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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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7. The Commonwealth Republic was ................................ 8. A period of Restoration began after
............................... 9. The capitalism in Britain consolidated because of................................. 10. In the XVIII
Britain was turning into...................... 11. It was the time of............................. 12. Britain struggled with
France for.................................. 13. As a result, the British Empire................... 14. The conquered lands
were used as................................... 15. In the Royal House that was the time when...............................
16. Actually the country was ruled by............................. 17. The next Kings George I (1714-1727) and George
Il (1727-1760) ................................... 18. The Parliament was working at a number of laws which
........................... 19. At the same time Britain became................. 20. The nation was dividing into two parts:
................. 21. As an echo of the French Bourgeois Revolution of 1789 .............................. 22. During the
period of Napoleonic wars in the XIX century Britain........................... 23. In the reign of King William IV(1830-
1837)......................... 24. In 1847 Karl Marx............................. 25. Queen Victoria (1837-1991) became
.............. 26. By the beginning ofthe XX century economic life in Britain.............27. The new King Edward VII
(1901-1910)........... 28. King Charles V (1910-1936)................
30. 10 Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What was the most typical for the history of Britain in the XVII century? 2. Which way of development triumphed in Britain? 3. Where did the first Stuart King James I come from? 4. Why was he limited by the Parliament in his power? 5. What was the policy 6f Charles I ? 6. What was the reaction of the Parliament to his policy? 7. Which events brought to Charles' Il being crowned? 8!~Wnich period began during his reign? 9. Which period entered Britain in the XVIII century? How was this period called? 10. Which country did Britain struggle with for domination of the seas and the control of India? 11. Which colonies did the British Empire conquer as a result of its colonial expansion? 12. In which way were the captured lands used? 13. What happened when the Stuart dynasty ended? 14. Why were the kings from the House of Hanover wanted on the throne? 15. Whatwas the Parliament working at? 16. Which two parts was the nation dividing into? 17. What happened as an echo of the French Bourgeois Revolution of 1789? 18. What was the policy of Britain during the period of Napoleonic wars in the XIX century? 19. Which reform was adopted by the Parliament in the reign of William IV? What was the result of this reform? 20. How did the chartist movement arise? Who supported the chartist movement? 21. Whatwas the role of Queen Victoria in Britain ofthe second half of the XIX century? 22. When did capitalism in Britain turn into imperialism? 23. What was the policy of Kings Edward VII and Charles V? 24. Which side did the Great Britain take during the World War I?
30. 11 Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Великобритания была первой страной в Европе, где произошла буржуазная революция. 2. В результате буржуазной революции в Великобритании XVII века возникла буржуазная система, этот процесс сопровождался развитием различных отраслей промышленности и международной торговли. 3. В начале XVII, века парламент играл большую роль в управлении страной. Однако второй король из династии Стюардов, Чарльз I, распустил парламент, что привело к гражданской войне. 4. В 1649 году после казни Чарльза I страна была объявлена республикой. 5. С победой капитализма в XVIII веке в результате колониальной экспансии, Британия превратилась в огромную империю с колониями во всем мире. 6. Отголоском Французской буржуазной революции^ 789 года стали забастовки пролетариата и возникновение демократического движения. 7. Во время'еойны с Наполеоном Британия стала членом коалиции вместе с Пруссией, Австрией, Россией и Швецией. 8. Чартистское движение выступало за демократические изменения в стране. 9. Королева Виктория символизировала процветание Британской Империи, которая к началу XX века превратилась в развитое империалистическое государство.
ЗО. 12 Продолжите следующие предложения (Text О):
1. The first people to live in North America came........................... 2. North America became populated by
.................,........... 3. The New World was discovered by ColumbuS...........................4. England established
colonies (n North America..................... 5. There were established............................ 6. The first colonies
were............................7. In the XVIII century capitalism........................8. In 1775 the Congress of the United
Colonies.......................,. . 9. in the coarse of the War of Independence........................ 10. in 1776 the
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