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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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newspapers may................................3. As for the censorship,....................................4. Free and independent
press is............................................. 5. It plays a great role in.................. 6. Daily newspapers infortri
readers of ........................................... 7. Weekly newspapers offer ....................................... 8. British
newspapers can be divided into two groups:.............................9. Quality newspapers are....................................
10. Popular newspapers are............................... 11. The Times is considered.....„......................... 12. The
Quardean addresses to .......................... 13. The most readable popular press newspapers are
.............................. 14. Among popular weekly newspapers there are.................................... 15. Broadcasting
in Great Britain is controlled by ....................................................... 16. The BBC was the first authority in the
world............,............ 17. The IBA opened its television service in.............................. 18. Private commercial
companies are.................................................... 19. The advertising time is.....................................20. Viewers
of any of the channels can watch .......................................... 20. National radio is.............................
29. 10 Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Which principles guarantee freedom and independence to British press? 2. Do newspapers express openly - their own views on politics and other important themes? 3. May these views be different to the views of the government and leading political parties? 4. Is there censorship of press in Great Britain? 5. What are newspapers responsible for? 6. What is an important source of information for everybody? 7. What is the role of press in building up public opinion? 8. How many newspapers are there in the UK? 9. What do daily newspapers inform readers of? 10. What do weekly newspapers offer to their readers? 11. Which are two groups British newspapers can be divided into? 12. What are the main features of quality newspapers? 13. What are popular newspapers concentrated on? 14. Which quality daily newspapers can you name? 15. Which newspaper is considered to be the most serious and influential newspaper in the country? 16. Which are the most readable popular press newspapers? Which format do they use? 17. Which are the most popular weekly newspapers? What kind of articles do they contain? 18. Which corporations control broadcasting in Great Britain? 19. When did the BBC open its public television service? 20. When did the IBA open its television service? 21. Where does the BBC receive it's income from? 22. In which way do private commercial companies earn money? 23. Why is the advertising time strictly limited by the special Act? 23. What may the British viewers watch on TV? 24. Which corporation controls the national radio? 25. Which programs are available on the radio? 26. Which programs of private radio stations consist mainly of music?
29. 11 Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Принципы демократического общества гарантируют свободу и независимость прессы. 2. Цензура прессы в демократических государствах запрещена. 3. Газеты могут открыто высказывать независимую точку зрения по разным вопросам. 4. В тоже время газеты несут ответственность за публикуемые материалы. 5. Свободная и независимая пресса является важным источником информации для граждан всех стран. 6. Свободная и независимая пресса играет важную роль в формировании общественного мнения. 7. Ежедневные и еженедельные газеты информируют читателей о важнейших событиях в мире, отражают основные тенденции внутренней и внешней политики, рассказывают о наиболее значительных фактах культурной жизни. 8. Теле- и радиовещательная корпорация ВВС и коммерческая радио- и телекомпания IBA контролируют работу всех радио- и телекомпаний. 9. Частные коммерческие радио-и телекомпании получают доходы от рекламы. 10. Время для рекламы строго ограничено специальным актом. 11. На любом из каналов Британского телевидения можно увидеть такие программы как новости, ток-шоу, спортивные и музыкальные программы, телевизионные и художественные фильмы. 12. Частные радиокомпании транслируют новости и музыку.
29. 12 Расскажите о средствах массовой информации в нашей стране.
29. 16 Дополните следующие предложения (Text L):
1. The entry age to compulsory education in the USA is................. 2. The age of exit varies....................
3. The length of primary education varies.......................4. It is followed by..................5. Secondary education
occurs in................ 6. All states and school districts have set the secondary school graduation level as
............... 7. The common name for the secondary graduation qualification is................ 8. Those who wish to
enter any university or one of other institutions of higher education.................... 9. Bachelor's degrees are
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