2. С введением самоуправления в колониях и развития в них капиталистического общества, идея установления независимости становилась асе более популярной. 3. В ходе войны за независимость под руководством Джорджа Вашингтона, была принята Декларация, которая провозгласила независимость Соединенных Штатов Америки. 4. Гражданская война 1861-1865 гг. положила конец использованию рабского труда в южных штатах страны и открыла путь к дальнейшему развитию капитализма. 5. В конце XIX века в США началось реформистское движение, которое привело к демократизации общества. 6. Двадцатые годы стали «золотым веком» для Америки, которая превратилась в ведущую империалистическую страну мира. 7. Началом Великой депрессии стало крушение фондовой биржи.
T4.1 Запопнцте пропуски соответствующими артиклями перед существительными, обозначающими географические понятия:
......United Kingdom of......Great Britain and......Northern Ireland; ......British Isles;......Europe; ......Atlantic
Ocean; ......Irish Sea; ......North Sea, English Channel....... England,......Scotland.......Wales.......
Tuff River; ......Southern Uplands....... Island of...... Ireland; ......Thames; .....•. Shannon.......Belfast.......
British Empire; ...... United States of...... America; ......Panama Canal Zone;......Virgin Islands; ......Pacific
Ocean; ...... Pacific Trust Territory; ......Bering Sea; ......Alaska; ......Appalachian Highland; ......Cordifleran
Highland;......Great Valley;......Mississippi Lowland;......Mississippi River; ......Missouri;......Great Lakes;
...... Ontario; ......South Africa; ...... North America; ......Asia; ...... Georgia; ......South Carolina; ...... USA;
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