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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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of imperfection before (to notice). 3. In vain.....he.............to hide his real feelings (to try). 4. There.............
only one thing which is worse than malice, it's shallowness (to exist). 5. Hardly.....he............. his purpose
when he realized how weary of everything he was (to achieve). 6. No sooner.....the sun............. than all
around was covered with white snow (to rise). 7. Not only.....he............. ous attention to this matter, but he
also explained to us why it was worth considering (to draw). 8. In vain.....he............. to come to the party; it
was a success (to decline). 9. No sooner.....we............. a meeting than I fell ill (to appoint).' 10. Nothing
............. him inspiration when he was away from everything he loved (to bring). 11. In vain......he .r...........for
his principles; nobody here approves of it (to struggle). 12. Not only.....he............. his promise, but he also
betrayed his best friend (to break). 13. Hardly.... the wind............. when people moved towards beach again
(to cease). 14. No sooner.....my mother............. me to phone our uncle than he turned up (to remind).
15. Never.......she........... disappointed at her life as she is now (to be). 16. Hardly.....he............. all his
money from this bank when the entire corporation stopped payments, (to draw). 17. In vain.....he.............
such demands on life, his hopes were ruined (to make).
Т. 3.4* Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в соответствующей грамматической форме Infinitive, Gerund или Participle (I, II):
1.1 have never seen my colleagues............. for such a long time about any matter (to argue). 2.1 wonder what
made them............. against this idea (to fight). 3. This idea is considered............. worth............. attention to
(to be, to pay). 4. Nobody noticed our secretary............. out..............(to burst, to cry). 5. This couple is
known ............. a child recently (to adopt). 6. What made this lawyer.............our attention to this matter? (to
draw) 7.............. a tender heart my sister feels compassion for both............. people and.............animals (to
have, to suffer). 8.............. a sincere person my friend always prefers............. the truth (to be, to tell).
9. Besides............. events this woman is able............. people for different illnesses (to predict, to treat).
10. The............. program is reported............. a new step in psychology of business relations (to announce, to
become). 11. It goes without.............that .............fruit seems.....,.......the sweetest (to say, to forbid, to be).
12........... immediately........... this news turned out ............. false (to spread, to be). 13. These people are
reported............. in an accident last Monday (to perish). 14.............. to pieces his notes were lying under the
table (to tear). 15. Our chief would like these facts.............inan article (to reflect). 16. Who let your colleagues
.............this question at the meeting? (to raise). 17.............. after............. my jeans didn't seem............. me
any more (to shrink, to wash, to suit). 18. Do you fancy.......................... part in a new show............. by our
chief? (to suggest, to take, to direct) 19.1 don't expect these people..............by your arguments (to convince).
20.............. from the Bible in a right way these words must..............everybody (to quote, to impress).
T. 3.5* Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в соответствующей форме группы Continuous или Perfect Continuous:
1. In spite of obstacles this man..................for his ideas all his life (to fight). 2.1 am afraid, I...................our
chiefs report from 7 till 8 o'clock tonight (to interpret). 3. These people......................such a hard fife for many
years when suddenly everything changed (to lead). 4. When I "arrived home, my brother....................a big
poster for his girl-friend (to draw). 5. By next June our company...................these sportsmen for two years (to
support). 6. Being conscious of her misfortune my sister...................all night long (to weep). 7. When I
...................for my exam yesterday, my brother....................me all the time (to prepare, to disturb). 8. This
v man......................for 20 years until he found a doctor who helped him (to stammer). 9. This bank..................
our money abroad for three days already (to transfer). 10. These fellow-students...................... one room for
two years by the time when one of them married (to share). 11. I am weary of all these stories my uncle
...................for 10 years (to tell). 12.1 am sure that this cruel man...................my sister's life all the time they'll
be together (to ruin).
T. 3.6* Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в соответствующей форме группы Perfect или Perfect Continuous:
1. After my colleagues......................that task they offered us their help (to fulfil). 2. By the end of the month
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